Faces of suicide

I have been considering suicide a lot lately and out of curiosity I decided to google search some pictures of people who an hero. What I noticed is that almost all of them have that same smile. The smile of someone who is forced to put on a mask and try to convince the world that everything is ok. Even in the ones that seem somewhat normal, you can see the scream for help behind their eyes. So tell me robots what do you think of this, do you also have a suicide tier smile? Do you think you would ever do it ?
Pic related is a kid who an hero at 18 a couple years ago, its from a site called faces of suicide.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>yfw Alan Brown

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Thanks for your reply user, at least I know my thread wont go unseen. Guess everyone else is busy posting trap and race bait shills. This might be the last time I post here before I finally decide to join the countless faces of those who overcame their instinct to live, so if you want you can screen cap it to have a small piece of me wherever you go, friend.

I would. I just finished watching the video of Shuaib Aslam livestreaming his suicide for r9k and thought to myself "how the hell did he muster the courage to do it?"

Oh woah it has a search function apparently. Didn't know that.

Used to have angry eyes for a long time. Now I usually just have the thousand yard stare. Ending it within the next 2 years.

>angry eyes
>thousand yard stare
>tfw I have suffer from both
>tfw it alternates several times throughout the day

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>faces of suicide
I wanted to forget the website but it looks like it won't go away

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its very hard I've been telling myself I would do it over and over but my brain stops me, i even maxed out my credit cards and quit jobs.

>heroin 2 points x2
>bottle of t3s just puked hurt tummy for a week
>did a much of pills a mix of opiates a benzos

I'm sure one day I will be able to do it, but its just fear in the end.

I know user, and ironically enough Ive been told I have a decent looking face but Im socially retarded and have the real autism so it fucks it over for me. Some of the guys on the site there never stood a chance from the start. Must have been twice as rough. I mean think about it, imagine being born 1/10, being harassed your entire life for something you had no control over, and ultimately killing yourself due to subsequent problems that would arise as a result of that. Makes me feel like shit desu

I rather have been ugly af fuck then to have had the childhood i had.

When I think about all the internet bois that killed themselves it makes me sad. Sad that circumstances made them feel like that. But I'm also happy they're at peace now. A few robots started a discord server so we could create a website specifically for Jow Forums anheros if anyone is interested in contributing here's an invite /mHK5Ax also here is the site as it is atm anhero.memorial

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this site makes me sad and wonder what happened to make them feel like this was the only thing that could release them from their pain

smile behind the pain

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>killed himself because a eurochick fucked him online

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this is lisa. she used an exit bag because of her crippling depression. say something nice to her

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*Cucked NOT fucked damn autocorrect

Dayumm look at them titties

10 years old.. feels horrible man

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I think everyone here should just learn to suffer a little more for this little girl that took her life.

>maxed out my credit cards and quit jobs
How do you resume your life after this?
Also do you need help? I already made a murder suicide pact with another user I'd be glad to liberate your brain from your skull.

Fuck man, this one is just sad, a little girl shouldn't ever have to get to that point.

i hate hearing about children who do this. thinking about child who actually thought about and went through with killing themselves makes me so sad

This thread is making me even more depressed. no child should ever be so sad, they take away their own life

Respect to that guy, he didn't back down or anything.

you just work two jobs after you feel like living is worth it again.

>hurr i really, really want to die which method should i pick
>i know how about one with a sub-50% chance of success and if that doesn't work, i'll pick one with a sub-15% chance of success then i'll be dead for sure

i bet you didn't even look up the LD50 of the drugs you were taking.
storybook cry for attention and help.

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I think about doing it almost everyday. I havent carried it as im stubborn, im only going at this point out of habit. Other than that I dont even know why I still keep going. I just want to lay down and do nothing just roll over and die. so tired of every day being a struggle and of nothing ever being easy. I want to die but dont want to kill myself. Im tired of it all . Of being alone and miserable and of wanting to die and of having to put up with this prison of a life. Ive always been alone and ignored and Im nothing special and whats the point of living the same generic soulless and purposeless life as countless millions .

making it look like my family didn't fail me by ignoring me is something that i don want them to think and i want to die high.

it's not like I'm pussyfooting the dosages and its just easier to do it when you are high.

Courage is hard to find when doing it and it was mostly me already high telling myself why not today.

>The smile of someone who is forced to put on a mask
why do they wear the mask?

