You'll never go to school again

>You'll never go to school again
>You'll never experience teenage love
>You'll never be young again
Is there any more heart piercing feeling? Fuck it feels so horrible. I feel like I've missed out life.

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Fornication isn't real love

If you didn't experience teenage love, you're fucked.
When I was 16, I had a chance to fuck blonde 14 year old qt. I didn't because I thought it's unacceptable because she's ''too young'' lmao. What a loser I was.

>these charts again on what life is 'meant' to be like
seriously does anyone give a shit? you're on this earth for about 80 years and then you die and are forgotten; you're gonna worry about that shit?

Holy shit this cope
Think about it. You'll never be 15 years old Chad who fucks his teenage girlfriend while her parents are not home. That's what life is all about.

You're retarded

The 30 year old reminds me of Thanos

>fit invasion dot pee n gee

>got my first gf at 19 and a half
>she was 22

Don't really care that I missed out on teenage love.

>That's what life is all about.
no, no it is not. and you are retarded.

Don't know why but "doomed to walk the earth lifting heavy objects" sounds kinda cool. I feel less shitty about my wasted youth now that i know my ultimate inescapable destiny

You're actually the retards. You don't understand the human psyche.

If you don't fuck underage you were raised to be a loser, and that's all you'll ever be.

I fucked a tight 19 year old at age 27. Age doesn't matter for men.

:( similar situation with a totally fucking mental chick who self mutilated and colored her hair with sharpies and grabbed my dick in public and called my house after looking up my phone number. i fricked up (in the case that she wouldn't have went batshit on me, maybe i avoided that)

>fricked up


why 19 and not 16?

You can always start mass shooting, or start raping women, or raping children, or killing people, or slowly killing children while raping them while their parents sit tied watching. I believe ruining and taking away lifes of others can make you feel better. Society made feel you that you're fucked up, so it's good to make taste their own medicide. In the end, it doesn't matter if you experienced teenage love or not if you forced to see your kids being raped and die and then die yourself.

Life is all about being underage Chad who looks older than he is, has nice, tall body and handsome face.
Chads usually bully weaker (inferior) males because that's natural and that way they increase their chances to get laid. Fertile 15 year old Stacy subconsciously sees Chad as someone to breed with.
High school is natural selection at its finest.

glad to see that my practice with finding triggering typing styles worked

I was lucky enough to have at least one teenage love, even with my pockmarked disgusting face. It's an expierence you can't replicate. You're young and naive, you think it will last forever, especially after you lose your virginity to them. Then when they turn into a roastie you're completely crushed for about 2 years afterwards. Memories..

Pic related this is her now

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>the Jow Forums is meant for baiting and nothing else XD

Stop being an unabashed newfaggot.

sure thing lad
sure thing

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i've been browsing this board for at least a good 6 years i dunno, stop projecting man

Not gonna lie is smash,

There is more to life than sex you absolute mongoloid

Keep coping.
I imagine incels like you thinking that you're very intelectual and everyone is degenerate but you.
Guess what? Nobody cares about you. You're nothing. While you sit in your dark room ''educating and improving yourself'' Chad is fucking that teenage pussy every fucking second.

>If you don't fuck underage you were raised to be a loser, and that's all you'll ever be.
your mind is poisoned by weimar-tier degeneracy

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Jeez, imagine thinking there is more to life than putting your dick in a pussy. That would be fucking horrendous wouldn't it?

I'm 15 years too late. I neved had/stood a chance.
I am the one to blame for the most part, and what I regret the most is to not have transferred to another school mid-way. Probably somewhere else I would have had a chance to, at least, make friends. I didn't have friends back then, let alone I would had a GF.

Do you think i care chad is fucking teen pussy?
You are the one who is coping i am actually happy with my life at the moment

>six years
Confirmed newfaggot.

I don't feel that bad because all of the people at my school were shit
I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with any of them

And yours is by abrahamic religion induced puritan ethics.

When I was in 8th grade, there was a girl who (I think) liked me.
I could have had the opportunity for this, but my dumbass self chose to run from it.

I want to travel back in time and give the 14-year old me a smack across the head. I feel like I voluntarily dug my own grave.

I don't care about good or sex those things require to much effort

I dated the same girl from 17 to 21 while she was 14 to 18

Can honestly say it was easily the happiest time of my life. Never again have I felt so wanted and felt love so pure. Nothing could possibly match the feeling of young love. When I looked into her eyes I felt like I was in a whole nother world. A complete out of body experience.
The sex was good, but the physical contact wasn't even what made it worth it. It was how genuinely secure I would feel when I layed next to her afterwards. It felt like life finally made sense and the moment would last forever. There are truely no words to describe the warmth.

