>why can't guys make me cum?
Why can't guys make me cum?
Other urls found in this thread:
>women cum from vaginal intercourse
>No timestamped tits
Nice bait bro
>implying they don't
chad just sticks it in and they cum all over the place
Nope, statistically wrong.
tell that to my chad friend
he says as long as a girl is wet and turned on it's mostly mental and it doesn't matter how you fuck them, get them horny enough and just sticking it in will make them cum
the key here is that he's chad though
what's it like living with a sub 80 iq?
Maybe you should let me have a crack at it?
>a guy boasting about his sexual conquests can't possibly lie
i've seen how girls he's fucked act around him so i dunno, i believe him
because you're white and therefore have a large disgusting loose vagina
The dude is absolutely right, it is mental. I have had chicks shaking just with fingers. They tend to just sorta purr after they cum but it doesn't take much if you work them up first. This varies by chick though, some are just fucked up and can't get worked up right, usually cause of some mental issue. I suck at a lot of things but apparently I am a good fuck, even had an ex that fucking hated me tell me later I was an amazing lay.
Look at this guy and laugh.
But also cry, this is the future you chose r9k
>room temprature iq
Fingers work way, way better than cock.
Nah, they still will pop with fucking pretty quick if you spend the time working them up. Foreplay is truly king there, once they get worked up enough, they are just a timebomb, doesn't really matter what stimulation happens, they will cum.
this image makes me giggle
Well obviously if you spend half an hour working her up she'll come no matter what you do afterwards, the problem is that most guys don't seem to want to do exactly that.
Ah, so the problem isn't dick now
go away dyke
Obviously it's guys, but guys using nothing but their dicks because they think that's sufficient.
I mean, that is sort of the point. Cumming is a mental process, not some magic button, your hormones are what control it all so you have to be properly motivated. This isn't magic, it is just basic science. Spend some time learning to kiss properly, spend some fucking time on the neck, ears and other parts rather than just jumping to pussy and you would see the chick will be quivering. They love that shit, I find it hot when a girl gets worked up, so it is win/win. Side effect is they consider me a god in bed, works out well.
This is exactly why people don't listen to women
Because lesbians are literally Satan as confirmed by devil trips?
can confirm, I've made women cum multiple times in around 30-40 mins just with some quick foreplay, non stop thrusting and a little bit of spanking and light abuse (both verbal and physical). I rarely cum though which is a bummer. 7" meat rocket before any of you spergs goes on a rant about size and shit.
Because women can't make up their minds and can't argue their opinions
>7" meat rocket
>above average penis
>quick foreplay
Nigga by the time I'd be dead
Not that guy but I am the one that he quoted talking about making chicks cum easily, I have a normal 6" dick and they practically worship it after they cum a few times from then on. You can be as cynical as you want, if you want to make a chick addicted, foreplay is everything.
a big dick helps not because of how it penetrates but because it turns women on, again, IT'S MENTAL
can't believe people are so stupid they don't get this.
this is subtle enough bait to catch some insecure beta bois. Well done
No woman will ever sleep with me so it doesn't really matter
And if you have an average or smaller one, she is not going to be turned on by you. Literally no matter what you do, because it's mental and mentally she's already turned off.
The fuck is wrong with you you can't spend that time working up to it? Literally all you have to do during is just kiss the right spots, get reasonably aggressive and just don't think about getting your dick wet till she is begging for it. Once she gets going, she will try to force you in, so then you can just go at it and she will be happy.
foreplay is 5 min max. Rest is fucking. It ends up being 40 mins because I can't cum since I beat the shit out of my dick so goddamn much in my spare time.
not baiting.
>Rest is fucking
With your above average large penis. I wonder what matters more, the 5 minutes of bullshit kissing, or the 35 minutes of stretching with a large penis.
>why can't girls make me cum?
>faps at least three times daily to weird porn
It goes both ways
except those guys always blame themselves
this is why.
right here
maybe if the average woman knew how to suck a dick holy shit my dog can do a better job with her tongue than any of you dumbass sluts
this is unironically the reason
white women are inferior
You misunderstand, I'm not the guy in this scenario
The one you put more effort into you retard.
Whatever gaywad.
>she can't stand five minutes of foreplay
Pathetic I edged a girl for an hour straight once and she barely cried
>The one you put more effort into you retard.
I have a small penis and foreplay does not make up for it in the least bit
>not being able to turn him on anyways
lol failure of a woman, making a guy cum is the easiest thing in the world
>I'm not the guy in this scenario
Please be in Brisbane!
