so get one my man
Me too
I've only found attention whores
Supportive gfs are high value, are you?
how much money for me to orbit you? femanon here
Not yet. I'm getting there.
Die in a fire you leech
Supportive girls prefer guys who make worthwhile decisions.
They don't exist. Lift, grow up and patrol your women.
>they don't existt
If there was such a girl wars would be fought to have her.
They don't exist. The most successful guys only got girls after success they were virgins before. Like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates etc. No 'supportive gf' this isn't a fantasy world user
>'femanon here'
kek dude
>get blatantly ignored by gf
>wtf bish
>stop replying
they don't give a fuck, if they're fine then everyone is
>all a girl needs to do to be high value is not be a bitch
why cant you just be a supportive guy, tell me
He can't because he is full of himself.
Supportive guy here, women don't like it and think you're a pussy for it
Well that doesn't sound supportive at all. You sure you are the supportive type?
Just give up OP, I'm sorry but woman are worse than us, and we're pretty bad. Take the 2D pill like me if you can, onaholes and escapism are better than 70% of relationships.
>supportive guy
No your not. Being supportive isn't just about holding doors and m'lady'ing
t. Girl (male) with a bf
No your not.
Nice claim, I'm not him but how would they know if they're really supportive if no robots given a chance?
I know you're just world fallacy is comfy but it's not a helpful view point.
robots say things like this but when i tried actually talking to an user on this board i get fucking ghosted. ;_;
what gives?
there are a lot of things I want in a bf so I realized it's better to just remain alone
>think your a pussy for it
That's how I know. You can be supportive and not be a pussy.
t. My bf has a black belt yet has never even raised his voice with me
You probably scared them off with your feminine penis.
i don't even have a dick though. the only thing i can think of that might've scared him off would be the last time we talked where he told me he was rlly glad he met me and i reciprocated. it wasn't ever the same after that and i don't know why.
either that or my autisms
Not OP. I won't pay you for orbiting but I'll pay you for sex. 500 for a weekend sound good to you?
>My bf has a black belt yet has never even raised his voice with me
You're a guy though, woman apparently really like when their men do that.
>think your a pussy for it
I never said this?
>You can be supportive and not be a pussy.
I never said you couldn't, though men are usually pussies when they have nothing to fight for, like a worthwhile woman or ideal.
This world is not just, you're experiences are subjective.
Well maybe I shouldn't have ghosted her so so- well nevermind.
I'm guessing your boicock is one of those things?
>Don't EVER criticize women! Men that do this are exclusively wrong!
I'm a raging faggot. Originally of course.
Your rewdness is leading me to believe you aren't as supportive as you claim. Have you tryed not taking things literal or do you like getting mad at things?>inb4 crude drawing of le ruseman
Lmao I'm not even the poster you were talking to. Thanks for fuckin proving me right.
Interesting to see you have no logic capacity at all.
Ok but seriously you are just finding reasons to argue. Go drink some water,cool off, and then come back to me.
Alternatively, prove yourself useful and seek education.
Goodbye, and good luck.
The guys trolling or genuinely retarded, you have enough on your plate user don't worry about some passive aggressive faggola.
>one of my co-worker has been fucking my other co-worker
>he does everything for her
>she sleep with other co-worker
>dude is sad now
>its affecting his work
>he might quit soon
fuck this cunt. i feel bad for the dude.
i just want a girlfriend t bh famalama
Imagine being so butt lasted that you ragequit an argument that never even existed.
Well retards can generally make people angry.
Girl here,
I'm tired of you thirsty betas complaining about not getting pussy. It's a real turn off. I'm considered a very direct woman, so let me give you these crucial steps to at least get a 6/10
>Be attractive
Now being attractive isn't everything, but if you don't at least 8/10 looks, women will not even pay attention to you. Take care of your face and work out. If you're still ugly, get surgery or settle for some landwhale
>Be rich
The bare minimum is exactly $100, 000 a year. That's the economy for you. Just the way it is. We want to be taken cared of. Even you do get a girl, she'll just leave you for the next rich alpha
>Social status
Chicks love it when you have connections & actually know how to talk to human beings. Not lonely social autist that can't even say two things to anyone. Having connections can come in handy in the future & doesn't hurt to be a person lots of people know.
>Nice car
All we want is to driven in a car that's not shitty. Just get a $20, 000 car. It's not too much to ask for. Oh, if you can't drive, consider suicide.
>Be tall
Why would a girl want to go out with a manlet? Theres plenty of tall men for us you are not even worth the competition
>have big cock
Yup, size DOES matter. The whole "ocean" thing is bullshit. This is why we let black guys do us.
>Don't be a virgin
Virgins are disgusting! They should be condemned to death. How are you still a virgin? Girls don't ask for much you know.
>Get rid of your pathetic interests
No more vidya, comics, anime weeabo shit, no porn, no more cartoons, MLP, and stop coming to this stupid Filipino image board. You're grown ass men, act like it.
>Be an asshole
We don't show it, but we love to be treated like stupid children. Why do you think women would stay with their abusive cheating boyfriends? But hey, if you're really nice, maybe we'll let you be our official orbiter.
That's it. Pretty easy if you ask me.
And dont forget, Just be yourself :)
>Heh you made a smart ass remark? Well your retarded so HA
A phrase as old as time: tits or GTFO.
Lame old copypasta is lame and old.
Being a smart ass generally implies the person is being truthful, this guys just taking jabs at people at the bottle of the totem pole.
>Supportive guy here
>Well that doesn't sound supportive at all.
Literally talking out of his ass with an ego complex.
Then he spouts how others are rude for getting angry at a man making retarded claims.
Kill yourself easy mode vapid slut.
(If this isn't pasta)
>girls dont ask for much you know
gets me everytime
Oops my bad, didn't read past the first sentence, pretty funny actually.
Maybe if you just go outside and improve yourself, you could see real life titties, okay?
Im trying to help you and you're throwing buzzwords at me stfu
Are you atleast enjoying being annoyed at me? I don't care if I look stupid on the internet because guess what: I'm anonymous. No consequences at all. I can literally say whatever I like within reason and I will never get in trouble socially or legally. So yeah,how about fuck you and fuck you too.
>Are you atleast enjoying being annoyed at me?
Yea usually feeling smarter than others helps my mood.
>I don't care if I look stupid on the internet because guess what
That's not what someone who doesn't care types out.
I saw a tiddy once I'll have you know.
woah I didn't know I didn't know my own feelings. How else do I feel master feeler?
Probably really homo, imo.
>i don't even have a dick though.
There's your problem.
That pasta has been posted here tens of times, you dumb bitter basement-dwelling virgin neckbeard.
if youre actually a girl kill yourself roastie lmao :^)
Yeah well no haha u
yea you got me tho
just end my gay existence