A sad realization that women are literally animals

All of what im about to say is obviously anecdotal, but there are stats that support my case.

Im 20 years old and i havent had sex with many women but of the seven that I've been with, there was a majority of them that showed a desire to watch some sort of human suffering and chaos.

I lost my virginity to a non-virgin at 16 and had sex with 2 other women (1 virgin and 1 non-virgin) in that time. This was before my face filled out, before my dick got big, and before i started lifting seriously. They never said anything questionable or scary.

Fast-forward to 18. I got big from lifting for 2 years. My face fills out and my jaw gets big and so does my dick. I also frequented Jow Forums around that time and as a result decided to stop having sex with non-virgin sl00ts.

I've been with 4 virgin cuties since then. Most took minimal effort or approached me. All were hot by my standards .

They all had multiple orbiters, guys who were in love with them, beta male friends etc. And everytime i was made aware of them, it was always horrible.

Woman #1
>i fuck her for a few weeks, break her hymen etc.
>some friend she's had for a while calls to say happy birthday and confesses his love to her.
>She says "awww i love you too" and then has sex with me minutes later.
>She mentions, "i wish all the guys who have crushes on me could hear me get fucked by such a big strong man like you"

Woman #2
>take her virginity
>after a few months of fucking her, she says this: "i wish the guys I play League of Legends who all want to be with me could watch while you take me on all fours"

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Woman #3
>take virginity
>the next day we have sex she mentions she has a fantasy where us and all her friends are in a hotel somewhere and me and her are in one room while her friends are in the room next door and i fuck her super loud so all her friends can hear her moan.

Woman #4
>take virginity
>goes on about how she wants her skinny male friends who constantly ask her out to see me choke her and fuck her prone.

My reaction to them saying these things is always either ignoring them or telling them i wouldnt want to do that to someone.

The most depressing thing about this is that all these dudes could possibly be Jow Forums users or guys who I'd get along with and get them into lifting and the little cuties theyre chasing also secretly want to cuck them and see them suffer.

We're living in a time where women are allowed to be sluts without morals, or weird creatures with disturbing fetishes and be rewarded by society because of it. Should i move to pakistan and convert to islam? I cant do that cause im white. The ancient greeks knew women were animals with no honor that seeked chaos and discord. Why do we treat women as equal?

Most (modern) women have no honor, no empathy, and little humanity.

Fit related: Am i considered strong if i can do 4pl8 didly for 8 reps?

Giving women any kind of power is a mistake

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this is some weird larp fetish shit t b h

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>Am i considered strong if i can do 4pl8 didly for 8 reps?
4pl8 one rep is strong by normie standards. 8 reps is impressive for pretty much any non competitive athlete

This. At least OP put some effort into his story though so I appreciate it


Women are tools to men just the same as we are to them, Its a two way street.
Accept that we try to use eachother to elevate ourselves in different ways, its all a fucked up game as is most interactions between people. Aim to win and find the one you can take to the finish.

We're all literally animals. Congrats on passing freshman biology.

this makes me feel better bro

>Im 20 years old and i havent had sex with many women but of the seven that I've been with,

>lol im only 20 and have had sex with as many girls as most people have their entire lives, but lol i havent been with many

kill yourself you autist

Oh look. It's another "teenage or barely out of teenage years 4channer is a stud at sex where every girl wants to fuck him and they all want everyone to see in person what a sexual stud he is" LARP from a virgin.

