/r9gay/ - #360

do you really want a bf, or do you just like the fantasy? edition


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>actually wanting an irl bf
You don't know what you're in for. Obviously all of you just like the fantasy.

Second for being emotional wreck

Fantasy I thought i did then it just felt weird as fuck dog

wanted to cuddle with lil peep isn't gay

I know that fantasy will always beat reality, but I still want a real bf for real

You aren't alone user

Third for being bored unless someone posts while I'm solving the captcha

Calm down nap :3

I definitely want a real bf tbqh

>TWO people posted

I do want a real love bf

>Thought I had found someone who actually loved me
>In reality was just being catfished for 4-5 months
m-maybe next time, right guys?

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Why does being around friends I love not feel like anything? Nothing feels like anything and if I got a bf I'd probably misstreat him by being too depressed or end up as suicide statistics

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Atleast you cam antagonize him now, my bf had every reason to break up and I'm garbage

tell the story so others may learn

What are your experiences with moving to college? I'm moving to one of the bigger cities in my country soon and I would like to have the college bf experience at least once.

If you got baited that long it's your fault for being so retarded and not getting the hints early on.

>nap is actually posting here without his avatar
Feels kinda nice tbqh

Being hella depressed and failing at love and school

Someone I had actually known for almost a year online before "dating".
Turned out they were a complete phony who gave me fake pictures, fake name, fake age, fake height, in reality did not even love me, in reality are not even gay but they just like to get attention.
I was quite naive, yeah, but this person is also a very good liar. I know what to look out for now though.

If you're posting here I don't know what you expect, you can't get anything without being social. A bf won't drop into your dorm or arms out of nowhere.

>I know what to look out for now though.
what do you look for ?????

>he doesn't want to voice chat because he self conscious about his English
i won't make fun of you dammit just give me those chords i've been waiting for

is it tone deaf to post this now with that guy talking about catfishing?

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Somebody who seems too perfect. Also ask for a timestamped picture or some similarly identifying thing. It never occurred for me to ask for that because I was overly trusting. Also if you catch someone lying about small stuff, chances are they are lying about a lot more than that.

>tfw no bf with feet that are so smelly it burns your throat when you sniff them

>they say they won't make fun of me
>they do
Screw you people!

You faggots lied to me, bottoms are just as bad as roasties
>My only requirements are that they have a personality and body more feminine than my own
>I'm highly masculine
>Mfw every bottom rejects me or is already taken

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I-it's not me it's th-them

Let me guess, you're a manlet.

it's not my fault he drags out the "oo" sound in do and two.
n-not that i make fun of him for it

tfw im a manlet top
tfw i still have an active sex life

>manlet top

I love people with cute accents and bad english, it's fun to lightly tease them about it but I love it really

i'm a bottom lanklet (6'3) would anybody sleep with me?

you faggots think its gay if i want to date lil peep?

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skinny fuckin blue-eyed twink here

i need a nerdy bear to fuck me while I play vidya on his lap

yup, he is a male after all

what if i don want to touch his nasty pp


I'm not really a sperg

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Then they sensed you're prison gay.

>cute EU boy speed running my second favorite RPG

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from a personal perspective, it's going to be horrible

>the faggot circle is a bunch of whores who have screwed each other already
>everyone is very prone to being a loud and obnoxious LGBT rights liberal
>they will shame you for not agreeing with their worldviews, even if you're the type to live and let live
>couples will start forming around you progressively
>even the kissless virgins who were in the same position as you just months ago
>they will forget what it's like to be lonely and say things like "it's easy just be yourself"
>soon, the friends you've made will stop hanging out with you in favor of their new conquests
>you remain alone, with piss-poor grades, crying when you fap because you lean in for a kiss and nobody's there

study a lot from the start makes everything piss easy, way easier than highschool
trying to better you grade on the following year is a meme, don't fall for it
befriend teachers, they can take you farther than good grades
try to get an internship with said teacher

if you're going to be alone and cry, I'm sure you'd rather cry in a castle

that's the first time i've seen that gif outside of that "m-maybe you could use my butt" picture

You can call me a norman and whatnot, but I have little trouble with women.
That said, I don't think I'm prison gay. I've had multiple opportunities for relationships with females and have never found myself compelled with them, and somewhat disgusted. I assumed I must have simply disliked women for what they are, whores, but when I started 'reading in' to the whole gay thing, it's lit me up with a passion I've never had for women.

I won't call you a norman because girls are all over me as well usually. They get really offended when I tell them I'm gay.

