Girls at work said that they preferred Chris Pratt when he was chubby. I thought girls liked Jow Forums guys, WTF...

Girls at work said that they preferred Chris Pratt when he was chubby. I thought girls liked Jow Forums guys, WTF? Am I lifting and dieting for nothing?

Attached: chris-pratt-weight-loss.jpg (679x509, 70K)

He looks healthy and good im both, with a good muscle definition in his fatty phase but more cuddly.
Doesn't mean women prefer slobby fatties.
Also: lift for yourself


im 6'3 and literally as good looking as this dude in his fatty phase yet im still a virgin

The girls said that because a fat Chris Pratt is more ‘attainable’. A fit Chris Pratt is out of their league.

You just experienced a phenomena called “Sour grapes”.

It’s where people lie to themselves and say that they “don’t like” certain desirable things, because they’re difficult to attain.

>listening to what women say

>Girls at work said...
the girls at work are lying whores trying to justify their poor life choices and mediocre partners

are you also a rich movie star with charisma?

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its called virtue signalling get used to it



They say that because fat Chris Pratt is a man most chicks could hold down. He’d probably keep some chick comfy with his solid C actor earnings.

Fit Chris Pratt is someone not even Anna Farris can keep down. Hyper successful and good looking, he has the ability to go and do anything/anyone he wants.

Any women would bang him. It’s just that they wouldn’t be able to hold him down. So they act like a Horse who can’t reach an apple and say “oh these ground fruits are better than that apple anyway.”

Women are generally happier if they are hotter than their partner

lol don't listen to what girls say
look at the guys they fuck

Just because 2 girls decided to lie to make the fat guys feel better doesn't make it true.

>visit gf's place to meet her friends one time
>the more cute one brings up abs for some reason I can't remember
>says it kinda as a good thing
>the not cute overweight goblina titcow immediately mentions dadbods
>the cute one reluctantly agrees because the other girl almost said it angrily like oh you CAN'T prefer fit people
Whatever at least gf has admitted she likes my muscles and seeing me shirtless etc. So now if she ever brings up dadbod shit I'll know she's making something up. I'm in the clear from having to deal with this shit

I prefer Chris pratt now, but he still wins a lot of points for personality as a chubster


Do women even know who's in their league? When you're getting dick pics and tinder matches all day you know every other chick thinks she can get a 10/10 guy making six figures

Fox and the grapes.

Women unironiclly think sex is all about control and power.

They find fatass pratt a better option because he couldn't attract other women, and therefore would have to beg and plead from them to get anything, instead of lolnoping them

2true. It's the fox and the grapes.These hags can't get a guy with a six-pack so they tell themselves they don't like abs

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of course im not rich and famous. but i do possess that same dumb appeal that he has

those girls must have low self-esteem.
ugly/daddy issues/fat/or something.
trust me if a woman knows herself they always aim to go for fit men with high self esteem.
You need to be combined in a sense of a nice guy/fit ex badboy

They are lying because the media told them to.

I am 41 and have been married for over a decade.
Let me tell you something about women...
My wife is awesome, but like all women she has no idea what she wants. Ask her to list everything she would like in a potential partner and you will get a laundry list of qualities that would make for a pussy whipped guy that she would walk past 9/10 times. ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THIS!

When they say they prefer Chris Pratt fat, what they are actually saying is that a guy with that fit body would have too high expectations of them, they would 100% want the fit version, but feel they had the power dynamic on their side if they had the Dad bod version.

Women, they're easy once you understand how they work.

This is the worst
>calls them douchebags for absolutely no reason
That's just super rude like come on
>other 2 take longer to get ready
Why? They have a shitty bowtie and simple cuffs. Their body somehow determines how long it will take them to put a dab of product in their hair which is possibly the most they did to look that way?
>real man
>pale, weak
I'm not saying the other two got their tans from working outside doing manual labor but what about him is real manly?
>would easily drop the pretty boys
Yeah I'm sure the guy that has smaller fatceps would drop the guys who have arms that are bigger AND LEANER than his

You are unironically retarded, even for the internet

>his nipples got bigger when he's fit
Welp that ain't good news for me.

I think after the first couple times they try to get a Tinder date to be seen in public with them, or to keep talking to them after banging, they'll figure out their value.

you've just been MEMED xD ;)

>if you just exercise and diet girls will love you haha lol
>lol justb yourself

That is a massive lie and they're trying to look like less of a bitch in front of one another because roastie shit like gossip and whatnot. Deep down they are biologically ingrained to like muscular and healthy men.

>yet im still a virgin
Maybe because you're a manlet

Because many women put muscles into the same category as teeth whitening and plastic surgery: signs that the guy puts far too much effort into his physical appearance and is thus either a) uptight b) self-conscious c) a myriad of negative things.

If anything, I've always seen women dating/marrying up, not down. You could be right, though.

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>t. doesn't understand women

Women talk to hear themselves talk. They don't know what the fuck the want most of the time. It's your job to convince them to choose you. Unless you're a complete troll, it'll happen eventually.

Girls are full of shit. Look at what they do. Not what they say.


"Am I lifting and dieting for nothing?"
>He's lifting for women
>Women are nothing
You are, but you have always been this way. Don't worry about what the girls at work say, they are either lying, or they are subconsciously aware that they do not deserve a man that takes care of himself, and have tricked themselves to chase fat dudes as a preemptive defense mechanism.

Based user. Hope this thread is bait

>Actually lifts for women
Smh bud, don't lift for something as dumb as pussy

all of these you faggot loser mongoloid OP. I cant believe that fully grown men still take what girls say for face value. no wonder so many betas exist in this world. unfucking real.

He was an everyday middle aged chad when chubby, when he was ripped he was hollywood leading man chad

they seem like cool guys. All three of the them desu. They all understand it is a goofy photo. I would drink beer with any one of them.

>He thinks women actually know and will explain what they really want
You're in for a world of hurt.

"I bet the guy in the middle is more fun to be around" What she means is the guy in the middle acts like a dickhead which makes her look like the mature responsible one in the relationship.

Exactly, ask any woman what she wants to eat,


Yes, when women marry up they tend to be drama queens who break them men they are with to control them.

I don't believe women are bad or evil, it is just the way they are programmed.
Being physically weaker means that women must rely on manipulation to survive, it's evolutionary.

Unless you're trolling, shut the fuck up. You're literally retarded.

luckily his is anna farris -- so it's probably a dead heat.
(no homo)


sour grapes

these women know that they have trouble getting men with bodies like the picture on the right, therefore it eases their mind to just claim that they don't actually prefer that body type.

6'4 is manlet cutoff. Sorry you lost the genetic lottery