Won't walking into a relationship assuming that just be a self-fulfilling prophecy?

quiet an imagination you have OP

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Your catching on young fella.
Similar situation as you, almost exactly actually.
>be fat ugly neckbeard
>decide one day to check out Jow Forums instead of Jow Forums or /tv/
>hmm time to get my shit together
2 years later
>tall, muscular , lean, attractive and brimming with confidence
>start new job
>all the girls there like me
>a few fell in love with me
>one of them was hot so we talk and get to know each other
>she has a boyfriend
>we go out on night
>have a dinner with some other friends from work, go to a couple bars, have a few drinks
There was a big festival in my city so cabs were impossible to get a hold of
>she asked me if I want to come home to her friends house with her since I can't get home
>we fuck like animals for about an hour
>I'm eating her pussy like its my last meal when her phone goes off
>she reads it and shows me
I swear to fuck her boyfriend of 5 years said "babe I miss you, please come home :'("
>she bursts out laughing and shoves my face back into her pussy
>I come back up for air
>she gets another text
>"I feel so empty without you"
>I say "gimme another minute homeboy and your girlfriend won't feel that way"
>we laugh some more
>she begs me to nut in her

Women are trash my man. The trick is to be the one they treat their boyfriends like shit with.

>fuck like animals

virgin detected

OP here.
dont get all stimmed on being some sort of alpha, you faggot. this isnt how its suppoused to be. imagine if that were you


this some nek level larping

That's not my point. My point is women are souless demons. So they're either shit and you put your dick in them or they're shit and you don't . the choice is yours.

so what youre saying is women crave attention?
wow OP, thanks for that revelation.

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Oldfag here. its the type and/or maturity level of the women you are banging. there are still people with a empathy towards others out there. good to see you dont play into that bullshit. keep up the not being a demented pile of garbage. and stop giving your lifeforce to nasty people like that.

If you knew she was trash why did you go along with it?

To fuck? I don't understand the question

ya, animals fuck kinda shitty.

Yeah that. I agree with what you said in the end but I don't get why you could be disgusted by the nature of this woman and then still joke around about it and fuck her.

guys, i think the real issue here, is;
why are you fucking girls who have a superiority complex?
may don't and are genuine, nice people.

That's my point exactly. Its not just this woman. You said women now have no morals, and no honor. You're right. Its survival of the Jow Forumstest out here man. Do you think she wouldn't have done that if I hadn't went out with her? She would have done it with some other dude and I'd be home whackin off. I'm not gonna fuck myself man. I know what you mean about sympathy but you sound like the guys she cucks (no offense)

No worries user just wanted to understand. I'm far too weak for this world. I wouldn't have the stomach for it but you're right, if it's not you it's someone else so if you can handle it you might as well.

I don't like it anymore then you do bro. I remember being like 15 and falling in love and thinking women were angels but no one is innocent and the world is garbage. If I could live in a time where values still matter and people had morals I would in a second, but its a cruel world with even crueler people in it.

Is 7 really the usual number? I feel pretty average or slow at 19, and I've had 5.

The fact that you condoned her behavior and thought is was funny shows how much of a piece of shit you are also

I would have taken her phone and texted the guy that she is a slut and I’m fucking her and to find another girl

>fuck for an hour
>be eating the pussy at the end
fuckin groce my man

>fucking randos
>not saving yourself for your one true love
not gonna make it

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I think it's validation. She wants them to know that she will only let higher status males mount her.


Always is. What fucking person would ever say

>i wish all guys who crush on me could fuck me like a big strong man like you


t. Beta bitch

I honestly can't count the number of times i've hooked up with a chick who was in a relationship. They don't even act like it's a big deal. I didn't get much attention in high school but now it's like night and day. You can do literally anything to girls if you're attractive, i've said some fucked up shit to them and they still lap it up. It makes me feel like they don't like me for who I am, but what I look like, im pretty sure that's why im a narcissist

Well keked m8y

It's not about seeing other men suffer. It's about showing off how powerful you are and making you seem like a man. The idea is also that the other people listening will enjoy listening.

As a girl we don't really feel that kind of intense jealousy watching or learning about other people having a sexual experience (or at least I don't) so it doesn't register as "suffering"

kys roastie

>resorting to random, excessively repeated insults instead of actually engaging the material

a sad realization that men are literally animals

Well now you know it makes other people suffer, so will you stop it or keep pretending that you can do no wrong and you're always justified?

>"i wish the guys I play League of Legends who all want to be with me could watch while you take me on all fours"
That's hot as the guy banging her and depressing to the guys she plays with. It's an abstract kind of feel.

