/fast/ #214 - Angels on a Pinhead Edition

>What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, dry fasting.

>What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

>Why should I fast?
Read all of these, they might answer some other questions you may want to ask.

>Can I fast if I have ___?
See your doctor before fasting if you:
>Have any sort of chronic illness
Don’t fast if you:
>Have type 1 diabetes
>Are malnourished/severely underweight
>Are pregnant
>Are breastfeeding

>How do I safely do an extended fast (approx. 4-5+ days)
New snake juice recipe here (youtu.be/1onQ0nxgWFM)
Old snake juice recipe (youtu.be/2vz_U8kxDlg)
>2000mg of sodium (preferably Himalayan Pink Salt) max
>4700mg of saltless potassium max
Mix these in a liter of water and sip it throughout the day. The apple cider vinegar and lemon are optional.
You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

>Won’t I go into starvation mode?
No. It only occurs at extremely low body fat (8-10%).

>Will (something with calories) break my fast?

>Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
Artificial sweeteners and diet soda are bad for you and may fuck up your fast. Zero calorie black coffee and tea are generally considered to be fine.

>Do I need a multivitamin?
Not really, since the fat you are burning contains most of the vitamins you need.

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First 48hr. dry fast completed. From 80.3kg to 75.6~kg. Now I'm gonna eat like a pig.

>First 48hr. dry fast completed. From 80.3kg to 75.6~kg.
Well done, although obviously most of that will be water weight unless you've just switched straight from water fasting, in which case (still) quite a lot of it will be water weight.

> Now I'm gonna eat like a pig.
Why though? If you're on a roll, keep going. Pigging out after a brief fast will just reverse what you have spent time and effort getting rid of.

Actually I don't want to be 75kg. I want to bulk, but I also wanted to see how a 48 feels. From now on I'll just do OMAD.

8 days and 17.6 pounds down. 20 more days (hopefully) before my first planned refeed.

23 hours in. Want to see keto start

walk or do something to use up the stored glucose, nice diggs

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>23 hours in. Want to see keto start

You've got your ketostix handy then?

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so i ate some broccoli yesterday and when i pooped i saw the florets, am I digesting them? this is coming from a 5 day fast my poops are solid and they pass easily

Hey keto brah the last thread pruned before I could ask you my question about weighing myself while doing OMAD. At the end of the day yesterday before I ate I was 173. I woke up this morning at 176 and after that I've already taken two dumps. Should I count 173 as my true weight and recalculate my calories for it?

Went to every store in the area. Had to buy from amazon, theyll Be here tomorrow

Just finished my first 72 hour fast. I broke the fast with a small piece of tomato. Minutes after just that one piece I felt my asshole get extremely hot, then spent most of the day on the toilet shitting black water regardless of what I ate. I know it's not uncommon. I just wanted to post in case someone experiences the same thing and starts to panic.

It comes back to the good old scientific method. If you want to be able to track weight consistently then you should measure it consistently.

Sure, feel free to weigh yourself infinity times a day if you like (when I was starting out I was probably weighing myself naked 5 times a day), but you should only weigh yourself and record it once per day, which is your "official record" and it should be consistent, which is why I suggest doing it after the first piss of the day, but before you eat or drink anything (which appears quite common)

If you weigh yourself multiple times a day you SHOULD (not absolutely will) notice that your weight creeps up during the day and drops overnight. This is usually because we drink far more water than the weight of the fat being burnt and most of the excess water is either excreted (sweating and breathing water vapour) or urinated out of the system, hence the point about weighing yourself after the first piss of the day and before eating or drinking.

It's only a recommendation though, you are free to choose your own measurement point, just explaining why I've chosen mine.

did a 22 hour fast today for the first time. started to get light headed after hour 20, and even after eating, i got some dizzy spells

didnt concern me too much but surely im not THAT addicted to carbs that i cannot go almost a day without feeling like shit if i dont eat them?

im 95KG and 6 foot, so not overly overweight either..

wanna get back on that dryfast vs waterfast when lean.

so you would say i try to recreate my 8 day hard dryfast i did last month to get to my desired bf?

also with set point i mainly mean that i will set a weight point for myself which i will not cross no matter what. so before drinking in the evening i will weigh myself and see how much i am allowed to drink/eat then that should get to maintenance calories in a week or so as i keep losing fat and need more to get to my set point during feeding time.

