Girl calls me daddy during sex

>Girl calls me daddy during sex

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haha wow thank you for the new thread talking about how you have sex. please tell us more

i feel the same way. Do you just tell them to stop?

not Jow Forums. reported

daddy calls me girl during sex

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>having sex
Get out.


>Girl calls me Mr. Potato man during sex

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>gf only makes quiet moans no matter how hard I go
I've been with screamers and that's equally frustrating but just seems like she's bored while I'm doing my best
7" b4 you ask

>girl wants me to call her mommy when she rides me

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>girl calls me mommy during sex

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screamers/moaners is usually a girl to girl thing. If you are really concerned you can try talking to her to see if theres anything she would like.

Drop her right now.

>caring about what the girl wants

>Girl calls her daddy during sex.

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just hit her real hard bro

When you are about to cum

Punch her in the fucking temple

Stop pounding. Get a rhythm with everything you do. Eating her out, fingering her, fucking her, etc.
Getting a rhythm while fucking will make the quietest girl scream in pleasure. Pounding away is the worst thing you can do

>Girl calls out for help during sex

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Fuck i remember the first time a girl called me daddy, this was back before i realy went on the internet and i didn't watch porn at the time so i legit didn't know it was a thing. She also just shouted something like 'oh daddy' over and over, no 'fuck me daddy' or any confirmation that it feels good so i freaked out and thought she was having a panic attack or something and realy wanted the safety of her father. I stopped immediately and asked if she was ok, if i should call her parents, she looks confused and gave an ackward laught, which i thought was part of whatever was happening to her. Drove her to her parents house and dropped her of, she acted ppissed the entire time and didn't respond the next day at all when i texted her asking if she was ok.


Think popular hip hop base, like

Jow Forums - Fitness

>girl has multiple orgasms, even squirts when quiet
>has only one orgasm if that when she's loud

Finesse / Rhythm > Power / Size
It's all about what works best user, do what she responds to the most.

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>imagining OP trying to bang his girlfriend in perfect time to trap hi-hats

>the last time I had sex she said she enjoyed it
>she clearly didnt

god damn, i've been out of the game for so long I couldn't satisfy a woman.