How the FUCK do you quit smoking bros?

How the FUCK do you quit smoking bros?
I can go a maximum of 5 days without it then it's back with an itch.

I've had an easier time quitting drinking and fapping, but this one is near impossible.

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i dont
i get hand tremors if i dont smoke all day

stop smoking cancer and get a juul

smoke dmt
problem solved

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switch to snus

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5 days means you quit it's just mental at that point

Put isn't it all mental since smoking triggers dopamine in your brain?
I suppose after 5 days the nicotine is flushed from my body but mentally I really need a fix.

I hear that fucks up your gums real bad though.

Try sunflower seeds. Everytime you get itch for a cig throw in a mouthful of seeds. Worked for me to quit dipping tobacco so maybe it will work with cigs.

if you put it in the same spot too often it will make a indentation in your gum I switched to it because I smoked like a pack a day and vaping didn't work for me even the strong liquids

Is vaping less cancerous than cigs?
I've avoided it cause of le epic vapenation meme but if I do it privately at home no one can judge me I suppose.

Also it smells like bubblegum or apples so that sounds nice too.

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its different for everyone i wish i coud quit drinking. i havent smoked in a month but i also may have been a less heavy smoker than you. it was a bitch and i still get cravings and have more road rage now but i guess i like quitting

I told you to fucking smoke DMT
FUcking meth addicts stop smoking meth cause of dmt

I started vaping to quit smoking, I'm sure vaping does harm you in some way since you're still inhaling nicotine, but vaping is way less harmful than cigs.

I'm a fucking neet how do you normies even go out and find these things jesus christ.

im fucking 18
you're a fucking neet
use your fucking computer to the fullest potential nigger faggot
here is my bad energy you fucking bitch

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It's one of the hardest things I ever did. I stopped around 18 months ago now and I tried and failed 5 times before that and longest I made it before was almost 2 months.
The first week is always the worst I didn't sleep for shit. I'm edgy as fuck , and the cravings come a lot. The patch helped out a lot for me. After the first week it gets a bit better.
I would get cravings but just have to talk your self out of it. They usually only last 5 minutes and only got bad for me when I was around people that smoked.
After about 3 months I really didn't think about it much any more though weirdest thing wa si would dream at least 2 times a week about smoking but rarely get the cravings for a smoke.
After a year I really only rarely get a craving.
Can get bad if I'm really stressed out over some thing but I've managed to resist.
Talking to Poeple I know they say after a few years you really never think about it again

I hate to say it, but vaping has been really great for me. I am going nicotine free the next time I get vape juice.

Nicotine lozenges.

If you're addicted to cigarettes, you're not just addicted to nicotine. Tobacco leaf is loaded with other drugs, like MAOIs, that are psychoactive in and of themselves and also potentiate the addictive potential of nicotine. Add to that the fact that tobacco corporations treat the tobacco with ammonia to make most of the nicotine "freebase" nicotine, which hits you harder and faster.

Nicotine lozenges mean that you get away from other drugs in tobacco, and freebasing nicotine, but you don't have to go through nicotine withdrawal per se on top of that.

It's much easier to wean yourself off lozenges over a course of some weeks/months.

Just stop.
Ditch all smokes
Clean your home and make sure there is no cig ashes or buts or anything in the immediate vicintiy.
Throw away all lighters and matches and smoking impliments.
Air out your home and make sure tha tit doesn't smell like tobacco
Stop hanging out with people who smoke for a while
Stop doing the things you used to do when you smoked
Recognize when you have a nic fit and reach for a cigarette.
Think about it thoroughly and ignore that feeling. That habit that thought process that feeling...put it away. It's brain power that's being pissed away on a shit habit.

The next few days are going to be bad. But you can get through it.
I ate a ton of sugary shit, cookies mostly, and chips, and started working out like a mad bastard.
You can try it.
But I suggest you find something that can momentarily take the place of the smoking habit that you can dump later.

What would be the point of that? Just boil some water and breathe in steam then lol

What would you suggest as a replacement?

Do you want to get a Bionic throat like Sonny Barger?

Keep smoking.

Literally who? That's fucked up though how much do you need to smoke to get on his level like 10 packs in a day?

Sugary foods, or sex.

Smoking is absolutely fucking awful.
How people get addicted to it I will never know.

cause it literally has chemicals that make you addicted to it.
it's not like being addicted to videogames or something where there's not real chemical component.

I guess I'll try sugary foods...

I've always admired the dedication of those who smoke with their stoma.

>addicted to videogames or something where there's not real chemical component
Brain chemicals are very addictive. If they weren't life wouldn't have progressed nearly as far as it has. Every ancestor you had was just chasing a high.




It unironically sounds like fun desu

Literally just dont smoke anymore. That's it. Don't listen to the vape or juul bullshit either, the most effective way is cold turkey.

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Go a month without, and then at the end of the month ask yourself if you want to start smoking again, and if not do that month without. Start in July, do the month without and see how you feel at the end of it.

who's that supposed to be?

I think Raven of the Teen Titans

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Snus is for faggy edge lords
please kys immediately

listen up OP. I just quit smoking about a week ago and i bought a good quality vape to replace cigs. it fucking works and i love my vape. my friend had an old Smok Alien vape and after trying hers i decided i wanted to stop so i bought a newer smok model. mine is the Smok G priv 2. im not trying to promote this company or anything but i like this model a lot. if you decide to try it just go all the way and get a good quality vape and then dont smoke cigs after yu start using the vape. it will run you like $120 in stores but ive seen them for cheaper online, i got mine at a shop tho. and then $30 for the liquid but the liquid is good quality and it lasts a long time. also this is a much cheaper option in general. idk where youre from but here in cuckifornia cigs are 10 bucks a pack now. this is a much more economically viable solution plus you wont smell like cigs anymore! its actually helped me out with girls because smelling like smoke was a serious turn off to a lot of girls. anyway i recommend vape life.

Stop smoking and replace it with another less damaging habit like eating chocolate or having a red bull.

I might try that. Is that the best option for a first vape to a newbie on a budget?