Give it to me hard.
Tell it to me honestly Jow Forums what do you think of him?
Jew controlled puppet. Kike shill. Israel penis sucking dumbass
He does enrage faggots though, I'll give him that.
Just like a star that goes supernova, civilization in its death throes is putting on a fantastic show.
>muh steel job gon come back
>keep yer socialism
>Mexico gon pay for muh wall
>her emails
Great work. We all have awesome, well-paying jobs.
classic shyster
could have great given how much he upset the establishment but then he fucked it all up and caved to them.
jew lover cuck
He's hilarious and is obviously a grown high school bully but he's not fit to be president. I understand why people voted for him but if you still support him at this point, you're a complete dope.
Idiot, doesn't do anything about global warming, constantly trying to make enemies with former allies, in terms of trade and military, mentality of a child, sexist, most likely homophobic ( at least pence is), xenophobic, didn't actually win the popular vote, possibly tried to rig the election, can't take any criticism whatsoever, to be honest, if he did something about global warming, then I wouldn't concentrate on the bad shit he does, but he's done jack about it, oh and he regularly hangs with the leader of brutal governments
I love him and he gets shit done despite all the politicians that do nothing but get in the way.
best president. media hates him for that. only freaky lefties genuinely hate him.
residual democrats dislike him because they are bigots but dont realize it.
most importantly, our military loves him.
The fact that he's POTUS is hilarious in itself. Still I think everyone jumped to their conclusions about him too fast so there's almost nobody who is satisfied with how his presidency ended up, from both sides, those who loved and hated him. Elections are a sick joke of a popularity contest.
Normally I'd spam the liberals she leftists are attacking bullshit but the guy is a legitimate idiot who was born rich seriously how do you let this faggot who actually became the controlled by the Jews meme get elected
he could start a nuclear war and id still love him for how angry he gets lib-tards, it makes for great entertainment.
Just like any president, nothing, because nothing any of them can do will be worthwhile since 4 years is just not enough to get shit done. I barely follow on what he does, and so far it seems nothing major changed. But who cares because in 4 years a democrat is going to get elected due to 4 years of constant FUCK DRUMPF messages absolutely everywhere, twitter, TV and even games, and whoever gets elected will just undo everything he did, so nothing he does will have any consequences after he leaves presidency.
Maybe I don't care much because I'm not a burger.
While I'm at it, I can't fucking stand everyone who screams FUCK DRUMPF at every little thing he does, they're blowing all of his actions way out of proportions to justify hating him even when what he does has positive consequences.
He gets a lot of flak, more than he deserves. His trade policy is idiotic, and should be treated as such. However, he has lately been acting fairly bipartisan, with his treatment of Syria, North Korea, the Immigrant Crisis, and guns. The Democrats would rather switch their views completely, if not move the goalposts, rather than admit that Trump is helping them. If nothing else, he's done a good job at proving them idiots.
He's what murrica deserves at the moment.
>low intelligence
>controlled by Israel
Republicans were literally against everything Obama for 8 years even if they were fully republican policies.
I don't care as long as he doesn't start dropping bombs. Both him and hillary were bad
Him doing unconventional things like an amateur is both an advantage and disadvantage. He has about a 20/80 hit/miss rate. 20% of the things he does are good, 80% are retarded.
Except his ratings were higher then they were than the election and he won by a landslide. Dont even really care for him, but (you) are retarded if you dont think he's gonna win the 2nd term... unless he dies that is. He's 72
he's a massive retard and that's pretty funny that he's the leader of that country
I don't
I can't stand to enter into conversation about presidents and people like that
I really don't know shit about any of them
"- and that's a good thing" the thread
he did exactly the right thing with the Norks, absolute top lad, should have been done years ago
This anti-trump charade wasn't everywhere like it is now I guess I'm just worried, I don't think ratings mean much anyway. If he indeed gets a 2nd term, that might be for the best.
Yes they were. And it was wrong. And they were proved idiots.
The Republican party has been pretty well known to be idiots, but this is the first time in a while that the Democrats are also doing so. The Republicans are moderating while the Democrats are -for lack of a better term - radicalizing.
I hate him because he's the only thing people have been talking about for three years. I miss 2011.
>Jew controlled puppet. Kike shill. Israel penis sucking dumbass
Also this. Don't understand why Jow Forums loves him
the peope that hate him are morons. they believe democrats are good because they support "minority" rights but really theyre exploiting everybody.
liberals hate conservatives because at the liberal core they are jealous of white America, so they seek to destroy it.
he gave tax cuts to the business elite. liberals think that if we tax businesses more, we will get free college/healthcare/$15 min wage.
they are so flawed in this reasoning, because corporations will just uproot and leave America, taking jobs and wealth with him.
all liberals know is the burden of debt, and they seek to blame the government.
a smart young person would join our military, as our military funding is the highest in the world by double.
the liberal dream isnt their life so they seek to place blame. "it MUST be wallstreet it MUST be our president because look at how rich they are!" so they figure if the rich just pays more taxes, then life would get easier for them.
not knowing that the wealthy already pay the most taxes.