Fear of rejection, fear of confrontation, fear of being shamed etc.pp

Because nobody cared who I was until I put on the mask

maybe they don't want people to worry about them or they don't want to be that guy who bums the rest of the group out.

Can confirm. I dont want to be that guy who ruins the mood when everyone else is in a good mood, just because Im miserable doesnt mean everyone else should be

squeaky wheel gets the grease

What? Origionaliciopnainon

Imagine being a parent and coming home to see your dead child, must feel horrible

They were all attractive.

Fucking heartbreaking.

>The smile of someone who is forced to put on a mask and try to convince the world that everything is ok
A lot like mine really. I don't take pictures anymore, because I'm tired of pretending to be happy.
>So tell me robots what do you think of this
It's really sad I guess.
>Do you think you would ever do it ?
No but I wish I could.

why are suicides always okay looking people? why don't ugly people kill themselves?

They do, just no one posts their faces because they are ugly. It's less of an impact because people are still petty even in the death of loved ones.

i'm a body snatcher, every suicide i've picked up has been a good looking kid.

I think everyone suffering is the least she'd want user...

Shuaiby definitely had that smile OP is talking about.

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How/why does a 10 year old commit suicide?

tfw shuaiby was a straight up chad who hated reality so much he did his best to minimize his chaddiness

I was gonna post my whole life story here but fuck it, just wanted to say I'll be joining these ranks soon. I've reached my breaking point. Worked hard for years to to try to fix my life and and it all came crashing down and it was for nothing. Wanted to not die a virgin or kissless at least but now I don't even care anymore, I just want to die, I won't care about it once I'm dead. I just need to rest from this bullshit life, I never had a chance.

I think I got that smile. What is/are the problem(s) that is/are leading you to suicide?

How: Asphyxiation via hanging I'd assume (all you really need is a door knob, belt/piece of clothing) Or maybe parents owned guns (imagine the guilt)

Why: Bullying, hopelessness, etc.

I don't even fake a smile, people always say I look depressed/tired.

Did she ascend to acquire the golden iPod?

I think he's saying that society is a community. And if you're feeling down people should do their part to lift you up.

But the reality is that people are cast aside.
People are pack animals

How are you supposed to feel sad browsing the faces of suicide site when everyone is white trash?

How am I supposed to care about your post when it's retarded?

b8 just isnt like what it used to be anymore, its all so half assed now

I've heard of white knights on r9k but I thought white trash knights were reserved for Jow Forums

>tfw had this smile back when I was stressed out from work and had to work 14 days straight

If I had a gun, I would've blasted myself.

I'm glad I'm not these people.

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He's right you know. They're all white.

It's sad, the men never stood a chance. Don't feel much for the women though.

>white trash knights
that's pretty funny but I just know your life isn't worth any more than theres, I know you're just coping by acting edgy though.

OP here, this is Nathan, age 18. You could tell by his body language he probably hated pictures like most of us. What do you robots hate the most about pictures? For me its not only a reminder of how ugly and deformed my face is, but I get some second hand insecurities thinking of how other people perceive my ugly picture, which makes me even more depressed and insecure. I feel so overwhelmed typing this, my eyes are watering, I really need your guys help. I just want to feel loved, I just want to feel like Im worth something. I just want the constant inner critique in my brain to quiet down.

Forgot to include pic of Nathan

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White people naturally have a lower amount of dopamine receptors and self-esteem in their head.

This is so they give unto a collective and collectively survive.

It's fucked-up for the world we live in.
I'm grateful for my Negroid blood, for though it isolates me and keeps me unproductive, it keeps me free of suicide and die tier mental pain.

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These niggas wish they had even the slightest microcosm of the swag Richard Boelhower had

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Keep scrolling faggot I saw some spics and nigs, and even if they were all white, why should I matter ? You are missing the bigger picture, user.

I despise pictures as well for those reasons. There is a big gap in my life from my teen years where no real documentation exists of what I looked like aside from yearbook photos. Thinking of killing myself though I thought how few photos there are of me that my family would have if they wanted to remember me. So I just grind my teeth and go along with pictures now for that sake.

>acting edgy
Your vocabulary betrays you underage faget

>You are missing the bigger picture, user.
I think you're missing the bigger picture. Society has abandoned white men. White women are still used as sex objects for minorities, but there is no place in the world for white men anymore.

