Why are England's suburbs so fucking ugly?

Why are England's suburbs so fucking ugly?
>no trees
>same style houses

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I have no idea but it is such a depressing place. Full of depressing, ugly, parochial, boring people, just like their architecture.

Even places like Russia, despite being depressing as fuck, are like... not sad depressing like England, they have character and at least Slav craziness and insanity.

what the fuck is up with britbongs trying to make their neighborhoods look rustic with a bunch of nuclear smokestacks in the background?

It really is fucking horrible. Miles and miles of nothing but a labyrinth of the same copy-pasted houses, it's like a fever dream.

All suburbs are ugly and soulless. Ameriburgers don't even know what sidewalks are.

>same style houses
I've heard this complaint quite a few times from filthy foreigners. What's wrong with building to a template? It speeds things up. And with how fucking slow our lazy, shitty polish builders are, they need all the help they can get.

It came from all those industrialists. They would build houses for the workers right next to the factory. So they built long rows of tiny, identical houses to pack as many slaves next to the factory as possible.

the midsomer murders kinda suburbs are lovely tho. i would prolly hate living in some old brick house but it looks nice.

>Slav craziness and insanity
>t. never been to eastern europe
suburbs are basicaly semi-rural villages. nothing really happens there

Atleast we don't make our houses out of cow shit anymore we are trying + cheap affordable houses after the blitz + we are all peasant mining towns

And fuck off any Amerifags your wooden houses are shit why do you want/need that much space you giant lard fuck obese cunt

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Plenty of US suburbs have been built using templates, but they usually at least put facades on the front so that the people inside don't feel like killing themselves because they live in a cookie cutter

I hate fucking UK suburbs its all shite literally fucking disgusting shitholes worthless bloody councils never do a fucking thing and the only place of any use will be some shitty paki shop down the road someone needs to nuke this fucking country and all its ugly fucking copy-paste houses

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that doesn't look that bad as they are semi detached, the real awful shit is the post war 20's housing estates where you can hear and smell your neighbors at both ends. Mold and rats, stinking kebab shops and betting shops for miles

>cheap affordable houses after the blitz


The gov't also went through a phase of building shit loads of social housing for our booming population. That's fallen off massively over the last two decades and we're now facing a huge housing crisis.

If I lived in the UK I would already kms

polish construction workers have a saying
"u siebie rob jak u siebie a u kogos na odpierdol"
which mean "when working on your house work well when working on someone elses house fudge"

>less sad and depressing than England
What planet are you living on retard?

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Newhaven is a shithole

I hate all these fucking polish cunts in my town I see them walk past uttering complete gibberish LEARN THE LANGUAGE IR GTFO

Even the fucking muslims and other foreigners keep their traps shut but fucking Slavic arseholes need to piss off back to shithole ussr and stay there Bulgarian Ukrainian Slavic cunts

this can be said for most majority white nations

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I fucking hate england

Wish i knew a jihadi id blow up parliament for the good of the people

At least russia has the courtesy to place its soul crushing nature in full view; england is far more insidious you only come to the shattering realization that england only exists to drive people insane when you realise every town looks like every other town, every city looks like every other city, and every village looks like every other village; and your trapped there with not even a butter knife to defend yourself from the hordes of chavs in full balaclavas riding on their mums stolen mobility scooter

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I feel you lad, brick houses are strong but holy fuck I'm dying from the heat and humidity at this time of year, in winter you freeze, government goons step on your fucking neck over the smallest shit, everything looks the same run down and neglected no matter whether it's London, Newcastle or Manchester, fuck this shithole of an island, glad that im moving to central Europe in 10 weeks time

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It could definitely do with some greenery but I like it.

Just looks like STALKER. Looks comfy, England just looks soul crushing. Even the fucking weather is boring and pedestrian.

Cheep, comfy home, simple as. I just wish more Jonny foreigners thought the same as you

You can't, there are almost no methods for doing so.

Also the fucking suburbs are expanding like a literal cancer upon the last pieces of countryside, I went to visit family in Somerset and they were making new build estates right onto rural fields like pic related, the concrete jungle is real

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lucky lad, get out while you still can, the labour death squad will soon arrive to collect your tax money if you don't

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Go to Wales

why would you ever go to fucking wales mate? it's literally just llandudno and then endless fields of sheep

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>you mean sheep shaggers mate

Shut up you faggot go end your life

Labs, cons, dems, they're all a bunch of cunts that have spent decades destroying this country, I really hate for it to be this way but the only choice for my descendants is to leave. My great grandparents came over from Germany, I'm going back for a 3 year farming contract starting in September, will also be studying at the local agricultural school (landwirtschaftschule). Good luck to you too user

Go suck Theresa mays cock you fucking spastic wankstain

Literally this
English suburbs are comfy as fuck compared to the gray and depressing commieblocks

Thanks lad, hope you get that cozy farm life

What did you say you cheeky wanker I'll batter you senseless you tosspot shitfuck queer

this but replace jihadi with guy fawkes who for the record did nothing wrong

>would rather live in the Shire than Osgiliath

Dilapidated greatness is always better than comfy and boring.

Brutalist >>> Hobbit holes

the russian city in his pic is pitchblack with only a few hours of daylight and frozen for 70% of the year and a muddy slush the other 30%.

Then you only get something crazy like 500mb of internet a month due to how remote it is (furthest north city in the world). Shit wages and drug problems.

Oh and everyone dies by age 50 due to toxic fumes from local factories
Norilsk is the worst city in the world

Gonna ave to check yer suicoide loicense sir! Ave you got one?

I'd rather have bricks than wood panels like we have in the US.
I prefer roman concrete over every thing else though.

>lazy polish workers
Most of those suburbs were built in the early 20th century

They're not really any worse than the miles of cookie-cutter developments that sprung up around America during the early '00s boom. I had a friend who lived in one of those and you had to drive through street after street of completely identical houses to get to his. The only difference between that neighborhood and the British ones was that the houses were all fake Spanish-style stucco shit instead of brick.

As an ameriburger, my stay in England felt pretty comfy. I liked how things were more compact and less excessive. In America everything is so spread out and rich people's properties are a dick-measuring contest.

tfw i hate it here
its so depressing and grey and everything looks sort of crackden-ish
just want to escape but no money and nowhere to escape to


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Nah I'm just kidding, shitposting.

Somebody explain to a leaf what exactly is an "estate" in England... is it like a housing project?

Is that near iron bridge power station?

meh, i like more than the shithole suburbs in my thrid world country.

at least on England i can kms and nobody will care.

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Most suburbs are kinda ugly honestly. The only reason people moved there used to be affordability but now they're expensive as hell and not even that safe. We really need to destroy the post-war civic customs.

England looks green and comfy.

What? Most if not all American suburbs have sidewalks. Even big American cities have sidewalks. What the fuck are you talking about? The only place where sidewalks aren't a thing are in more rural parts of the South and Midwest.

>tfw my town used to be a shitty quiet town and now its a shitty commuter town full of posh city cunts in porsches