I just want to say thanks, Jow Forums.
I started lifting a few months ago and I gotten lots of good advice from you all.
Today I finally got the confidence to ask out a girl I like, and she said "Yes!".
She looked really happy and has been texting me a lot since then.
I know it's not much, but I would've never been able to do this without you guys.
Thanks bros, we're all gonna make it.
I just want to say thanks, Jow Forums
Post some of the texts between you and her.
Proud of you user
I love this
I hope I can make it. I've lost 25 pounds practically lifting everyday, and are only 25 pounds away from my goal weight.
The best thing that happens now is women 20 years older than me will be impressed by how much I lift (even though it's practically nothing) or the fact that I lost so much so fast. I would love some attention from a girl my age instead.
Can't wait to ask a girl out too, been lifting for 3 months now and the confidence is kicking in, managed to get some real friends I hang out with daily, that's the best feeling ever
>"No, I have work tomorrow."
Based. You're gonna make it
good shit, you better take her ass up on that
Same brother. I swear a few months ago i was a robot then i decided to start taking risks
Looking good af so far user. Go get em! You got this
holy shit I want this
Happy for you user
Good job breh, you're gonna make it
good work user!
I feel good for you user just dont be a real autist
we're all gonna make it OP...
Yes we are. God bless.
You made it
Go balls-deep, user!
Congrats OP!
Gratz op
Keep at it
wholesome thread
one day i may
>No, I have work tomorrow.
You unironically have your priorities in order, good for you.
I got sent to prison for 3 months. that's what got me started working out. And its like I'm getting another round of beginner gains cuz i got access to protein powder and real food now. I'm doing no fap, broke a 3 day streak last night but it wasn't to porn so its all good. My confidence is higher too, my uniform looks better on me. We're all gonna make it
I need to be more forward like this. Good job user.
If girls are attracted to you, you're too small.