What is this boards problem with black people?
We are all in this together.
What is this boards problem with black people?
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Not this board or even this site, just a very vocal minority
When you can post anonymously there's bound to be some edgy people desu
>We are all in this together.
This isn't high school musical you manchild
This entire board is mostly white men that are nerdy.
Black culture can fuck off.
You don't belong here.
Niggers are always bitching, violent and mentally retarded. I don't want to kill niggers or send them back to Africa, I just want them to mind their business, while I mind mine and to just leave me alone.
How can it be mostly white men when the board is anonymous? How do you know?
Found the niggers, boys!
I'm not a newfaggot.
We used to do strawpolls back in the day.
>strawpoll as a source
When has a nigger ever done anything to harm you, whiteboy?
Side note, what's up with all the black dudes and their playstations and fighting games? Black people are high key weebs. I mean, Wu Tang is weeb central. They also love dragon ball. It's just really strange. What's even weirder is seeing the alpha black guys hang out with the beta asians and white guys at fighting game competitions. Even my dad was a weeb and learned karate and got asian weaponry.
t. half sambo, half honky
I'm not White, I'm Hispanic and grew up around niggers in South Central. I just want niggers to fuck off and leave me alone.
Its cool and aesthetic when blacks are weebs, its weird and creepy when whites and mongs are weebs. Just the way it is
Because niggers couldn't into computers until the kIkE-phone happened, and they still can't into writing or reading
Im actually half Japanese and white
I just genuinely do not understand the hate. This board is comprised of outcasts, so to divide and exclude people further seems idiotic. Other than the normal tourists, were all here for one reason or another. We shouldnt be denying people what could be one of the only social circles they have left.
>we're all in this together
No we are not you nigger
I mainly just dislike the cancer that is the thug and ghetto culture.
Black people themselves I'd put on the same as Asians, Whites and any other race.
Let me guess your dad was a white beta male that fucked your race traitor slu mom
>grew up in South Central
>thinks his people are any better than blacks
Cant wait till this board goes into another race war
These are the same people who bitch about women being shallow and going after chads, or criticize bullying potential school shooter Autists. Robots are the ultimate hypocrites.
niggers and gingers please go
Anyone who grew up around both Black and Hispanics know that Hispanics>Niggers, and it's not even close. I'm not going to sit here and pretend that Hispanics are the Master Race or anything, but compared to niggers? Come the fuck on!
why is being a loser white culture
They're violent and snell bad
I work with mostly black people at a warehouse and they're nice, humble, and funny. I get along better with them than most other white people I worked with. It's mostly the teenage thug blacks who don't have jobs or anything else to do but fuck with people that make them all seem shitty. Old gang niggas are the greatest people alive if they survive to that point.
>all r9k is one person
Theres alot of spill over between r9k culture and pol culture. You should know this.
We need to work together as blacks and whites to exterminate the brown menace
We tried that, but you tricked other whites into "freeing" you from the homes we built for you with our sweat and blood.
nigger go clean up your own community and culture. but any time a black gets successful 9/10 times they just move into a white neighborhood and nog it up and bring problems to that neighborhood too (at best) if not drugs and crime. you're part of a shit culture weather you like it or not just like right wing whites, its your obligation to clean up your own people first but no you just wanna fit in with whitey
>We are all in this together.
All they do is fuck white women and shit on white men. They are not our friends and cannot be robots.
It has never been this bad before. Ive been browsing since 2010 or so.
People said nigger all the time as a joke. Most people who were outright racist kept to their own threads or were rightfully chastised when they paraded around their blind hatred.
Nah. Nice try
What if I was though? Would that make any difference to the actual content of what im saying? Stop being a brainlet
Most of you have really high social skills compared to higher IQ races like whites and asians. there's no 'we', just weird outliers
Blacks cannot be robots as women will sleep with them for being black
Bit rich coming from a man child eh
You are fucking disconnected from the world if you actually believe this. Jow Forums fucked your brain. I feel sorry for you.
