Play video game

>play video game
>lose game
>start crying and consider killing myself

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Boi wtf getting your ass kicked is the best part

I can relate, and here's why it happens:
Our lifes are lacking, and to compensate we feel the need to prove ourself elsewhere. Video Games with their competitive nature feel that niche perfectly. And since we put all our pride in our ability to play well, losing games hits us a lot harder than it should.

I thought the little brother complex is supposed to end a little before puberty

>play competitive game
>unleash my built up virgin anger and ragequit the game

i love this stupid slutty fucking picture

go to hell you fucking normie piece of shit

>playing wot
>shitty singaporean jew server
>played shitty game
>pissed off and getting seriously
>fucked up even worse
>getting patience and play it
>get shot by Artillery and die
>kill our teams artillery and turn off game
>lying on bed and thinking about life
Seriously i fucking hate arguing with south east asian monkey and other east asian shitbag too

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Is this a gurlpucci thread?

that's because you have issues that other people want to expand on and exacerbate because people are fucking evil devils.

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You've got issues. Losing can be fun sometimes and motivating. If you always win it would be boring. Ever seen one punch man?

I knew those feels when I played Warcraft 3. It hurt so much to lose and to realize that you are not improving, that you are even inferior at some virtual games.
It's something you have done your whole life and in that moment it's the proof that it was worth for nothing.

>play video game
>consider killing myself

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>play video game
>wish enemies and their families horrible death from cancer

You don't know the true pain of loosing a video game until you loose over 70,000 souls in Dark souls 2.

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>Dark Souls 2

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I'm more interested in the cute girl in the background if your pic with the cute ears than what you typed

>hurr u got ishoos

Why are you here normie?

Why is there a crease on her left leg thigh?

That's disgusting. If all women have this then I'm glad i swore off women

>You've got issues
No shit fuckface, why do think he's on this board?

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>play multiplayer game
>winning is rewarding, losing feels fair
>having lots of fun
>ffw to random day
>start utterly getting stomped every game by random faggots
>goes on for 2 months with me playing less and less every day
>quit overwatch because the only good thing it made are female characters to fuel the porn industry and independent artists.
Seriously, everyone's cheating.

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>playing a video game
>die once
>close the game
>don't touch it until the next day


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i think that's some kind of ligament that both men and w*men have

70,000 is like two levels at like lvl 45. Try fighting Kos' orphan for like 3 weeks over and over again. Holy shit

Holy shit, just call for help. It's not difficult. Did you even min max?

I was trying to do it alone, idk i think i was the approriate level 80 or 90. Just kept losing to his second form. Hardest boss in all souls born according to me and most so not "not hard" dumbass

git gud megalul

>lose game
Not possible.

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>Lose game
Ha, fag

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cheating won't get your parents to acknowledge you, faggot

there is no cheating in ow

>there is no cheating in ow
Yeah and all the people getting banned, new players playing like gods amongst men hitting shots without even aiming at you sure isn't an indicator of cheating
get smart, pleb.

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>lose game
>contemplate how the only hobby I have other than anime, movies, manga, imageboards etc I'm terrible at
>quit the game
>read a manga and get jealous of the characters
>go to sleep to repeat this process

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>be me.
>play game with girl.
>let her dominate me and win every time.
>tell her how good she is and pretend that i'm frustrated that I can never beat her.
>after game, fap to girl

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well if there cheating then there terrible so just git gud and kill them 500

meh joke 2/10 wouldn't even matter if you're top 500. A aimbot is still a aimbot.

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