I hate women

I want to kill em.

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no, you want them to love you and for your pain to end

Go ahead and do it faggot

trips speak the truth
yu hv bn muted 2 secs m8

I unironically no longer want this. I just want to see women suffer and die.

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Its best we have realistic expectations out of life.

So I am voting to kill them


Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than just thinking about slicing a cute slut in half with a machete and have her bisected body crawl in pain until she finally dies

Its hilarious that women think the worse thing that can happen to them is being raped

That has long since passed.

I want to collect them. Having living puppets would be a dream.

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Good, just don't kill my mom.

There are so many things strong with that picture.
Girls don't like you because your gun knowledge is pathetic.

Elliot Faggot Rodgers v2.0

There are going to be way more of him at this rate

Die in your rage

I pray this last shooter was an incel

I guess ill be praying tonight as well

>I hate women

No, you don't. You hate their vile tendencies and you hate the fact that you are unsuccessful with them. Either way, I like smashing pussy so can't have you putting extra holes in the roasties

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Fug trips speaking the words we're afraid to say

You have heard the words of the great saint.
Go spread his word through righteous justice

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That would be an honorable death OP, I'm rooting for you.

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This. I want women to suffer but will stop feeling that way once i get a gf.

Traitor! It's alright you'll become sane again after she dumps you or cheats.

I don't pay attention to the one's that annoy me, or don't show me any attention. I really couldn't give a fuck enough to hate them.

no. I will make sure she does not dump me or cheat.

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If you're able to do that you're no robot anyways.

Just take your hatred and make it into a fetish!