Lovepill General

Why aren't you on the lovepill yet?

What's your excuse?

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It requires someone to love me.

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Ridiculous anterior pelvic tilt

absolutely disgusting

mike chang?

>It requires someone to love me.

Hey, asianmasculinity redditor!

I feel like I can't ever have a relationship, that I can love or be loved.

Honestly sometimes I don't even know if I feel human, I just kind of exist. Is this mental disorder?

>roiding for this


This exact thread got deleted yesterday. Fuck off.

scoring a 6/10 white girl as an asian guy is like landing a 9/10

do all asian guys aspire to get a 6/10 white girl? all my asian friends try so damn hard to pick up white chicks and I find it very strange

a 6/10 white girl is better than a 9/10 asian girl

Their own women are the least racially loyal out of all the demographics so they try to look elsewhere. Funny thing is that white people in general are the most racially loyal

Don't wanna pay child support

a 6/10 normie white girl desu.

If you look into to tumblr girls or art qt white girls as an hot asian guy, you might get a really girl thats more facially attractive than the normie 6/10 white girl

why would you want a 9/10 woman aside to sate your on ego?

beautiful women KNOW they're beautiful. The fucking mind games and shit tests not only never end, they have every reason to be look out for an upgrade.

Dating beautiful people when you don't consider yourself beautiful is fucking stressful as shit. There's a reason sometimes beautiful people settle for average looking folks, sometimes even others of their own kind are too much to handle.

>Funny thing is that white people in general are the most racially loyal

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What the fuck does beautiful mean? I think there are more beautiful girls than there are beautiful guys.

IRL, you see more girls that look taylor hill or victoria secret models than you do guys that look like Francisco Lachowski or Jordan Barrett. So, there are more drop dead gorgeous girls than there are drop dead georgeous men.

Guys who usually look good to women irl usually look like a handsome actor (not beautiful, but handsome, just a good jaw, clear skin and nice hair), tall, good hygiene and athletic.

They are loyal, except when theres ethnic chads.

Your blacked porn collection isn't the norm. Look up any stats about this.

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She aborted my baby, so much for "love"


Does this look like a Chad?

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Jawmogs this whole board probably

high tier normie id say

Have you ever seen who Asian girls are dating? They're always with white dudes. Asians going for whites was far before Jews started blacked propaganda. White people are literally worshiped by Asians and Asians are worshiped by whites.

>Jawmogs this whole board probably
talking about the girl right?

fucking delete this


What makes you think he roided? His body doesn't look that impressive

Father forgive me for I have sinned


fuck them, drop them. Lovepill is ONLY for betas.


Im not into fat chicks

Asian girls are more interested in spiting their dads. So as a blessing, Asian guys are forced to get women of other races. Usually white girls, because they are closest to qt anime girls.

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