Did any of you have a good time in college?

Did any of you have a good time in college?

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No. I hated literally every day. I'm graduating this summer but I have no intention of attending the ceremony.

community college yeah. it was fun as fuck.

university fuck no. It was a nightmare.

only half way through since i fucked over my first year really bad and i hate it. better than high school i guess but i still hate it so much

Ah, it's allright. I got into lots of social life, which I didn't have before (used to be a huge WoW nerd).
Started doing skooma, talking to other real people and stuff. Not bad.

>the user fell for the college meme
Good job user. Really good job. I'm so fucking proud of you.

Eh, my parents are paying for it anyway so I don't have anything to lose

>Doing tons of research
>Have a Summa-tier GPA
>Chemistry/Comp. Sci. Major
Yeah, I have had a pretty good time, the key is to cut ties with everyone on a regular basis, otherwise you will get roped into the cancerous culture that is the university social scene...

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Bet your in the anime club faggot

where are/did you vros go(ing) to school?

Aside from realizing the thing I'm supposed to study doesn't really interest me that much and that I'd prefer sleeping during most lectures, absolutely yes.
It was a really cool time.
What's important is that you know what you wanna do. Don't go just because you don't know what else to do.

i avoided social interaction with absolutely everyone to the very best of my ability. i played binding of isaac on my laptop for the entirety of every single lecture i ever had. graduated with a 3.75 GPA

easily the worst and darkest period in my life

good times user!
>Architecture major
>Actually made friends
had the luck of actually meeting people early on so I have always someone to do work with

elaborate dear faggot

It's just something I'm doing. I feel indifferent about it. If I can't plan my schedule to be there for the least amount of time possible, I'm pissed enough to just drop out, which I have done before.

to put it succinctly i went in with no idea what i wanted to do with my life and ended up blowing thousands of dollars while skipping (and failing) classes, hiding in my dorm room and generally avoiding the world. it was a universe that exacerbated all my worst traits and took my money while they were at it. nobody gives a single fuck about you at these places, they just take it all and give you a worthless degree at the end.

god i wish i could go back, i would never have gone.

I'm taking my second break semester because I would literally rather get a menial labor job than continue to go to college.

I'm enrolling in college soon after being a NEET for 4 years. I'm gonna have to pad my empty resume with part time jobs while studying.
This doesn't sound fun at all.
>more rigorous course work and studies than in HS, while at the same time having less free time because of working a job or interning
>was terrible at essays but they're even more important now
>bum knee. so can't fall back to manual labor; I'm doomed to wageslave shit if I can't hack it
>thousands of dollars on the line

>time and effort is nothing
i see why youre going :)

>go to some random university
>plan my schedule out meticulously
>manage to take a full course load where both semesters I am only at the campus for 2 days a week from 8am till 4pm
>unemployed and chilling in the mean time
>literally 2 weeks before classes start some of the instructors just randomly decide to entirely change their class time slots
>now have to go 5 days a week with ridiculous 4-6 hour breaks between some classes
>drop out

Nah, fuck that.

what are you doing right now user? i hope you're doing something you like. you're a good guy.

literally this tho
gone through groups of pot heads and alcoholics a few times now

Essays are one of the only things I'm good at. Cite, cite, cite and before you know it the paper's done.

Anything STEM related kicks my ass though, especially math. Normally if you struggle with something you step around it and move forward but with math you're fucked if you don't understand it. Nothing about numbers is intuitive and I've always hated puzzles.

Why is it seemingly impossible for anyone to have both savant-tier autism and academic ability and also be good at interacting with people?

yes I just graduated and I was unironically the president of my fraternity

I had a blast I'm just lurking here

No, I dropped out after the first week since it taught me that I could teach myself to program well enough to get a job in a few months.

Because in most cases they are mutually exclusive.

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i enjoyed it because of the friends i made. but we all just graduated and went our separate ways and now im back in my hometowns and im all alone and bored and alone