Why is it okay for women to be disgusting leeches but when a man gets welfare thats wrong?

Why is it okay for women to be disgusting leeches but when a man gets welfare thats wrong?

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Who the hell says men shouldn't get welfare?

if anyones interested

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Fuck wagecucks. You pieces of shit don't deserve any time off. None.

the state of equality

man, that woman's picture irritates me so much
her facial expression combined with the thing she's doing with her hands is just so irritating and i can't put my finger on why

Her hands are pointing at herself, combined with the smug face it screams ME ME ME I'TS ALL ABOUT MEEEEEE

its the "only I matter" position

You're saying that on a board full of men so proud of themselves for being leeches that they regularly have threads to make fun of wagies.

She's a smug cunt who looks like she revels in destroying people's reputations and brags about how big her black boyfriend's dick is to make the other white males in the room uncomfortable.

>i want kids in the future
Bitch youre 38

>Yeah sure I benefited from maternity leave when I was a child and my parents got to take time off work to take care of me
>But it's UNFAIR that parents and guardians taking care of other children get time off
>Maternity leave is just a handout parents get right? I want handouts too!

Wew. I wish I could go back in time and have it so her parents neglected her for the sake of the welfare of some greedy bitch who felt entitled to paid time off because her life is so hard.

but the sad truth is that she is an bitter old cunt living alone in a cock carousel from disgusting beta males she can't even baby trap.
its hilarious and I would laugh in her face if I ever saw her being smug and pretty much destroy that facade with simple statements.

Basically she wants a leave of absence just cuz

Welfare should only go to people who need it, not those who refuse to integrate into society because of their feefees. Goes for men and women

>MEternity leave
>they aren't even being ironic about this
kek, this all the way
If you don't have kids by 35 you probably shouldn't have them ever and you missed your shot

It's a fiction book she wrote guys

>tfw want MEternity leave from existence
i'm being serious too

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That's obvious enough, but it's a difficult problem to determine "need".

Usually conservatives will regularly come up with some idea to better filter through welfare applicants with drug tests/more proof you're seeking work/etc. However it's difficult to do this without creating a system which results in false positives of those who legitimately need welfare being kicked off it, without it resulting in a huge amount of overhead which isn't worth the cost of keeping unneedy people off welfare, and without it resulting in annoying timewasting obligations that burden legitimate welfare users.

>the belief was that is you bust your ass you'd reach a director position and have assistants n shit
why did anyone believe this? What the fuck was the logic behind that? Where did they think those assistants would come from? Directly acknowledging that being top piece means standing on dozens of others and they still think they too can be the top, instead of the scores of wagekekes stuck underneath. God Wagekeks are retarded.

It's such a pain in the ass covering the extra work left by a coworker who goes on maternity leave, which naturally doesn't come with an increase in pay. My office has so many roasties and they're constantly getting pregnant. Then once the kid is born they have to leave early all the time to take the kid to the doctor or pick them up at school or some shit like that. And when they aren't leaving work to take care of their kid they won't shut the fuck up about their little brat. Women don't belong in the workplace.

It's ok when you remove logic from the equation and replace it with muh feelings. Welcome to the gynocracy.

>why is ok for weaklings to be weak but when a strongling is weak thats wrong

>to a lesser degree: men
She deserves a spear through her thorax however I'm sure the wall and her weight are causing her enough suffering.

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Not on my watch!

>its okay to be a weakling
I fucking swear, allah will smite you

nice reading comprehension akhmed

It doesnt matter man or woman a purged leechie is a good leechie

Basically we've gone full circle and wants a society that caters to the stay at home mother.

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I'm a guy and I have to leave early too. I'm not going to pay for child care. It was a real kick to the balls when they suddenly decided to be inflexible with our horrible overnight start times.

Nobody with a functioning body should. Welfare is the most retarded shit.

Why would your manager even allow it? Maternity leave? Sure. Cutting work time because 'muh child'? Sure. Also, pick up the termination letter from the shelf next to the door, while you're at it.

Just take annual leave you dumb bitch.