Mfw I think I got a hemorrid

mfw I think I got a hemorrid
fuck what do?

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Get some ointment?

Mayinglong Musk ointment from amazon and psyllium husk powder mixed with orange juice

if you wanna go full autist start squatting when you take a shit

I’m scared user I never had one before. How long will this last

is it external or internal? is it bleeding? need more info

till the death will set u free

I have hemorrhoids once in a while, no blood, but the veins are swollen. It hurts for 2 or 3 days then it's gone.
They'll probably come back in 6 or 8 months. In the beginning it's scary, but then it's just "Oh no, this shit again..."

External. Bled 2/4 times I wiped (on the toilet paper only).

okay then also stop wiping with tp if you can for a few days. ideally you should jump in the shower and clean your ass that way but you can also get flushable wet wipes that won't tear your shit up

most important thing is get off the toilet the minute you're done shitting. none of that sitting on the toilet jerking off or browsing Jow Forums. squatting over it really helps with this

also you can just go get some preparation h from any pharmacy if you need immediate relief

user thank you
I think sitting on the latrine for a goood 30 mins while giving birth to a cheese turd caused this

I'm nursing a stage 4 one at the moment. Psyllium husk, as well as creams & suppositories are your friend. Get a stool to put your feet on when you're taking a shit. Sleep on your side if you can.

They can take a while to heal so just be patient.

>got internal hemorrhoid after heavy manual labor
>week later, not pain and discomfort, thought it was gone
>month later got a stomach virus
>explosive diarrhea for 2 days
>hemorrhoid pushes external and tore my rectum
>worst pain I’ve ever been in
>urgent care gave me foam medicine to shoot up butt
>steadily got better over the past month
>can’t lift or strain anything still, can literally feel the inside of my asshole swell up if I do any deadlift-like motion.

Can’t take it anymore, scheduled an appt with a doc. I don’t expect him to do anything other than tell me to do nothing strenuous for another month.

Life is suffering

Dumb question- how do u know if it’s external or internal? Assuming u can see an external one? Can it be both tho?
I’m really trying not to go to the doctor and it’s not too bad at this point just uncomfortable and I’m worrying about it

Just recovered from one, three weeks but it could take less.
I used prep h 5times throughout, I put some water on my toilet paper, but you can use wipes as well, just be gentle

Home method
>Drink plenty of water (~3 liters a day). This will help your poop pass more easily
>Stop staining when pooping. Let your butthole pass out poop naturally. Do not strain under any circumstances
>Eat food with a lot of fibres
>Take an vitamin E (fish oil) capsule, pop it and apply the oil on and around your hemorrhoid
>Use an extra cushion when you sit
>Do not fap (as you will be tightening kegal/anal muscles when you fap)
>Do not touch/squeeze/fuck with your hemorrhoid

It will go away in a couple of days if you're patient and calm and follow the above advice. If it's excruciatingly painful and bleeds every time you take a shit, you need to go to the doctor asap.

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Quickest way to get relief is to simply get it get it lanced and drained. I've done it and it works like a charm. A hemorrhoid is basically a clotted blood vessel around the anus Go the to the doctor so they can numb it up, remove the clot, and drain it. I've done this for 2 hemorrhoids I've had, both times I was 90% better within 24-48 hours. And felt instant relief after they were drained.

I self diagnosed the internal. Inside of my ass was sore, felt swollen, couldn’t sit well. Taking a shit was uncomfortable but not really painful.
External was obvious because it looked like a swollen skin tag sticking out from my ass that wasn’t there before

Had herm. before and also had operation to get that shit out and my best advice for u would be

Squat while taking a shit.

Everyday, pour a warm water on a bucket or something and sit on it for 20 minutes. You will feel 100% much better, trust me.

Try it out and goodluck mate

>got the worst constipation I've ever had 4 years ago
>couldn't shit for over a fucking week
>had to stick a finger up my ass to break the shit up
>got a hemorrid from it
>still haven't recovered

It's such a fucking nuisance. Every time I go to take a shit I spend at least a half hour wiping my ass because I have to reach behind the hemorrid and clean all the shit there

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Unironically hard dry fast for at least 5 days

1. spend less time sitting
2. drink more water
3. try walking/running more often
4. eat magnesium supplement
5. eat more fiber(e.g. fruit, rye bread)

well, stop thinking about your "hemorrid" and do something about it

+1 on this

Ive been having hemmorhoids since i was 14 you fucking pussy, just eat fiber, vegetables and less meat. And after you poop wash your ass with water. Shouldgo away quickly after doing this.