I'll be probably sentenced to at least 2 months in jail next month for possessing cocaine. I feel dead inside and yeah I don't know, I think I'm in pretty fucked up situation.
I'll be probably sentenced to at least 2 months in jail next month for possessing cocaine...
I watched someone get arrested at a gas station yesterday about 1-2 PM next to a popular grocery that is only around this area. That u op?
How much did you have on you
>2 months for cocaine
Where do you live? I got busted with 15g in 10 1g bags and one 5g bag, "all" I got was around 3000$ fine
Now you have to start lifting. Or you could get a qt with your prison stories
There's a bright side to everything~
How small do you think this planet is?
Inconsequentially tiny. The guy getting arrested wasn't black and looked like an absolute faglord, describes 95% of people here
Average person sees like 100k people in their lives. Planet's like 8 billion nibba
Just thank god you only got 2 months. That's around 60 days, you can do this. Just go in there, mind your business, don't take any gifts, trust no one, don't talk to anyone about your case, respect other people's space and property, stick to your own race (if you're American), no drugs, avoid fights but don't back down from them.
4 grams (this is for robot program stuff)
>2 months in jail next month for possessing cocaine
Want me to tell you how I know you're white...?
It'll be alright OP, jail isn't too bad. You'll have a laugh here and there.
2 months is nothing. You got lucky.
Lay off the white though
well it's not that bad, you can join a gang and when you are out you can work for them and making money
2 months in jail for 4 grams? That's mental.
I've managed to stay away from that stuff because daddy got hooked on it and that's why I didn't get any child support. I've already suffered and I didn't even get to use it. If I do use it, it's pretty likely I'll get addicted.
Even I could survive two months in prison, buttercup. Plenty of time for you to lift weights and convert to Islam.
i got caught with a gram of cocaine in houston tx
get a good fuckin lawyer OP.. i got lucky and got the case dismissed
i know the fear you are feeling.. good luck.
What did your lawyer say?
no clue desu.
i never even went in front of a judge.. i just posted bond and my lawyer asked for discovery(all the evidence they had against me in the case)then kept delaying the proceedings month after month for over a year somehow until the judge got fed up and threw out the case because the county couldnt provide jack shit against me
i got lucky i guess
now im 20k in debt[:
also the county i was caught in is notoriously corrupted and im sure that had something to do with it
Wow that guy who represented you sounds like he knows exactly what he's doing. He's playing everybody.
heheheh yeah i sent him probably 100 grand worth of friends who caught cases so he took good care of me
Only 2 months just be glad it's not years. You need to start thinking positive now and go in knowing you'll be out soon. 2 months is long enough to get you adjusted, but not long enough where it feels like home. Good luck
2 months in jail and not prison isn't bad.
fag op posted this on a flag board, it was some eastern euro shithole. I don't remember which one tho.
How the fuck did you get caught dumbass?