I think I'd have more problems with the fucking afterwards. I get sore.
about 25% of women claim to able to reach orgasm from vaginal penetration alone. These are the women that tend to be size queens
Slightly more understandable but you have an asshole too don't you
Thankfully I'm not from Australia
Yeah but that's my no-no place. Also I don't have a prostate, don't see the appeal.
an average dick can do the job just fine. Remember, average, not small.
yeah, pretty much
most girls feel sad after I've fucked their brains out and still haven't cummed in them. I just brush it off.
ain't my problem
Yup. Women with full feeling vagina tend to find even slightly-above-average men too small.
>Remember, average, not small.
lol and what is "average", such a bs term. Mine is small anyway
this is why. honestly no lie
5.5 I believe is average
Many women find it even easier to cum from the ass over the front ass
Puts weight and pressure down on the clit and vag nerves at once see
Thats why you don't chubby chase landwhales you moron.
Then you fucking suck at foreplay you queer.
I find it easier to just cum clitorally and skip all the other stuff tbdesu
>Thankfully I'm not from Australia
What a qt
Shame she'd rather ram a dick in her vagina than even look at me
Then you're boring and probably a queer too
I'm going to sleep fags, don't blame your dick, get the girl wet, then last as long as you can. Cheers.
I'm not into girls no
I'm pretty sure anyway
girth is more important, and women prefer above average girth
typical faggot woman
Not everyone's a faggot user
this is the reason. "white women" can't compete
>likes men
>not a faggot
bullshit you're a fag and don't give me that "it's not gay if you're a girl who likes men", you're a faggot for liking men and there's no way you can hide this I'm on to you roasties
I don't really like men all that much though. I don't really like anyone.
or maybe you just think you've made them cum multiple times. Women lie about cumming a fucking lot dude. And don't give me that "her pussy tightened" bullshit, any woman can do that on command.
>he thinks women lie about cumming a lot
Only if you can't please a woman but based on your response and the response of many, most of you retards don't even try to, you just ram your dong and pop, then wonder why they fake it and move on.
I agree with this. Plus white women are ugly
Interesting choice of pictures.
A r34 lesbian picture of the cunts from frozen.
50/50 chance you have a dozen lesbian incest pictures with them using dildos or being futas....
Statistics are used to manipulate idiots like you and be used as memetic weapons to convince dumb easily manipulated bitches into BELIEVING that they can't orgasm from PnV and then thinking themselves out of an orgasm.
This kind of manipulation birth control and men being circumcised and fucked up porn has basically fucked normal sexuality up in the west.
NO ONE is having any good sex.
Chick in the OP?
That pussy is a fucking TRAIN WRECK NO ONE is going to be able to get off in that and she is definitely not going to be able to get off with anyone...
Well she might get off on with a larger dog breed or a pony. Which she probably is.
Nigger, babies come out of vaginas and they work fine after, have you never fucked a MILF? It is plenty tight and feels fine. I swear the sheer amount of retardation here is mind blowing.
When me and my lesbian room mate got drunk she started one of her bullshit arguments and tried to wrestle me.
I got sick of her shit and pinned her down.
I accidentally tore her shirt open and saw what were a perfect set of fucking tits. I kind of pinned her down and raped her.
She came screaming and wrapped her legs around me. We got plan b the next week and never talked about it again.
Bitch it takes fucking NINE MONTHS for a woman's body to prepare to give birth and hours of pushing and stretching to get it out.
Stretching her cunt with giant toys and fisting for hours at a time for fucking years = PUSSY GOT NO MORE GRIP you stupid waste of spunk.
You are a literal retard, it isn't growing in the vagina you tard, there is a womb. It is very clear you are a virgin and young.
Of all the things on this board that never happened, this never happened the most.
You do realize that more happens to the fucking body then BABBY GROW IN WOMB when a woman is preggers correct?
You do realize that every part of the woman's body is affected during pregnancy and prepares her for birthing and rearing said newborn correct.
Go sit in the fucking stupid corner.
Sure thing champ, I am sure the vagina just stretches 5 times the size all 9 months, that is why it just slides right out super easy. Stop talking about dumb bullshit you don't understand, dr. dipshit.
>he hasnt seen the pornos where the bitch comes within exactly 120 seconds of the dude sticking it in
yep. white women are nasty and inferior confirmed
>tfw u know women find u repulsive and will never cum from you or even lust after you,
>All the men I can find are dicklets. They don't fill me.
Sauce pls mr op
U are quite literally fucking r3tarded.
Her pussy is fucking blown out.
get over it and embrace the things in life you can enjoy. women are garbage and will bring you nothing but misery. focus on yourself, your hobbies, and take care of your parents when they get older. sex is overrated, but having a loving partner is not. but women are incapable of love and commitment. save yourself the trouble