See that response is exactly what I mean, there's no winning with losers though, I'm going to go read some manga.

Nigga nobody gives a fuck, we are talking about the faces of suicide and our views on the issue, period. If you dont get your thread hijacking agenda pushing ass outta here you lil bitch

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>our views on the issue
This is my view on the issue. White people have been pushed out, expected to grin and bear all the verbal abuse and race-mixing prevalent in today's society.

He was a really good looking boy. This is such a selfish thought from my part but I wish I could have the chance to save him. I would make him my best friend in the world and he would finally be the first friend I wanted so much

Hes good looking imo. In fact barely saw any ugly people on that wall at all.

Ugly people like us don't get memorials we get forgotten

suicide is a white person thing isn't it?

Yup, it's a white male thing. The white race is finished, interbreeding white women and men killing themselves.

This isnt an issue of race, anyone can feel depressed to the point of suicide. Whites make up more than half of the US population, and Im pretty sure all of the pictures on the site are Americans because in every picture I clicked on, the state they died in was included and they were US states. You would expect most of them to be white. Go back to your shitty race bait thread

>tfw been considering it since my break up after a 5 year relationship but I can't even rant about it on r9k because "reeee normie"

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Ya god damn right, fuck outta here norman

>tfw used to be a chad
>got schizophrenia

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white men are 30% of the population and make up 70% of suicides in the United States. It is a race issue that no one wants to acknowledge

tell me more, I Chadded it up around 18-19
now I'm a suicidal depressed 27 year old boomer thats only enjoyment is work and shitposting

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>killing yourself because of a woman

There are 0 (ZERO) reasons on this Earth to kill yourself. As long as you have a breath left in your body you are fucking winning. Don't be a pussy and toss away everything your father gave you just because a cunt hurt your feefees.

>white women are used as sex objects for minorities

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Too bad we'll both be long gone before that happens. So I'll get to enjoy the last moments of the white race during this life, while you'll get... whatever it is that the races with a disadvantage gets to experience in the current world

>not killing yourself over your only true love youll ever have experienced

First of all Im almost certain its much more than 30% but for the sake of argument I will grant you that. Minorities make up less of the population, which is why you would expect to see LESS of their suicides. Im pretty sure the reasons these people (and Im speaking specifically for the site) killed themselves because they were literal 1/10s, bullied, etc, and not because of MUH WHYTE RACE IS DYING CUZ OF DA COLORED MAN

>whatever it is that the races with a disadvantage gets to experience in the current world
Lots and lots of easy sex with white women

Love is bullshit user especially true love and there are other things to experience in this life than just that. Be a man.

It's usually white guys who have been divorced by their wives who go to sleep around with minorities while the white guys stays alone. Also the white population is 76.9% with half of those being white men. Also if your argument holds for suicide being naturally that way due to population number, why do blacks commit more crimes while being such a small percent of the population?

Do you think if there's an afterlife you guys will still be persons of color? Do you think it will matter less in that reality in the case we experience enlightnment? Would you still ask God for a different skin tone if you could? Did you ever at any moment during this mortal life felt anger at God for making you a person of color?

i'm too full of hate and spite to let normies win over me.

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I can tell by your broken english that you're probably not from an english speaking country, right? Maybe hispanic? Do you guys feel jealous of the small percentage of white boys that reside in your country? Or do you barely see any of them in the social-economic area your family raised you? What do you feel that could help you overcome the bitter spite for the white men that has been troubling you thus far?

>I can tell by your broken english that you're probably not from an english speaking country, right?
No I'm just dumb.
I'm white dumb ass. I'm arguing that suicide is primarily a white male issue that nobody cares about.

Do you feel like you lack in something when you come across a person like this one in the picture? What would you say are the negative feelings that stand out the most? How do you feel that you could be more "complete" in this life, or do you not feel like you could achieve something like that at all?

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Even if your life is suffering you can live knowing there is a chance for things to get better. be patient user

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>voluntarily trapping yourself in this hellish realm
Pick the second one.

Not really he looks a lot like me, same hair same skin tone. I'd say I feel lonely a lot of the time. Having friends or a gf may make me feel complete, but I don't think I could achieve that.

>when even a 10 year old has more guts than you do

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I see. But you do hold a curious hatred, that according to what you are saying, is a self-loathe against the white man. Do you feel like if you could control or at least relief yourself from those negative feelings you would feel more confident to turn your life around?