>but surely im not THAT addicted to carbs that i cannot go almost a day without feeling like shit if i dont eat them?

Try telling that to a heroin or meth addict.

Just because sugar is sold in bulk in every store in the land doesn't mean your body isn't addicted to it in exactly the same way as it gets addicted to other substances.

This is why going through a period of eating ketogenically (i.e. cutting out sugar and all other forms of bad carbs) is such a good idea BEFORE you start fasting as it makes the introduction to fasting far easier (although full fat adaption takes longer...about 6 weeks or so)

I did exactly this when starting and found the transition into fasting (gnawing hunger excepted) relatively straight forward.

>accidentally dry fast for 3 days
I woke up in the middle of the night wide awake. I think I would have killed someone for a bottle of water.

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Uuuuuh, where do you live user?


>so you would say i try to recreate my 8 day hard dryfast i did last month to get to my desired bf?

8 days dry fasting is a lot, so big props for achieving that. If you can repeat it without causing yourself problems then you should definitely do that to really reduce the body fat %.

You might notice a big rebound when you come off the dry fasting, but this will be water weight for obvious reasons your body will be dehydrated.

i'm on hour 61 of dry fast
it's hard

My fasting schedule is 22/2, basically 2 meals. I’m consuming 150 grams of protein a day, so about 75 grams of protein a meal, split between a protein shake, nuts, eggs, salmon, and random shit my wife cooks, pot roast, chicken and dumplings, etc. etc. Will my body be able to process the protein in this short window or should widen my eating window to something like 20/4 or 18/6? I read an article that said fasting benefits peak between the 18th and 24th hour of fasting. I’m trying to keep what muscle I have but lose fat from my midsection. Thanks in advance

>My fasting schedule is 22/2, basically 2 meals.

So, you have 2 meals within a 2 hour window?

4:15 pm, then about a little over an hour later 5:30-45

Is it necessary to spread the snake juice throughout the day, or can I take a concentrated shot of salt and potassium in the morning and drink pure water throughout the day?

Let me suck your stinky old dick. Now.

>Is it necessary to spread the snake juice throughout the day, or can I take a concentrated shot of salt and potassium in the morning and drink pure water throughout the day?

The reason that we dilute the salt and potassium chloride in so much water is because if they are too concentrated they trigger gag / vomit reaction.

Maximum concentration I have managed is without vomiting is about 3 grams to 1 pint of water and even then I got the liquid shits (which was intentional, since I was triggering a "salt water flush").

Don't believe me? try it...

Am I guaranteed to experience lithium toxicity if I dry fast on lithium?


Impossible to say as protein absorption rates vary according to the food being consumed (whey shakes are about 8 - 10 grams per hour, whereas cooked eggs are 3 grams per hour)

Same applies to the quantity of protein that is absorbed, varies by foodstuff being consumed, but the basic principle is that the slower food moves through the digestive system, then the more that is absorbed.


Let me do it you hungry old buttfaggot.

i'm on my 2'nd day of what i hope to be a 8 day fast, i'm working out less than i normaly do, but i'm feeling dizzy and i loose balance if i stand up for too long.
Is this normal/expected and will pass or should i stop fasting?
it's my first day going for more than a day

Failed my 128 hour fast, did 95 instead.

here's my fasting journal entry so you can not make the same dumb mistakes:

6/10/18-6/13/18: (caffiene and artificial sweetener aided)
95 hour fast, cut short due to intense cravings and lack of energy. Could have been improved by having a set of activities/tasks/etc that needed to be done rather than be left to think of nothing but food. Also felt heavy heart beats and sometimes increased heart rate, this may have been due to not consuming enough electrolytes/water, try upping consumption next time. No sort of bowel movements, even diarrhea, during fast could have also been a sign that electrolytes/hydration were lacking.

feeling the same way rn m8

>Let me do it you hungry old buttfaggot.
I'm not stopping you from doing anything, just telling you that there is no easy answer to the question about protein absorption and IF.