>tfw no rhotacism bf
its so cute i commend people in videogames who use voice chat and have it

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im going to spray compressed air in my fucking mouth im done

why would you spray compressed air?
why are you done?

Sounds too good to be true user.

because i want frostbite on my throat so i die

where do you live user, and what vidya, i wont let you on my lap if you have shit taste.

you forgot why you are done

>tfw nobody to lick my cute little pink nipples

only if there would be kissing aswell and butt munching

im done with life user stop trying to talk me out of it faggot

ha ha you're a butt much!
but yes please kiss me

there are more effective ways of passing
impulse suicide rarely leads to actual success, especially in such an exotic way

It might be hard doing both at the same time.

My dick, I mean.

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The kiss comes after the date. Maybe the second date

>tfw you were just part of a street race

im still giggling

This sort of thing really gets me going.

Sure! I'd never rush in or pressure you. I just want you to feel happy and safe around me. If I can make you laugh on the first date I'll consider it a good date!

gas the fucking NA already

if i were to tell him that i was in a bad mood today and i thought of him to feel better
would that be too much? in the past he said i was in one of his dreams but that seems different

If you could possibly talk to him over voice or in chat, you could say he made you feel better and it would carry the same meaning whilst also being more relevant.

It's weird but there's nothing wrong with that, user. I doubt he would take it anything other than positively

so what you want to get married now or something

How does that relate?

dont dodge the question

thready reminder that i still dont have my dicklet bf.

kill yourself fucking retarded ape

I do not want that. I don't understand why you're asking me.

Keep it down nap
Depends on the context I guess. If we were friends and I liked you that way in any capacity I'd think it was super cute and it'd just melt my heart. You just have to find a non awkward way to tell him

You've been offered it many times and have not accepted the advances. Do you have a deficiency of the mental variety?
Comin' on a bit strong there tiger, slow up

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Ok I'll peck you on the cheek.

>You've been offered it many times

i know, im just memeing at this point and not even close to ready to jump back into a relationship.

>no nocturnal NEET bf to go nightwalking with

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It's awful
but unironically throw yourself out there and get connections by making friends and getting drunk with people, make good with your professors and do really well your first year academically

Hello I have panda eyes and sometimes they're bloodshot from all the sleep I don't get. I would like to stay awake with you.

you're gonna be very disappointed
you'll go through college never having a bf and then you'll have regrets because you're gonna be old when you finish

>college bf
Don't hurt yourself like that. Why? If it goes well then you're fucked.

>you're gonna be old when you finish
Stop saying things like this.

it's true, what did you expect?

When you're finished with uni you'll be closing in on your mid 20s and that's before grad school should you choose that.
If you don't have your shit in order before that happens it's a long hard struggle to even catch up with younger generations as they overtake you in achievements and you get less and less desirable for both romantic and economic positions

After turning 20 your attractiveness goes down exponentially each year.

>After turning 20 your attractiveness goes down exponentially each year.
no user dont say that PLEASE

t.18 year old prison gay chucklefuck

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This isn't a tranny thread, stop being retarded. There's no reason to worship youth. I know there are a lot of braindead prison gay fags on Jow Forums but you don't have to be one of them.

I'm not prison gay or a tranny, you're in denial. If you don't see this, I pity you. Where do you think the whole 'cute boy' notion comes from?
Ask yourself this:
If someone can have a 25 year old and a 18 year old, why would he ever choose the 25 year old?

Unironically because the 18 year old is dumb and can't do shit except be a tight hole.

The 'cute boy' notion comes from prison gay retards like you that are attracted to cuteness and femininity but can't get a woman like they want.

The 25 year old is more mature and experienced. He can hold a conversation and navigate a relationship successfully. It's likely that he has his own income and residence so that he can both travel to you or act as a host if you travel to him. It's clearly the better option. I say this as someone that's dated both, young guys are a nightmare.

>Tfw no bf to do this to

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That's rationalization. 18 year old will be picked 90% of the time.
I'm not prison gay I said it before. I'm strictly into masculine guys. Still the fact remains that the vast majority of people posting here are looking for 'cute boys'.

I'll let you do it to me for $2000.

Please no I'm self-conscious about my belly


Cute! Cute! Cute!

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Actually I'm kinda lean and can't pull my tummy like that, you're gonna have to think of something else.

Tummy tickles are still cute...

No! Not cute! Do not bully!

$2000 up front and it's yours.

Yes cute! Super cute!

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I want an online boyfriend since I never leave the house and am broke all the time.

Where are you from? I'm a gigantic asshole btw, I don't think I would be any comfort to you.