All men, including robots, want Stacy. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: You cant.
All men, including robots, want Stacy. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: You cant
literally dont be obese nor disfigured
thats all
I don't even want stacy though. I don't want anyone! and what about all the faggots?
I only want my waifu who is not a stacy. I would never choose stacy over her.
Meh stacy is what? Nothing more than a living doll who leeches off your spiritual and financial energy.
I'd be only interested in a girl with the same interests/hobbys as mine, who also share somewhat of the same mindset and despises normies.
Sex is overrated.
Does this look like a Stacy to you?
She's the woman of my dreams.
Of course she is, are you fucking blind? Anyway thanks for proving my point.
Proven wrong bitch.
I just want a girl to worship my cock. Is that too much to ask for?
That guy later dumped her for an attractive woman.
Mark Zuckerburg literally married an average asian girl. He could fuck any women including ALL STACIES and your whore ass included OP
I want a girl with a kind personality. Looks don't matter, I'd marry that Russian girl if I could
what does it mean to be a stacey? perhaps being a stacey is simply the highest form of beauty to an individual? if that is the case then yes, we all desire a stacey
the bots only go for the best choice after all
Sure, but most men will settle for a Betty, especially robots. Hell, robots would even settle for a Wanda.
No he didn't you lying cunt. Men have strong innate attraction to basically every young woman
I cant stand good looking women because im too much of a beta to look them in the eye
No they don't. 'Bot' and just men generally go for every choice not 'only the best' like women.
This. I avoid attractive women especially since so many of them fit the stereotype of being a dumb, spoiled, bitch.
Blonde, white, blue eyed, dumb, not deformed, relatively thin
She is a textbook Stacey
Stacy is basically your typical hot blonde normie chick you see a lot on tinder pic related.
In fact I think most robots don't want to go for stacy because they think Stacy will be boring as fuck and they will have no chemistry with them. Most Robots probably go for more nerdy/alternative/hipster girls on dating sites.
Statistics show that guys actually care more about personality than looks, where women are very looks and wealth oriented.
Damn, Hiro really let himself go
This was Michael Jackson's wife. 'muh stacy'. It's only jocks who fuck stacies most men just want a decent girl they can trust.
good thing i fucking hate blondes. The only two acceptable hair colors are black and white.
She is above average in terms of looks. If anything she is an alt-Stacy, or a Stacy-lite
Please, you know it wasn't that bitch MJ was fiddling on a daily basis.
That's objectively untrue because I am a robot and I specifically -don't- want Stacey because I hate Staceys and they're obnoxious
I want a woman who would rather stay inside. Stacy likes going out.
Bill Gates and his wife. He could buy you OP. He could buy you and your mom then fuck your mom's ass then fuck your face and you would do it all with a smile.
this is what i want
now go away
Yeah he fiddling boys on a daily basis not Stacy.
He could have had ultra-Stacy. He could have married a whole cheerleading team. That girl is an average girl.
Women have insanely unrealistic standards men have to live up to, while men will find even the most average women beautiful.
That's a straight up 9/10
if she wore makeup most normies would consider her hot as fuck
Lurk more. That girl is actually retarded. She has the intellect of about an 8-year-old.
She is no stacy once you see videos of her talking.
I just want a flat chested blonde
I just like cute shy girls with problems, stacies are mean
the cute shy girl is getting banged by chad
>"I have an opinion that by my word of decree is fact, and anyone debunking this with evidence will be ignored or called a liar."
Oh roasties, you never cease to give me a chuckle
Attractive women are by definition Stacy. Doesnt matter how dumb or shy you are, if youre above average in attractiveness as a female that makes you a Stacy.
I mean I don't want a turbo ugly gf. I want a gf that at least tries to look cute.
One with a penis would be better.
Though, suicide is a more realistic option.
ill date you even if you're just a guy larping. i'm pretty lonely.
As another user on here put it "Of course they're a feminist until they're on the Titanic".
Do you know how many times I see fucking "Feminists" on Dating sites with a big list of "Has to be above 6ft, has to work out" etc etc.
I've gone on dates with girls who are feminists in their profiles, and I specifically chose them because they were feminists and I thought "maybe they would give me a chance since they understand that patriarchal gender norms are damaging to non-chad guys like myself" and then after the date I get a message about how we have no chemistry (despite having great long conversations they're clearly into on almost all my dates) and when I ask what I did wrong and what I can do to better myself, they spew "Be more aggressive and assertive, you need to hit the gym" etc all this fucking CHAD shit and lets be real, these girls are like often like 4/10, overweight and still fucking expect they should get with Ryan Gosling or Channing Tatum.
