>6 Ft
> 172 lbs

I've been trying to lean down while maintain what muscle mass I have. Cardio has'nt killed off my gains, that and with a diet composed of just chicken, vegetables and Greek yogurt, I feel like I'm slowly getting the body I've been trying for.

How bout you guys, how's the summer cut going for you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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How much body fat do you have? I'm pushing 160 at 6ft and I'm still skeleton. Thankfully I benefit from the bodybuilder illusion.

I'm not too sure to be honest, I couldn't tell you.
Maybe, 10-15% but hell if I know.

Goal physique right there.

i want a body like yours one day, the world is very shallow, but having that body would make it easier on myself, as i would achieve one of my goals.

im at 156.5 lbs / 5'7, i've been fasting at least 24 hours for the past week / 2 weeks, im currently on a 48 fast cycle, just one meal at around midnight. It's been hard i've crashed alot of times, but not too bad to give up. I tell my parents to stop buying junk food but they're concerned.

How long should I fast to look decent ?

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0.5 days you anorexic

you have issues if you dont think you look decent already.

Maybe it's not obvious in that picture but I have some fat around my waist. It's like a slight muffin top when I wear certain clothes.

I'm far from being anorexic, I'm 51 kg for 159 cm.

how do i looksmaxx my body?

am i gonna make it bros?

also please ignore my dirted room

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>you have issues if you dont think you look decent already.
skeletor looks decent, i dont agree but FUARK women have it on ez mode then

>dat hourglass

all people bloat sometimes from eating certain foods

i would say pretty much any guy would want to fuck you from the pic, including me.

to answer, do IF 16/8 for a couple months and you'll look soild

Whats cutting lol

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Yes + cardio and yohimbine maybe

>also please ignore my dirted room
CLEAN your room, bucko.


Make your bed.


hate to tell you this kid, but you have a 0.1% chance of survival

Am I too fat?

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no. go banemode

Day 1: Squat, Bench
Day 2: Military Press, Deadlift
Just throw in some accessories and you’re good


Been cutting for the last ~3.5 months, probably gonna get down to 84-85kgs. Started at 102kgs. Pretty cancerous downlighting but i need it cause i'm pale asf.


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don't have an updated pic of my back but this was 2 months ago @95kgs

Attached: Back.jpg (467x960, 28K)


Fat 40-something heading to fit... Down from 123kg ro 101kg since October.
Before pics are January this year at 115kg.
I'm 188cm, do I have potential?

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keep it up and you'll make it. hard to say if you have "potential," judging by your 22kg weight loss you're on the right track though mate.

needs more mass, bulk.


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>that chest gap.

I'm sorry.



Are you single?

Depends on why you're asking

5'3? Why not embrace it and go trap mode?

Because there's a small difference between being hilariously short and a gigantic faggot

you are a choosing begar, be happy you at least have the option of saving yourself by going trap mode

Because I'm mirin and I wanna know.

Yes I'm single

>saving yourself
>becoming a shemale

fucking underrated; took me a second

>being literally 5 feet tall
>being male
pick one

>be you
>be skinnyfat lanklet or dyel lardass
>wipe the cheeto dust and krispy kreme glaze out of your eyes and come on Jow Forums
>see an absolute manlet that looks miles better than you
>get angry and insecure about your soft, shitty body
>move the empty large salad bowl that once housed an entire box of cinnamon toast crunch along with serving spoon so you can type quicker and not knock it off your plastic playtable

I can’t ignore it’s too dirty

For the love of God, please clean your rooms


6'5/195 cm. Keeping a low bf over summer, then bulk. Thoughts?

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Post body

Defo bulk, if I were you I'd go dirty bulk and get fucking massive then cut down
Wanna trade heights?


you look good, tall people tend to have shit proportions
I'd work more on lats and triceps for width gains
keep it up


Haven't posted on Jow Forums on about 3 years

Is tiny still around?

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Summer cut. Meh.

Attached: May 2018.jpg (1200x1600, 112K)

What did you look like before?

Im scared of bulking, because Im scared of never coming back from being fat. Cutting sucks. Im more than pleased as it is now, girls love it. No thanks on the height, sorry bro :(

Try a lean bulk then. I went from 122 (the weight I wrestled at) to 155 in about three years with a cyclical ketogenic diet


I'm thinking of cutting for when I go to Spain this summer, thoughts? I like the lean look.

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haha when I see the picture on here suddenly I look way less muscley than I do in the mirror or on my phone screen

>under 150 pounds
>"Should I cut?"

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I kind of am, just not over the summer really

eat my cock you slut

This is the diet I specifically used, with some tweaks, to bulk up and add some strength/size while still staying relatively low bf% (NSFW, don't open if you're at work)







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Cut or bulk?

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Cut hard, then bulk

Here's some kind of comparison

Attached: Before and after 2018.png (1093x406, 906K)

hit that chest my nigga

Good job user, actually impressive

Fucking goal body right there. Are you natty?

6ft 177lbs
wat do I need to work on. started doing more abs since I neglected them

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try lifting

any comments?
is this still DYEL?
I already added face pulls to my back day.

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What have i become?
Not sure if i should cut again.
Give advice

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Look good bruv, what's height and weight

>Give advice
don't stand like a homosexual

Mirin, that’s the body type I want
No problems here, girl bodies are weird and I don’t understand them so I can’t offer much advice
I think it’s just time to cut and see what you’ve got idk
This I’m 6’0 and 180lbs
Coming back after 6 years, here’s my pathetic DYEL body. Working on eating more and lifting heavier. Training legs since I never have.
Old bench max was 255lbs, did 5x5 of 150 yesterday, it was very easy so I’m going to add 5lbs each time (doing SL to work up my legs)
Squat: 100lbs @ 5x5 (never trained before lol)
Bench: 150 @ 5x5
OHP: 135 @ 5x5
Row: 135 @ 5x5 (never trained before)
DL: 135 @ 2x5 (never trained before)
Can 3x10 pullups, need a weight belt

I’ll take any good advice, I’m trying to get out of DYEL fast

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6 foot, 28 years old recovering fatso supreme. Top pics I was 170lbs, currently 203lbs.On week 4 of bulk.. somehow abs still kind of visible.

Strength is up tremendously. Keep going or am I just getting fat? Was planning on 4 more weeks of this

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>4 weeks
>30 lbs of weight gain
holy fuck

82,5kg was last measurement, i guess 83-84 now.

Lifts are:
OHP: 60x5
Bench: 90x6 or 100x1
Squat: 120kgx5
Diddly 150kgx5 or 160kgx1

That was for showing leg because tiny front and i would get "train legs m-muh" if i didnt do it.

Inb4: train legs

I should clarify, I was around 185 or 186 at start of bulk.. I was on vacation for 3 weeks prior to bulking. Probably gained less than 15 so far in the bulk

who else /lanklet/?

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You look lean enough, no need to cut desu

How long it took you?

fucking great

Bow in the presence of greatness.

27 y/o

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>door handle above belly button
>6 ft
lol manlet

Pls no bully, still a novice lifter


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You should be more concerned on fixing those knock-knees desu

God of manlets
Genuine mire

Lol'd, thanks m8

future anorexic
you are at perfect bf lol

should i bulk or cut?

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5'8 150lbs

am i athletic ottermode yet?

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What do you think?

fuck mobile posting

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cut! You'd look so good just think about it.