impressive before/afters .Post'em
Motivation Thread
Requesting pictures of former hungry skeletons and escaped Auschwitz detainees.
Please brahs.
Holy shit. Legitamitely a different man.
Looks like Michael J Fox
Whats with the photobombing homo touching his nipple?
everybody wants his magic gains
Now these people I can respect. I couldn't fathom having to dig myself out of such a fucking mess.
Nice that he got fit but it's a shame that he got short tho
He looked like a fucking boss/maybe a popular DJ at worst
Now he looks like an obnoxious trainer.
Bet he feels 10x healthier and fitter tho. And can find his dick without having to fold back layers of fat.
That is very impressive. Dude's got a nice face too. Shame about the skin though.
still big ol face
cos knees are over rated
mirin traps
This desu feel like im going to be a skeleton forever
>All examples are roids
fuck off
yeah cuz a natty body isn't mindblowing you fucking retard