Women are so fucking full of shit when it comes to dating. They claim they're feminists and against toxic masculinity and gender norms, but oh boy here comes the dating game and unless your PUA chad thundercock you basically stand no chance even with below average girls with shit personalities.
I bet every single fucking girl that posts shit on facebook like "men should be allowed to cry and show emotion" would dump your ass in a fucking second if you actually did so.
No man wants a woman who will cheat on him. Checkmate.
i dont find the stacy look (i.e. blond hair, blue eyes, overall instgram whore appearance) to be very sexually attractive
i need a pale girl with jet black hair and a flat chest that looks like she hasn't slept in a week
Less than average males can still succeed, but not less than average females.
Big part of that is dudes will fuck down for short term thing then leave the girl when they're bored. But Chad is smooth about it, and girl wants to believe it, so for her egos sake, she leaves situation thinking it's mutual. And if she wanted she could lock down a man like that, but that's just not what she wanted. It's cool that they're seeing other people it's 2018.
Now her expectations are set at that Chadly level, even tho he probably made a lapse in judgement to end up w her in first place
I will be the bf of any less than average female, no matter how ugly she is
>Statistics show that guys actually care more about personality than looks, where women are very looks and wealth oriented.
seems like bs desu
i don't understand you can even conceive to make this thread when bots here will ask you out just for being female. do you mean just to say that all men would date stacy too so you're not special? sorry but you only wanted chad dick still puts us in a worse situation than you.
Lol look at the male attractiveness distribution, as rated by women... Normalize x axis for that, and it tells a different story
Any? Playing a dangerous game user
this is all percentages. pretty women could be getting thousands of messages and ugly women just look ignored in comparison.
On the contrary, I immediately disregard a woman if she is too attractive. I only like average looking girls because they tend to be nicer.
I just want someone to love me unconditionally and play Street Fighter with me.
As long as she isn't abusive yes
It is bullshit. Men value beauty far more than women.
Might just be a brainlet, but that chart seems like it's trying to bury the plot somehow.
Want Stacy for what?
I'd fuck Stacy but I don't want a relationship with Stacy. Stacy's a bitch.
tend to find women who pay attention to me more attractive i've noticed so while looks matter it's not exactly a hard line.
Women are harsh at judging looks even to themselves, so they will rate men like they rate themselves. But they are being realistic and only approach their looksmatch or under. In that they literally ignore Chads. However men are the opposite. Men are very lenient (sometimes delusional) in how they rate themselves, so they also rate women higher. But they are being unrealistic because they only shoot for the highest branches no matter how they look/think they look.
Well good luck user. Gothickingcobra found his lady, so can u
Pic maybe related, it's up to u
*flip* *flop* *flap* *flip* *flop* *flap* *flip* *flop* *flap* *flip* *flop* *flap* *flip* *flop* *flap* *flip* *flop* *flap*
Sure, OP.
I got your proof riiiight here
The entire article just took the words "Men" and "Women" and reversed them.
>Female Tinder usage data was collected and statistically analyzed to determine the inequality in the Tinder economy. It was determined that the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men.
>... for a random female/male Tinder interaction the male is likely to "like" the female 6.2 times more often than the female "likes" the male.
>...we can make an estimate as to the percentage of females on Tinder that are likely to "like" a male based on his attractiveness.
>...Unfortunately, this percentage decreases rapidly as you go down the attractiveness scale. According to this analysis a man of average attractiveness can only expect to be liked by slightly less than 1% of females (0.87%). This equates to 1 "like" for every 115 females. The good news is that if you are only getting liked by a few girls on Tinder you shouldn't take it personally. You aren't necessarily unattractive. You can be of above average attractiveness and still only get liked by a few percent of women on Tinder. The bad news is that if you aren't in the very upper echelons of Tinder wealth (i.e. attractiveness) you aren't likely to have much success using Tinder.
Again, average men are basically completely fucked when it comes to online dating.
>Statistics show that guys actually care more about personality than looks
HAHAHAHAHA no. Nearly every guy's requirement on any dating app, even the desperate ones is "no fat chicks"
Hell, even on this thread, guys would date an actual retard (pic related) if she's a qt.
Not docking anyone who has the "no fat chicks" requirement, but acting like men, or humans in general would rather date a busted landwhale who has a nice personality over a qt with the personality cardboard cutout makes everyone look stupid
fat fetishes not included in this sweeping generalization. fembots: if your listening, lose some weight if you need to. male attention with go through the roof, trust me
I know ugly women who work with me, they're bitchy.
They might as well be pretty and bitchy.
>tfw all I can think of is Getting Smaller by Nine Inch Nails when you say that
You're judging men with your own female values, truth is, unlike you, men are attracted to all kinds of qualities.