I will be having my Keto-refeed meal of the week on Saturday after fasting for a week. My friends and I are gonna take a boat to skerries near the coast and stay the night there fishing, blazing and cooking on open fire. Use those cravings of yours and help me come up with keto food to take with me. Things that have come to my mind:
>the fish we might catch
>shitload of sausage
>cheese to put in sausage
>bacon to wrap around
>pork chops to grill
>cheddar sauce and beef jerky to dip in it.

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fine and dandy
all will be screwed up by booze I presume

Fortunately not, I will not bring any and my friends usually only take just a few ones while smoking reefers so they won't have any to share. I'd be more worried about them bringing candy but I'm too strong willed for slipping this far into my diet.

Checking in.

Im just about hitting two weeks of intermittent fasting. Only eating in between 2:30 pm and 9:30pm. Just coffee and water in between. My coworker just randomly asked me if I had lost some weight. Think im making it. Encouraged to see it through and see where it leads.

go omad

what is that?

he's talking about drinking pee

one meal a day

Good shit. 7 hour period is overall really good and there is no reason to repair what is working. That being said, when your body gets used to it you could try going omad on rest days for starters and then try doing omad on workdays.

My negatives from doing omad is that it is clearly harder to get sleep if I do not get to bed withing 2 hours of eating since I get so big energy boost after that. Other than that it's always much more handier and one could say more benefitial for fat loss to go omad.

And? You can drink anything after dry fasting for 2 days and it will taste like nectar.

I know it makes sense now
but it got me out of leftfield

I mean this seems to be working well in a brief window of time id like to try this for a month at least before variating.

I'm went full omad from zero
the window may become a crutch

want to fast, but want to bulk


its 7pm and I've been eating 9-12am, and I'm hungry

can it be cooled or had to be hot from the pee tap?

I was watching some shit on urine therapy and some guy said it shouldn't be cooled, but it can stay in a bottle for months, even if you don't close the lid for a long time.
If you are going to do this, it only makes sense to put the first piss after your last meal in a bottle, because it would have the most nutrients and shieeet.
>tfw saying internet strangers to drink their piss
A whole new level of irony.

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Higher calories so stop eating dumb shit like broccoli, eat meat and fruits, learn to eat faster, do squats for appetite, and do OMAD with a small window (3 hours max) or alternate day fasting (about 40:8 hour window, you eat before and after training and then skip the next day, that is if you train 3 days/week).
Count yer calories.

is training while fasting bad?


I like it.

sounds good thanks man/m8

any more tips if I wanna eat vegetarian?

Yeah. Don't. Simple as that. Meat is irreplaceable.

dairy/beans/grains not possible?

Eat a lot of eggs, fish (if you can), cheese, yogurt.
Don't go vegan.
If you do it for moral reasons then just eat something that's been raised on a nice farm every once in a while.

>Beans on OMAD while wanting to bulk
mein sides
oww mein asshole
supplementary. Carrots and potatoes and other stuff can be good for you.

>any more tips if I wanna eat vegetarian?
dont be a fag

Can I take zinc suplement for prolonged fasting and not to fuck the autophagy porcess? Can I drink coffe?

Also what is the correct diet for not being a huge faggot?

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You misunderstand. I'm and .

Stop harassing old men. Or at least do it for money. He is not even fat or faceless, raise your standards you slutty loli.

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I just broke my first water fast (49 hours) with tomato soup and vomited it all up and started pissing out of my ass. I feel so much sicker now; before I ate I felt fine. Is food a Jewish trick?

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yes user

>tomato soup
For me, it's orange juice. Also the shits are to be expected.

What are the sources/reasoning about ADF being worse for muscle than other protocols?

Woke up today and decided not to drink water. Been doing OMAD a few days no problem so thought fuck it, I'll go until my body decides I should stop. Currently almost 24hr on the food and about 20hr on the water. Went out and bought some coconut water to break the fast on eventually, got some baking soda already.

Gonna be a fun couple of days.

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Alternate day fasting or small eating window. Hmmm

>Can I take zinc suplement for prolonged fasting and not to fuck the autophagy porcess?
>Can I drink coffe?
yes if no sugar neither sweeter, but is a unecessary stimulant

smallest = 30m

I do it for spiritual well-being reasons. Feel lighter and calmer desu.

You think 30 meters is a small window? That's the biggest window I've ever heard of!