Rice nigger, what the fuck are you talking about? R9k has always been racist, I've been here back before Moot deleted r9k. Back then, we used to be a more adult /b/, posting green text stories of tards, fat people, niggers, women, that kid. R9k used to be even more offensive than it is today, you can't even make a fat stories thread without triggering some assholes.
All you have to do is go outside. I only see white women in couples with black guys now
white guy here. completely agree.
Women don't care about race. They just want that top 20%. We've been over this time and time again. How often do you go outside?
>How often do you go outside?
Fuck off normalfag nigger
Blacks are socially acceptable and popular. White and asian women are conditioned to suck your dick.
I'm a wageslave not a normalfag user
>Women don't care about race
Yeah and they don't care about your face or height too.
Yeah that's something I never understood. If you're a Robot, you're basically a failure in society. So why even give a shit about racism when your own team of successful whites and other groups never gave a shit about you.
>"Blacks are now spammed everywhere to not be as hated anymore"
Media conditioning can only reach so far and do so much user. Majority of people are still very racist THANKS to the "popularity" given by this forced conditioning.
W-what is that from user?
That's Tyrone Chococock tho. Not all black dudes can be Tyrone, just like not all white dudes can be Chad.
Blacks and whites make browns idiot
You should know by now that Jow Forums, like the US as a whole, is a spic hotbed nowadays.
Most posters, especially most posters here, are spics.
No, we're not that's the whole appeal. Typically things that are "cool" (smoking, drinking excessively, promiscuity, edgy clothing, edgy activities, etc.) are cool because they're not acceptable and hard for anyone to pull off without losing their nerve.
There's nothing good about realizing a caricature of all your worst stereotypes is being lampooned in the media right now. Black guys like that are just too stupid to understand they're the butt of the joke.
I think people will take whatever they can to feel superior to another to person. It is probably more pervasive actually, since people who are racist here have little of their own accomplishments to fall back on. It behooves them to point to their races achievements to say that they are successful by proxy.
You're a lucky neet. Never going outside.
>Amerindian Natives are black
Whatever the case they made it cool. And jews certainly push it and provide propaganda for the girls. Middle America doesn't like it sure but the teenagers + jews have mad it cool and common
It all stems from normalfag worship really.
You see it here and you see it on Jow Forums, failed normalfags worship normalfags because otherwise they'd have to own up to their own failures.
How can you look at this image and doubt what is happening?
Just some guys on here in denial saying it's all
Jow Forums's brainwashing. It's fucking real if you look around at young couples.
Just another instawhore instagram.com
Yeah I can't remember the last time I saw a white guy as part of a couple in public
It's really disgusting but acting like the jews aren't winning is the worst thing one can do. The future America will be completely run by jews and whites will be worthless trash like niggers buying their shit and waging.
>What is this boards problem with black people?
the same we have with anyone who wants to feel special by identifying/siding themselves with any group.
>fembot here
>blackbot here
>faggot here
>We are all in this together.
yet you all distance yourself, trying to implement a status for yourself instead of engaging with others, leaving personal needless informations aside
No one would give a shit if you'd be a purple man with a vagina
Just fucking shut up and lurk moar, faggot
Anyone who mentions kikes and niggers but not spics is likely a spic doing damage control.
>Communism when, we need to establish a common working force that will live, fight, and die together
Dude it's the opposite. White male are the most desired globally
People can identify themselves with a feature without excluding others. People on this board will share their feelings and struggles being a manlet or dicklet or what have you, and no one dogpiles them for that feature. Even people without that specific problem can understand what its like to have an insecurity or be treated differently due to a physical trait. Yet if its because of their skin color they are immediately berated and ostracized.
Your complaint comes from a place that makes sense, but just look at this thread. Its obvious that the primary driver for the hatred isnt coming from that.
user I'm together with no one, no one cares about me. I'm alone, and will die this way. At least let me feel superior to niggers.
Because it isn't you retard
Wow Ciara posted this pic to her IG a while ago.