>I support a literal kike puppet who puts israel first and america second
>I so smart!
Absolute mongoloid who only took the presidency so people will talk about him more and he can work the country towards his own interests. He also stabbed his entire base in the back but they only get their news from sources like Fox, TDS, FtN, etc who will run endless damage control.
If the alternative was Hillary, you folks across the pond made the right choice.
I think he is unintelligent, arrogant, and incompetent.
>they are so flawed in this reasoning, because corporations will just uproot and leave America, taking jobs and wealth with him.
Like what happened with Harley Davidson?
The only ones he hasn't backstabbed are his jewish masters
That's because they are unpatriotic liberals. Good riddance traitors to America.
A dumbass. Even worse than most conservatives because he truly just cares about himself, has no empathy for his own constituents.
And Democrats obstructed Bush hard in his second term and are doing the same to Trump, so don't act like only one side plays this game.
In what world are the republicans moderating. They haven't accomplished anything of note besides a terrible tax bill despite the fact that they control all 3 branches of government
people that hate israel sidw with the muslims. democrats are muslim backed, theres no middle ground because nobody else had the money.
poor/middle class are the most prone to corruption for profit, after having spent their lives working for nickels they are ready to stab somebody to get rich and live the good life.
how else is corruption so rampant? from the top down to the illegal immigrant.
I don't understand how people can follow him
>Republicans aren't doing anything
Yet liberals have been losing their shit over every single thing Trump has done since he won the election so either you're wrong and stuff is getting done or the people who act like they are Harry Potter and Trump is Voldemort are hyperbolic faggots and don't have anything serious to get worked up about.
its the liberals that are racist, tribal and cant see beyond someone's race.
He's a fucking idiot, but his election proves that it might be possible to unfuck the current 2 party monopoly we've had for too many years.
He's a fucking moron, but he makes libcucks shit their diapers in fear and anger every twenty minutes on the dot because they think he's Satan E. Hitler, so he's alright in my book.
Savior of the west. Death to muslims, cucks and jews.
israel is white. the middle east once belonged to the holy roman empire.
the jews in america are not infalliable, quite the opposite. they are prone to liberalism and hating white people. only the best jews are conservatives, knowing the fate of the West and Israel are best served by a strong and majority White America.
>Death to Jews
Not much really.
He isn't the saviour of west some say he is, but he is still better than Hillary. He hasn't done that much but really, Bush Jr and Obongo didn't do much either. I find it fucking hilarious how people are still so mad about him.
he is the savior of the west indeed.
hilary is the anti christ
How is it being a sandnigger? Do we have to send another MOAB bomb your way so you stop being butthurt?
> us relations with other countries gone to shit (exception to Russia and North Korea)
> stupid tax bill that favours the rich
> undid multiple environmental bills for oil companies
> entire adminstration is filled with incompentent idiots
> is under investigation for collision with Russia
Yeah no biggie you fucking sheep
and the ONLY reason muslims are rich?
oil money. they arent brainy financiers. in fact they squander their wealth to piss on expensive whoures
You're right. But he's a preferable alternative to hillary. Gary Johnson would be great.
it hurts me, people believe the russia collusion narrative when its hilary that betrayed america and sold lethal uranium to russia and iran.
many idiots
Why wouldn't you support him now?
>Pointing out that Trump is clearly pro Jew makes someone Muslim
the reason democrats are FREAKING out over the SCOTUS replacements is because of this
>America's president now cares about America and our priorities more than faggy western yuros and their priorities, liberals think this is bad and conveniently forget about Hillary selling uranium to Russia as Secretary of State while Obama was president
>I have a solidly middle class income and I now take home the equivalent of an extra paycheck per year thanks to the tax cuts, though I understand why jobless/minimum wage libfags would think it only benefits the rich since you need to at least have a decent job to benefit
>"Drumpf will be impeached for collusion with Russia any day now" says increasingly nervous Democrat for 2593856th time
orioriginally love him!
8/10 would vote for him again
The wall still hasn't been built and there's still tons of spics infesting the country.
the clock is counting down on the pedo deep state.
TRUMP IS LITERALLY THE SAVIOR OF THE WHITE RACE... Battling insane and unhinged Democrats doing everything they can to destroy white people.
So for Gods sake, if you are white and want a future for white people, support Trump in everyway you can and VOTE Republican in every single election!!!
He may be an ineffectual, childish buffoon, but the alternative would have been jumping into an immediate full scale war with Hillary.
hilary was not born into wealth. she worked her way up.
and once she had the opportunity to make real wealth, she took it.
as i said, the poor are much more prone to corruption
No but the only ones that call Trump a jew are usually butthurt muslims who are still mad about Trump dropping the MOAB bomb on their asses. I really don't know who else would call Trump a jew. Maybe shareblue? For them everybody from the rightwing is basically a jew, when he is being mentioned. Tommy Robinson is jewish, Lauren Southern is jewish, Molyneux is of course jewish too...
