Weeb black gf is the endgame

weeb black gf is the endgame

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who is this semen magnet

How can asians and Whites top this?

whomst is this individual

dayum sun she thicc who dis?

nigga if nobody drops sauce i will shoot myself

By not being by black

she cumskin


thats micky moon

Spot the underage faggot
>Did you find him? He's the one who spells it with an "a" at the end

spotted the pol sperg

Who are you greentexting you dumb summerfag? Reddit wants you back.

>doesn't know how greentext works

fucking summerfag. Go back to plebbit.



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this is pretty embarrassing

I bet is is some nigress making all of these black girl threads. You aren't fooling anyone. 99% of Black girls are all fat and disgusting no one likes them.

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Are you even surprised?
Whitoids LITERALLY CANNOT be robots

i'll take one or two but not really I can't handle harems

Damn i would jizz inside this nigger and call her a thotie after im done lel

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I can garauntee you it's not. I think the only black fembots are me, this nice black fembot who made a face thread a while ago, and this other black girl who only likes black guys. Wouldn't make sense for any of us to make these.

>tfw when I had a chance to get a weeb black gf hotter than her and i fucked it up

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Why dont weeb black girls like weeb black guys? every single one that I've met has an asian or white bf

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christ you're worse than a tripfag

I think we're the minority too
weeb black guys like asians and whites too

Mickey is such a gross cunt. Visit lolcow, these chicks are pathetic. Honestly I'm starting to dislike Amina as well.

tfw no black weeb bf
i'm white though :c

be grill or pretend
gain orbiters

I posted that here by accident but holy fuck dude thats a good idea. Thanks.

Weeb gf that isn't just trying to fit into some shitty subculture but is a genuine hobbyist is the endgame. If she
>hasn't seen at least 400 shows not counting movies and shorts
>doesn't know Japanese
>doesn't read raw manga or untranslated eroge
>doesn't play galge in general
>doesn't have at least surface knowledge of the industry
>doesn't play doujin games or shmups
I want her out of my fucking sight

but she's hot bro. so it doesn't matter. duh.

Why don't you like them. What would make the optimal weeb black gf for you?

whoa I guess i'm an ironic weeb then

get your shit together, user.

I don't think that black weebs are into trannies

>lolcow farm/snow/res/386697

Not being a drama louse, lying, fat slut for one. She's not even hot.

These girls have taken miles of thug black dick. If you're a weeb black guy (like myself) stick to art hoe black girls.

>I bet is is some nigress making all of these black girl threads. You aren't fooling anyone. 99% of Black girls are all fat and disgusting no one likes them.
And all white girls are fat Hicks who do meth and are vain bitches and all Asian girls are curveless mongloid face simple bitches and all Latinas are angry fatshits with stretch marks and sagging tits just fuck off you faggot get over it no one cares about your stupid shit now go on your mission to save the white race and tell us when you get successful you little shit

feels gud doesnt it? :^)

Haha wow
Guess that guy touched a nerve, huh?
It is true . Niggers really do look ugly and smell bad. Apart from Eritreans and some Sudanese and Ethiopians

not even him but dude stfu, you guys that have 0 experience with anything but want to judge everything are the most fucking obnoxious. Btw every race says another stinks. white people have a wet dog/boiled hotdog water smell to me

It doesn't benefit me to make robots like the idea of an aggressive/ghetto black girl teasing them.

every time, every fucking time.

meanwhile the best blackbots can hope to attend is link related


if they want American black yes

Why would you want to date a fat weeb girl

What is surprising about this. Used up BPD nog converts to weeb culture to escape her slutty, abusive past and settles for white betabux enabler who obsesses over her and treats her like a goddess, telling her there's nothing wrong with all her BPD tendencies, all the while she flaunts herself on the Internet and likely in person too when he's not around, claiming she "hates people making advances at me, it pisses me off so much".

She knows she's better than him, she knows she can do better physically and she knows he will never be able to leave her or stop loving her and being reliant on her.

This is exactly what my ex thought she had with me, she was quite wrong. Power in life comes from knowing how you come across to others.

thats why you got to get the quiet black weebs they out there just quiet nigga

Yeah, look it's not hard to tell if a girl is a used up whore, your gut is usually right 9 times out of 10, the things she says "All the shit I put up with in the past from abusive assholes", right so you're telling me you stayed with guys who treated you significantly worse than I did and you gave more to them and demanded less? That's a little disconcerting, to be honest. "I've kissed so many frogs, and I've finally found my prince" Umm, I thought you had only been involved sexually with three guys before me, and two of them were 2 year long relationships, one being an abortive one night stand with a dicklet who could barely get it in you?

I'm not flirting, I'm just bubbly and friendly? I was just testing to see how you would react! I'm just uploading these pictures of myself in a slutty dress and choker for my girlfriends and for ME!

Look, if you know you know, man. Just don't let yourself fall, ever, because when you fall you will rationalize and try to ignore and overlook and accept.

You shouldn't and you can't. You know when a girl is trash, and rip that fucking band aid off as soon as you know.

this so freaking much
but my personality makes it hard to find quiet girls because I am naturally quiet. I never start convos with random people


Yeah, same here. I'm a quiet introvert, so the only girls that tend to go for me are extroverts, or in other words sluts.

EVERY TIME. Whites can only be cyborg. Not robots because every fembot wants a white guy.

she cute but her voice is ratchet af

Requesting that pic of Asians covering their noses while sitting next to Negroids on the train.

sorry my dude but I dont uh swing that way

I dont fuck guys lol

asian boys were built for the black pussy


what does this pose mean btw

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She looks like Quagmire's long lost niglet

You're retarded. There's a ton of black fembots. They just don't all speak about it.

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the other side , but it

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are you mad black boio?

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If you truly believe Asian women are beautiful your retarded they literally smell like hot leaking trash bags

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>knew like 7 weeb black girls
>didn't hit on them because they were legitimate thots
One of them was pregnant at 15, never saw her since.

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you want this bbc?

tfw no blacc weeb gf to sing idolm@ster songs with

Here are three compilations that show how beautiful Asian women are
More like black dick

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I'm retarded I forgot one of the videos!

nothing turns me on more than girls who are in on the ahegaho meme
where do you find those? anime conventions?

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Any 'Special Needs' classroom.

Who ever wrote the text for the shirt is a retard.

>Implying those females exist irl
2d is the dream one will never reach.

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i just want to fuck a girl who enjoys becoming retarded from it

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Don't we all want that?

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>Used up BPD nog converts to weeb culture to escape her slutty, abusive past and settles for white betabux enabler who obsesses over her and treats her like a goddess, telling her there's nothing wrong with all her BPD tendencies
Is this common? I'm afraid I'm talking to someone like this.

That dong is enormous

Dude that girls looks young. That guy is assuming all kinds of things.

onFri . the. I will not

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He's a Chad, you nigger retard, What is wrong with you dopey niggers thinking every white robot is a 8/10?

her nudes are OK, rare to find though

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