That's a placebo but I sincerely don't judge, I understand.
I used to do it too (I allowed fish and eggs) back when I was really into Buddhism.

I'm in that phase as we speak

Lol have you people ever spent time in Myanmar or Sri Lanka and talked to monks. They are violent, chauvinistic cunts to put it politely.

30 parsecs

How so


Awesome. Unironically helped me grow mentally.
Make sure to meditate and to make it a habit that you keep. Same with reading.

I haven't. I live in Greece so there's nothing buddhist here.
You make a good point (no reason to not believe you) but I don't really care how they are/what they do. For me, it's a great outlook on life.

Thank you user, looking forward to my murky shits

Let's just say it's easy to see why Buddhist nationalism led to massacres and various other atrocities against minorities in both countries.

>LARPing this hard
Θα μπορούσες τουλάχιστον να πεις ότι πιστεύεις στον Δια.

Θα φαινόμουν πολύ πιο άλφα, αλλά ήδη είμαι μισός Σπαρτιάτης οπότε πόσο αkόμα;

I have recently gone back to swimming because it yields the best results for me in losing weight and reaching the body type that best suits me. Is it safe to do water fasting while doing a cardio intensive activity like swimming? And how often should I fast and go back to eating?

Once you get fat adapted from fasting you'll be able to swim so much fucking more it's going to seem ridiculous.
>t. used to do water polo


Im at hour 92 and i crave this stupid salad that's sitting inside my fridge and its driving me mad. I think i will break my fast i cant take it anymore im not even fat

I’ve been trying to go omad with keto stuff when I do eat, but I get ravenous when I get back from the gym at night. What sort of schedule do you recommend for the kind of activity I’m engaging? And what about food? Regular keto? I’ve gone back to swimming because I love it and I want to lose weight. I have already lost some weight in the two weeks I’ve gone back to it but I want to go back to where I was in my swimming prime.

If you wanna lose weight I do recommend keto. I also recommend it for health. Don't be afraid of fruit, carrots or a sweet potato though, just:
1. keep your carbs in check
2. get 1-2g protein/kg of bodyweight
3. fill with healthy fats

This is optimal for insulin levels (you will live a better life overall).
You might lose performance in the beginning, but stick with it and you'll be fine in a week or so if you train hard.
Basically, eat at night after your training - that means train fasted. You will sleep like a baby and you will feel light af doing your swimming, never sluggish.

I wish I could go swimming. It's been 3 years since I ruptured my eardrum from a fucking dive (stupid me going 5-7 meters deep in the sea for no reason without any gear) and I got cholasteatoma. I had two surgeries and removed it, and yet I still have a hole in my eardrum. Sorry for the blog post, but be happy you can swim if you enjoy it.

Healthy fats like what? I’ve been trying to get my hands on lard but it’s kind of hard in my neck of the woods. I do have access to salted raw butter, if that’s any help.

Fatty fish like salmon are god tier for omega-3 fatty acids.
Other than that, avocados, nuts, olive oil, coconut oil and grass-fed butter are really good.
The fatty cuts of red meat get a bad rap but if you don't eat them with carbs they're great as well.
Fat in cheese and yogurt and shit I have no idea but I assume it's the same as with butter but maybe more processed?

The rule of thumb is eat as unprocessed as you can.
Peanut butter with 1 ingredient (100% peanuts) is great. Peanut butter with hydrogenated oil is awful.

Oh I forgot, egg yolks are also rich in omega 3. As for nuts, I guess more specifically walnuts, chia seeds, flax seeds.

Had a small bowel blockage, got a free 5 day fast w/ IV fluids only. Luckily no surgery or NG tube, fucking crohns. Lost ~15 lbs and I don't feel too trashed, guess I'll see what the gym is like on sunday.

hungry lads not gonna lie. It goes away after a few days r-r-right?

it is all mental

I was planning a 14 day fast. I quit today at day 13.
I usualy do 5-6 day fasts then omaw

I couldn't take it guys. Not just the super lack of energy. But god damn my mind. I was super depressed and not in a good place at all. I had a chicken salad and now i feel great.

I love how fasting makes weightloss easy. I have lost a bunch because im a fatty. But dudes this was on a whole nother level.

Is it just me, or is this something everyone gets when you go that long?

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