Why is that horrible? A girl I’ve been hanging out with was telling me that the past weekend she was out at the bar and called a guy friend that lived 30 MINUTES AWAY to come get her and take her to her place. When she said he obliged I immediately told her that he wanted to fuck. She didn’t believe me but while I was with her she was texting him and he let out that he’d had a crush on her for God knows how long. I just thought it was funny. I went through that phase myself and the sooner he learns the better. Plus it made me feel good because here I was not trying at all while he’s wasting an hour of his time on a girl that has no feelings for him whatsoever

I never engage in any behavior of the sort, I don't believe these stupid anecdotes or know anyone who would do anything like that, and I don't pretend I can do no wrong and am always justified.

YOU should understand that since we usually have a lower sex drive than you (and because you lie about caring about us openly when you really just want to have sex with us) that we don't always know when you want to have sex with us.

Checked. I don't lie about caring but the moment I let my guard down and let out actual feelings I have the girl gets turned off instantly. I'd want nothing more than to just be upfront without having to do all these little mind games but I've never found someone who would. It's all fucked.

shit like this makes me just want to rent a hooker but I want to try lift first and then maybe

here's a bump

This is why I lift, I wanna be you user

Wow, it's as if most people are pieces of human garbage!

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>premarital sex
>expects these women to be human

We are all literally animals

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>claims to be Jow Forumslack
>does this degenerate shit

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this thread makes me sad man
Ive been the beta and the alpha in these situations
i'll start with the alpha
>be me
>visiting home town
>need a drink
>go out by myself get shit faced and end up in some night club
>talking to some 5/10 probably worse I was plastered
>random redneck buys us both jack and cokes
> give thumbs ups and walks away
>end up down the street in her Prom dress store
>fuck her forever in dressing room
>blow load all over her tits and face
>she wipes up and says hold on I gotta text the hubby back
>w w what
>her words were I told him i was rubbing one out didnt mention I had somehelp

I fucking hate that I was part of that

beta story
>dating gf
>head ober heels for this bitch
>drop her off at her place
>she didn't wanna go home but my dad was visiting
>she goes to some food fair with her faggot guy friend
>whatever I'm having bro time with pops
> get text "Lol I'm going to vegas"
>what the fuck
> lies about staying with her female friend who lives in vegas
>texts me saying I'm so drunk I just did molly and xanax
>ends up sharing a room with dude
> texts me asking me to come to vegas
> my faggot beta ass drops everything and goes
>a couple months later I go threw her phone
>come to find out he had to leave that day and she didnt want to leave
>set it up perfectly so me and him never saw each other
>told him female friend was meeting her at another casino
>and we barely missed getting COMPED by shooter
>dated her for a few more months but just resented her more and more

I've done alot of regretful things but it's better to be the "alpha" then the beta

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Another "user's virginity is giving him hallucinations" thread.

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How do you feel when you realize that while you are whining about women, chad is rising a happy family and living happily with his wife?

Note that this one is about sloots and not women in general, but sloots! Its important

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>>she has a boyfriend

unironically kill yourself

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Beta cuck go back to your reddit hole and stop making up stories in your mind

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ITT: virgins larp about being Chad

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Bonus pic

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Ya its like showin off i got the alpha an get validation n attention.

Got pics of girls n ur body. An wats ur game.

If ur white midwest or russia

I would say this LARP but I know well enough to say it's problaby real, I'm bisexual dude with a lot of girlfriends, emphasize on the friend part of that word. I've seen things you wouldn't imagine user, I know it's hard to understand but it's all about competition, it's about being percived as the top girl in the group, I'd say 70% of woman inbetween 19 and 27 have slept with countless amount of men and has cheated half of that, my personal advise is to look for a girl that doesnt fit the description of a slag, don't fall in love with slags, you stupid fuck.

>I've seen things you wouldn't imagine user
>a girl that doesnt fit the description of a slag

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Is this loss?