Lol well good to know my 2/100 batting average is better than normal. Might have even cracked into bottom 40% !
>No "something you can change about yourself with work and effort" women
And that's a bad thing roastie?
Meanwhile, women discriminate on race, height, and other unchangeable factors for men, yet MEN are the shallower sex? Quit projecting roastie and go to sleep
Jow Forums popping in here out of boredom. I've rejected multiple stacies and wish I was less built so I could get a qt art gf.
Sage for roastie thread.
what op said makes sense when you realize this is what women consider 5/10 and pussy drying
Nice to see someone post the other half of that OKCupid thing that never gets mentioned in here because it doesn't fit the narrative
a cute girl is literally no different from a Stacy. If anything they are synonymous to each other. now gtfo my thread, normalfag
Hey maybe my average is above normal.
Matched with about 6 girls over about 400 to 500 profiles. Even went on dates with 2 of them.
Probably matches with the fact I get told by girls in the real world i'm about a 6-7/10.
sounds unfortunate. not related to the claim the other user made tho. sounds like women tend to have higher minimum standards for who they'll sleep with.
why are you mad user? being attracted to someone because of some aspect of their personality hardly makes you a good person. is a woman who wants a confident man a better person than a man who wants a girl w a nice bum? they seem about morally equal in this area to me
I can only finish if I'm looking at a girls jiggly belly and thighs and I know she's an unwashed spoiled cow. It still probably counts as Stacy though for me cuz I just have a different ideal I guess.
as an incel i would love if women had a movement where they tricked themselves into putting themselves through this lol. too bad women are so vapid and self centered they can literally take chad dick and still think they're femcel.
There are lots of studies like that that you can find on r/trufemcels. This one especially shatters the robots narrative.
fuck off fit
im sure your spotter is waiting to give you some brotein
>Not docking anyone who has the "no fat chicks" requirement
>Women are shallow reeee
Not denying that. I'm saying people in general care about looks more than personality. Hell, I'd date you if you look like chad even though you're a cunt. inb4 trap
but can the roasty trying to discredit shit respond to this post
I want a nerdy shy girl cause I get rejected by Stacies :(
What is the name for Latina Stacy? since that is the one who i want to destroy with my dick.
but you wouldn't date him if he were ugly but nice to you, men here would date ugly women who are nice.
yeah its called trufemcel on reddit. I suggest you go there with an open mind and read everyones experiences and why they exactly consider themself a femcel.
> people in general care about looks more than personality
Well no fucking shit, what the fuck was your point
>... for a random female/male Tinder interaction the male is likely to "like" the female 6.2 times more often than the female "likes" the male
You realize that most guys just swipe right on everyone? Even Chad?
Do ugly girls actually get messaged very little on OLD?
I created a fake profile once of an ugly fat girl with shit personality and 3 kids and single mother and literally had like 50 matches in a single fucking day.
Meanwhile pretty much most guys I know, even good looking ones may get like a match or two a week.
Women can't actually believe they have it harder in the dating game than men. The entire dating structure is designed for females to be buyers in a seller's market and OLD takes all the worst aspects of that and amplifies it multitudes. There was that study with speed dating that found when you actually reverse the roles of dating approach, women suddenly become far more open to average looking guys while men become far more picky and spoiled.This shows it's a structural issue overall. Women are acting according to the material conditions provided to them by the dating game.
wow, so femcels are actually just an anti incel movement? i see posts where they're complaining about us only wanting stacy so they like other guys. wtf femoids?
Honestly, that's a pretty good point. I feel like it wouldn't change the chart to be as even as the male one, but that does definitely show that the people who made the chart probably switched to percentages to skew it.
I just want a loyal virgin gf who is 4/10 or above. But this world not fair so I just give up.
>I created a fake profile once of an ugly fat girl with shit personality and 3 kids and single mother and literally had like 50 matches in a single fucking day.
t. things that never happened
not him but i can confirm that ugly fat girls can get hundreds of messages, if you want.
>i see posts where they're complaining about us only wanting stacy so they like other guys.
Because its true, thats all you guys ever lay your eyes on and post about.
Not him but I'll take "something that goes against my confirmation bias so I believe it's not real" for 500
Girls don't even use tinder unless they're major attention whores or want dick. I'd be interested to see male to female tinder usage rates.
isn't wanting your looks match fair? like i would date any girl who is nice and isn't fat, i'm serious. i don't care if you're an acid victim, i just recognize and understand that as a 3/10 male i may as well be a 0/10 and so my only expectations are you put as much effort into life as i do.
That implies I want 3DPD