It's tendies night at mom's house boys, shit is gonna get WILD

It's tendies night at mom's house boys, shit is gonna get WILD

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Tyson is pretty good but kinda expensive.

Only the best for mommy's babby boy :^)

That cat is adorable :3

That cat looks like it knows what's gonna happen when it sees that bottle and it's not good.

I hope you tread that absolutely fucking turbo cute kot well!
Also this meal looks really yummy

please dont eat cat

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even your cat looks concerned

more pics of cat pls

It's gonna get SMASHED

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that kot aaaaahhh

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what an absolute cutie post more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Noooo user poor kitty.

mfw a cat is boutta get more lit than me

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He's adorable, the name's Timmy. My mom found him in the bushes outside last week./88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888-

Also he stepped on my keyboard AHAHAHAHA

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>webcam taped off

The worst part is I can't even start cooking it for a few more hours until mom gets here


Some large percentage of cat owners are infected with toxoplasma gondii, and it's because cats walk around in their own feces and then walk all over your house, like on countertops.

Hell yeah, I'd do anything for my cat overlords. The parasite demands it.

ftfy friend

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That cat knows what he's in for.
May the Cat-God help him.
>It's gonna get SMASHED
Spare the kitty, user! Please!

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My dads bringin home pizza and beer tonight which has me very stoked, but you definitely one up me with the kitty

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What the fuck is this mysterious chunk in my drink
I'm not pleased with this

Pizza is cool but it's not tendies

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ranch > all
honeymustard blows

Oh no no no no
I just took a STRAIGHT SIP of honey mustard and I can confirm it's QUALITY. Way better than ranch my man.

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Nice pussycat

Can you just make this a thread about your cat op?

Chicken tenders or cried chicken?

That look of concern on your cat's face is the best thing in this picture

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Foster Farms>Tyson
BBQ>Honey Mustard
Waffle Fries>Steak Fries

nigga do you even tendie?

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What about popcorn?

The cat is just a guest star
The real star is tendies

I respectfully disagree. But I don't think Foster Farms is even sold in my area, never had em.

Popcorn what? Popcorn chicken? Get out of here with that weak shit. Tendies or bust.

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That is one NICE fucking cat user. Sending pets.

Will you eat the cat too?

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Of course it's on the menu, DUH

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Dawww hims about to be a lil fried boi

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I WOULD eat that cat (if u know what I mean)

Popcorn dip or popcorn sauce with tendies.

It's all fun and games in with OP's adorable fluffy friend until he proceeds to post pictures of it after being cooked in the oven.
pls no

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goddamn that fucker is adorable

pet pls

I have not once in my life heard of popcorn dip


Ken's Steakhouse honey mustard is the fucking GOAT honey mustard.
This guy knows what he's doing.

>tfw can't eat today because of intestinal fuckery

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Great keep us updated

OP wat r u doin stahp plz dont mak me beg

you don't own a deep fryer?


He made a delicious appetizer

No sadly, gotta go with the oven

nice. don't end up eating the cat though.

i hope you didnt use the same foil the cat stepped on. infact if i was you i would have just washed the entire thing before cooking with it

lol no I swapped out the foil
It's okay the T. Gondii already claimed me long ago

Nice you even have Dr. Pepper.

My favorite soda, boy you must have beed an extah guud boohy for that haul!

You need to space out the fries buddy.

Looks like you having a great day.

Mommy lets you use the oven on your own?

It's getting fucking LIT in here boys!

Whoops I'm drunk

Dinner is served

Farewell my friends

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Fuck this looks good

Why are there 2 plates?
You best have a good explanation you fucking normie.

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>all this industrialized garbage
Show me your estrogen man boobs

Delicious, I want this so bad...
How many GBP did the whole feast cost?

My plate and my mom's plate

She said it only cost 15 GBP

this looks awful but I'm sure it'll taste good

I'm getting curry from a chinese place so booyakasha mother fucker 100x better than this breh

Alright, that's acceptable, but I'll be watching you.

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>Eating frozen fries instead of cutting up a real potatoes and cooking them

>Eating those shit tier frozen tendies instead of buying chicken from an actual butcher and preparing them

Bottom tier meal OP

Aw yeah man I love it when it's time to cash in the gbp and mommy buys pizza and beer and weed. You wagecucks have no idea.

Gee, Bill. TWO cats?!?!???

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Enjoy your toxoplasmosis, OP you sick fuck.

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The cats like " oh no he's gonna do it again isn't he..."

OP this is one of the most autistic yet /comfy/ threads I've ever seen. Good work.

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How will it be better? Why would you go to a chinese place for a curry lmao retard. Curry is indian