I need an incredibly shocking and mind blowing way to kill myself so I can be immortalized in the media. I don't want to live for 50 years and be forgotten as some desk jockey, I want to live as a memory in the eyes of millions. However, I'm not going to kill anyone else because I'm not evil.
I was thinking of writing a manifesto of what I think about the state of the world and why I'm killing myself (even if I'm a bipolar brainlet and it's just a bunch of rambling about shit I hate in this world, it will contribute to the shock value which is what the media wants), printing out a bunch of copies of it and leaving them scattered everywhere, and then acquiring or building some sort of explosive device which I will detonate on myself in the university quad when no one else is around so it doesn't hurt them. At nighttime in a big open part of the quad with no one around for example.
Sound like a grandiose suicide plan Jow Forums?
Get literally, physically raped to death by Trump or some other famous person on live TV. Guarantee you will never be forgotten.
Not very likely to happen. I don't have the connections, nor could that air on live TV.
I'm serious here people.
No you aren't.
Get ritually murdered by Beyonce for one of her music videos.
Again, that's not likely to happen retard. Something practical.
Dude, if you're ready to throw everything away just become a vigilante. Think of the cool shit you could pull if you're half hoping to die.
If no one dies with you you'll be forgotten in a year if its a small city, or in a month if its a big one
Go to Brazil and start shooting drug dealers.
I don't think I have the money or know how to pull that off.
The hope is that it makes the headlines or news cycle. That way, millions see it. Even if they forget about me because it's not as shocking as some atrocity, millions will have seen my name.
Nice try, but I no come to Brazil. And like I said, not enough money or know how to pull off being a vigilante.
Jump into an airplane engine
How exactly would I pull that off?
And are you sure that's more shocking than an explosive detonation in a public place?
How about you tell us your name? So we can know if you made it.
Feed yourself to some vegans in an insane and effective protest against the honey industry.
I said I'm not gonna hurt anyone FBI, now fugger of.
I'd have to convince the vegans to eat me, but I'll consider it. It's on the list of possibilities.
set yourself on fire on gay pride march
remember to scream something that will insult everyone present like "god hates fags"
I'm deeply sorry for being the one who tells you, but nobody cares. No one will remember you.
If you truly don't fear death do crazy awesome stuff: parachute, travel without money, extreme sports in general. Enjoy yourself in a way only a suicidal person can.
If this is a LARP then just off yourself.
This one is definitely on the list of possibilities. I forgot about the Buddhist monks who set themselves aflame in Vietnam as a form of protest, but you just reminded me of it.
Public self-immolation is the new list topper.
I have hitch hiked across the country with no money twice before because it's the only one I could afford, but life just sucks now.
I guarantee such an extreme suicide would make the headlines, and that's what I want. If that's what happens, then you can shut the fuck up because I will have won.
Not sure of how to do it in public.
Get a diving board and use it to jump on a few chainsaws. Scream about the jews or something
This guys is right. Can you name the people who committed suicide outside the white house? The various people who set themselves on fire in protest of something?
But we all know of Elliott Rodgers, who killed, what, three people?
The media has a policy of generally not covering suicides if they can't help it. They are worried about the "Werther Effect." Suicide won't even affect one self-absorbed soul. Even if you do it in some manner you think memorable.
> oh look a retard blew himself up lol.
> oh he was insane and wrote a ton of retarded poetry, lets just burn it
> who was he again?
No one cares retard just go shoot yourself in your moms basement
Doesn't sound very practical.
I could set myself on fire outside the White House. Look, the point is to make the headlines or news cycle. I don't have to be remembered for 10 years. I just want people to see my name once, to know I exist.
Nobody is going to see it If you kill just yourself.
Two people killed themselves in the U.S. recently by self-immolation in protest - one of environmental policies, one regarding the homeless. Did you know of them? Can you name them?
Go to the top of a building with a spool of piano wire, some rope, and some epoxy. Anchor the piano wire and rope to something on the roof and then tie it around your neck. Make sure to have at least 40 feet or so of slack between the anchor point and your neck. Then take the rope and tie it around your ankles, leaving at least 10 feet more slack in the rope than you did in the wire. Alternatively, you could secure to the piano wire to a spot on the rope. After the piano wire and rope are secured, get some super glue or epoxy and glue your hands to the side of your head. Once the glue has set in, jump from the roof. The piano wire will slice cleanly through your neck and behead you. The rope will suspend your body from the building. It will appear to bystanders and passerby as if you pulled your head off of your shoulders and are still holding it in your hands as your corpse hangs upside down over top of them.
How many times do I have to remind you guys what the point of this is?
One time. Just once. People need to see my name one time so I don't feel like a ghost. I want to go out with a bang, but not one that hurts others. One that makes others acknowledge my existence for even a fraction of a second because I'm tired of having no one around.
You'll have more people notice by streaming it. We all have a copy of that GIF.
not op, but i like this idea originally
I cannot name them, so yes, but there's a possibility.
It's about time, location, and severity. Somewhere that it matters. I don't have to do it in protest. I'll still make a list on Wikipedia. That's enough notoriety for me, I'm willing to scale it my expectations down if necessary. It just needs to be shocking.
Will consider this.
OP here, this is actually the new list topper.
you need a bomb.
im not talking a little fire cracker, im talking one that's 500 pounds-1 ton. pack it in your car. head to a government office. crash into the lobby and detonate.
If u aint killin' no one dhen it aint no cool nigga, u gotta clap some cops asses and dhen shot urself in da white house
hire a hitman to kill you
Kill yourself somewhere famous like Statue of Liberty or one of gordon ramsay restaurants
Good idea but I'd suggest anchoring the wire to the building itself and not the rope, otherwise the wire might slice through the rope instead of your neck.