Jesus fuck, another beta nerd is trying to approach me in the middle of the day, fuck off and leave me alone!

>jesus fuck, another beta nerd is trying to approach me in the middle of the day, fuck off and leave me alone!

Attached: girl4.jpg (1080x1080, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I just wanna be fwens

Attached: IMG_0205.jpg (640x640, 112K)

>don't you get it that you're way out of my league? Just look at yourself!

Shut your fuck up, harlot. I just want to read that Big Book Pokemon book.

Feel like thats not you normie

>blocking the aisle
>reading YA trash
>being a roastie
>drinking starbucks

>Graphic Novel
full on cringe where can I download this stuff
I aint buying that shit


Attached: toddson.gif (353x197, 1.45M)

You look to much of a normie not like the rest of us m8

how does one look like a normie??
you haven't even seen me

Oof wrong user my guy

just more proof of the matriarchy

>Step over her
>Oh, I wasnt approaching you
>Pick up the Big Book of Pokemon

carry on my friendo

ermagerd im so nerdeh guyz pl0x look at me lmaoh 2011 maymz

I want to savagely beat people who let their sleeves cover their hands like that

>trips over cofee and legs

Attached: 1530198365966.gif (250x251, 410K)

girl looks pretty cute here, this image made me imagine a scenario where I interact with her and she becomes my friend, too bad she's another self absorbed whore just like every other good looking female in this world

Attached: wojak23.png (846x592, 42K)

Anons why do they put that cardboard sleeve around the coffee cup?

I have bought coffee a few times now and they always put one on my cup and I don't understand it.

Fucking sit in a chair so mfs can get their books you attention whore

so you don't burn yourself
cooffee is hot

She's cute but would be cuter without the mascara :)

Reminder makeup is a scam, you are all being tricked into believeing it makes you look prettier when in reality you look better without a bunch of chemicals smeared around your eyes.

We all know youre a trap, OP

Just who the fuck here uses makeup? You do know where you are, right?

if OPs pic is a trap then I would befriend him and we can play video games

I just wanted to ask if you had time to speak about the lawd and savior

im just here to tell you you're fucking retarded for sitting on the middle of the damn floor with a fucking starbucks(?) cup. you're prolly not even reading, dumb fuck. you're entire posture indicates you're just posing and wasting oxygen.

Nah most rosties look terrible under makeup

Is this a book shop or a library? If a book shop I'll tell the manager they've got a freeloader; if a library I'll return my copy of The Trial and pick up The Divine Comedy for some light reading while commuting to work.

Attached: 1518867518632.png (741x568, 29K)

thats a Barnes and Noble

Oh I forgot.

>tfw no fembot gf

>get out of the aisle asshole, you're in my way

Who you callin beta, OP?

Attached: 84EE50B1-0AC6-4825-8C3F-10CA0D4A359A.jpg (1200x1508, 106K)

who do you think took the picture?

her boyfriend you retards
girls like this don't want you

This is why I buy books online

Hey pussy ass, get out of the way, sit in a chair.

Fuck you bitch, I want that dope Tetris book.
-Kicks coffee away-

>O-oh, I'm sorry did you spill your coffee?
>Fuck I think I hurt my back, can you help me up?
>I-i'm sorry it's hot out there it's not my fault I sweat
>Oh those were your breasts, s-sorry

*knocks over your shitty coffee*

Here, let me give some sweet white cream.
Don't worry, it's PACKED with protein!