Maybe you're a leftist that thinks he's smart by calling everybody a jew in the hopes of dividing the rightwing? Alas, its already over anyway. There won't be a blue wave. Enjoy another 4 years of Trump, friendo.
Uranium One was debunked a long time ago, like the Clinton murders and other conspiracy theories.
Mostly incompetent, but at least that north Korea shit went over well. Hardly worse then the typical neocon president. If you unironicly think he's comparable to hitler you're a jackass.
debunked? the trial has just begun, actually.
How can somebody be this booty blasted?
Unironically the best president we've had in almost 50 years.
The way he lets the left make themselves look like shit again and again is hilarious.
I think he is a dumbshit, because he is
but what I really don't understand is why Hillary was so hated
I mean, her identity politics was obnoxious, as a fairly normal guy I can get how others could feel excluded by her rhetoric, but honestly... how can so many people unironically prefer this orange moron to a competent, somewhat pretentious run of the mill politician?
>americans are white
Kek, the delusion of burgers
Oh yes, just a regular ol run of the mill politician
it was fairly obvious to me that hilary is a traitor. and our president is not. it was obvious that hilary only cared about winning and appearances, while our president loves America and the people.
and the people love Donald, no matter how hard the left wants to twist the truth. the truth is too big for them to swallow.
Hillary was a puppet just like Obongo was who did almost nothing in his 8 years of presidency. Benghazi was a disaster, she deleted valuable informations with her emails and she was sponsored by half of the world. Including rich oil barons from saudi arabia, kikes from israel and probably some fat swiss banker.
I think that people who feel the need to talk about how great they are, are actually insecure and stupid
both from poor families, both climbed their way up.
both fell prey to corruption.
Hillary just oozed that she was totally fake and 100% establishment, which was bad news in a year that people did not want to vote for the establishment candidate.
i like diet coke.
>because corporations will just uproot and leave America, taking jobs and wealth with him.
I'll call this bluff. If America were to become a corporation-free heaven, that would be great. Local business could again flourish.
It wouldn't happen though. The height to which you'd have to raise taxes to make these people actually uproot themselves and go to another country would have to be much higher than any European nation and Canada, because really, where else are they going to put their headquarters?
Raise the taxes, close the overseas loopholes, and smile while you watch them fork over the cash. They'll do it.
Me too actually it has its own taste in a way I kinda like it.
His Supreme Court is going to overturn Roe v. Wade and fuck up a bunch of whores' lives.
Sounds good.
Everybody obstructs everybody because that's how the game works today. Ironically it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with the media watching them 24/7 and slandering them whenever they do the sensible thing and make a compromise with the other side. And even the media can't be blamed alone, because it's our own poor understanding of how politics should work that leads to us watching the news that paints it as a battlefield and cheering it on.
Repubs have accused Clintons of committing crimes for over 25 years. This will end the same way. Another conspiracy to keep you distracted. Meanwhile, real problems like american jobs getting killed by automation, or congress making it harder for average americans to sue corporations when they fuck up your health, get ignored.
well, thats a beautiful hippy commune dream. but America is a global superpower and becoming mom and pops the nation would be a downgrade.
although, in a perfect world without need for borders and only top tier white people, it would work.
I don't care about America
i would hardly call Byrne vs the Foundation a conspiracy.
Literally 3 things that you can pull from that presidency? Sad.
Health care reform.
Wall Street reform.
The single biggest and longest lasting recovery and period of job growth in the history of the country.
Ended Bush torture policies.
Created net neutrality.
wow its nothing!
healthcare is still expensive. wallstreets the same. NN is gone, bin laden was a cover up, and actually we went through a recession during obama.
He's a professional con man, he's doing his job as a agent of chaos and disruption, he doesn't actually believe in the things he does, he merely does these things to expose what was already happening in this country and makes them more blatant so that the normies can see it.
A department over which she had no control signed off on a CANADIAN COMPANY THAT MINES MANY THINGS INCLUDING URANIUM to another company in RUSSIA.
Literally the biggest pretend scandal ever. Learn how to look things up.
>Health care reform
Disaster, Trump is about to get rid of it
>Wall Street reform
Not sure, doesn't seem important though
>Job growth
Maybe welfare growth for nigger but that's about it
>Bush torture policies
Like I care about sandmonkeys who fly planes into buildings or run people over with cars
>Bin Laden
Was very early into his presidency, he basically just continued what Bush did. So basically that was Bush not him.
>Created net neutrality
What are you smoking?
>she had no control!
dindu nuffin
>recession under Obama
Are you literally retarded though? Google GDP growth or Dow Jones industrial growth or job growth. What a retard.
honestly, i dont know what metrics i can use to measure his effectiveness as a president.
(someone pls explain me) [supremacists of any kind gtfo]
he keeps saying hes brinigng back jobs but i donno if the govt has an actual cause effect relationship with jobs
anyways, i think he's acting like a freak and have no idea how he got elected with his freaky child like personality.
Classic trump supporter stooge. Return to your cave in a southern broke state and continue begging the federal government for my tax dollars, hillbilly.