I miss her a lot sometimes but I feel like that's part of the experience. When you are young it's easy to tell yourself a relationship like this will never end, but growing appart is just as much of a learning experience as the rest of it. It's hard but it only makes those beautiful memories feel even better.

I don't say this to brag or make other anons feel bad. I remember what it felt like before I met her and I give you anons nothing but sympathy. No human being should go without the feelings that were felt those years of my life.
Godspeed, [r9k]

Spent 15-21 with the same chick. Meh.

haha you're a proper beast mate

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You should have just kept that to yourself

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don't worry they even have a general just for you

i'm currently 17 years old virgin is it worth the effort to try and get a gf? Will i regret not having a gf in this teenage period of my life. This thread did not make me feel good....

The 20 is just trolling bullshit. I didnt lose my V until 25 but Ive fucked over 40 women now

Depends how on how fucked you are. But since you're a dumb newfag who commits he's underage, you're probably not that fucked in the head.
Protip: If you dont want to end up as wizard, leave this website and never come back. Jow Forums causes damage to your brain, I'm serious.

>Lift weights (not memeing)
>just talk to random people, introduce yourself and start a conversation it'll improve your social skills
>join some after school activity just as an excuse to get out of the house
>talk to girls at your level, but DO NOT under any circumstances go for stacey
>leave r9k and never some back again

This advice will be awkward and difficult but you'll have a good chance if you take it.

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t. someone who was never wanted

I think about it every day, every single damn day.

I can get still get a gf, I'm 19, but this teenager love I wont get anywhere else. It's gone for good, I must confess, I didnt think I would have such a painful regreet so damn early in my life.

Because he is a pussy.

>she was a 16yo
it was her second time, but I don't give a fuck. the last dude pumped and dumped her.
meanwhile, I got to dump all cum I had available in her, had the first time raw with her, deflowered her ass, deepthroated her for the first time, and was the first guy to make her cum 11 times in 6 hours.

it really fucking saved me. I guess fate decided to turn my wheel after all the shit I had to go through.
and now, suddenly I got a 14yo kissless virgin wanting me to impregnate her.
and I didn't push her to it. she approached me, we were talking casually, and before I knew what was happening, she started getting really sexual towards me.

and since she's 14 I'd like to turn her down, but... beggars can't be choosers, after all.

>Senior year
>Ask a dumpy girl who was part of a French exchange trip I was on to prom. She accepts.
>The next day, I am working at the library when this qt who I have been seeing around during my shifts comes up to me, giggling nervously and asks for my number.

I didn't have a cellphone at the time and didn't want to go behind the back of the first girl. After prom ended we never talked again. I never saw the library qt again either.

>You'll never experience teenage love

you can still date teenagers in some states, it's not too late

you just can't send/receive pictures of them or teach them

Mine all ended VERY badly
I am not a robot, I am sorry

Can someone tell me what actually is the thrill of teenage love? How's it different compared to being a 23 year old or something?

Don't care about teenage love. I wished I had spent more time developing a hobby or even playing more video games or watching more anime. I've wasted most of my youth lurking and refreshing imageboards, and fapping to porn. It's humiliating to know that there are 15 yr olds playing piano at a skill level I won't reach for another 10 years, because they have been practicing since they were 5 yrs old in a low stress environment without having to worry about bills, college, and other adult matters

Just move to a non cucked country and date teenagers. Its not hard. I know a guy in Brazil who fucks 14 year olds.

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How is the 8th grade treating you?

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If I want sex I can just go to Thailand and pay some poor farmer family to rent out a room and their daughter to me for a week. Sex isnt a big deal. Ypu would know that if you werent a projecting faggot.

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>implying your jewed (((abrahamic))) tier garbage slave morality is any better

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That feel hit really hard tonight since I just watched superbad. Normies are so god damned lucky.

Although that i would have liked that (teenage love), i don't care all that much about it. What really hurt the most is not being with HER, and knowing that i probably never will.
What hurt the most was being so close and having so much to say, and then just letting her walk away.
I wasted way too many chances, and now i'm paying for it, i don't want someone to pat my back and to comfort me, i just want to savor my pain, I don't ask for compassion or mercy, i just want to think about her and let the pain be a constant reminder of one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

>You'll never be 15 years old Chad who fucks his teenage girlfriend while her parents are not home.
Imagine being so mentally underdeveloped that you find this appealing.