Tfw your father, the only person who you felt loved you...

>tfw your father, the only person who you felt loved you, finally snaps and calls you a useless sack of shit that he wouldn't care if you died

I have never felt as depressed as I do now. I want to kill myself but am too pussy to do it.

Attached: timetoendthis.png (655x509, 28K)

Change his mind by proving you are not

Why'd he call u that?

How about telling your father that he is a pathetic cunt and that his failure of a son will remind him of this until the day he finally dies?

Lel i got in an argument with my dad today he snapped and punched me and slapped me a few times and threw my food at me. I told him im not going to fight just let him beat me to death if he wants because i wish to die anyway.

Then he stopped so i punched myself in the head 4 times and he tried to grab my arms but i went to the bathroom and punched the walls which still hurts my hand. Nobody else liked me except him and now he hates me too but i dont care really. He didnt have any use for me he is fucking stupid and made me fucking retarded too and somehow expects me to do more than min wage work and being depressed all day even though he never did any better. He just fucking prays to Allah all day. Fuck allah. Fuck islam. Fucking retard monkey religion.

>Tfw your father never did anything with you and doesn't talk to you
He lives with me but feels as if he doesn't .

Right on
Time to save money
Time to move the fuck out
Fuck all religions
Your dad is a real hot head, wish i could beat his ass for you

currently a father, trying not to raise my kid like a fucked up littile shit, I'll take your advise and not do that

Btw i'm not an atheist, or agnostic
We are gods.

For a very minor thing in our workplace, as I work with him in a family owned shop. He snaps at me hard when I do something wrong, it's like us getting along is just a facade and when given the chance he lets out how he feels about having me as a son. My mother does the same.

Improve yourself man. Get a job, clean your shit up, and work on social interactions.

How old are you? Do you have the ability to get a new job and move out?

Listen up, user, here's the simple truth:

Free will is an illusion. Your life is a cascade of things that happen to you.
Your ability to act in certain ways is a product your genetic predisposition combined with the experiences/memories you gathered during your lifetime. These factors combined produce a decision. Every single decision in your life is a product of this. You can try to change your life, but if you even have or will ever gain the ability to do so is written in the stars.
All you can do is buckle up and see this depressing rollercoaster that is your life to the end and maybe somewhere down the road you will find a reward.

Unfortunately the fact that your decisions don't happen in a vacuum and that all your decisions are merely an expression of who you are at that exact moment is something that goes over most normies heads and scares them.

Stop living for your parents. Remind yourself that none of this is your fault - nowhere down the line you "decided" that you'd want your life to turn out like this.
Seek help from a trained professional, if you can afford it. If you have the strenght to end it, get off this ride. Unfortunately most of us are cursed with an unbreakable will to persevere when it comes down to it ...

are you an ugly virgin?

>my father hasn't really done anything bad to me lol

>Free will is an illusion.
>Seek help from a trained professional
>Listen up, user
man you sound like an insufferable faggot
There is more to life retard, you haven't seen all perspectives. Who am i, no one. Believe what you believe in.
this world already has 7 billion brainwashed retards anyways

user he does have good points

your father obviously has given up on you

you are obviously SO BAD that a decent man who happens to be your FATHER has given up on you

kill yourself, just fucking do it

>could take this as a sign that you've fallen so far that even your father feels this way about you
>could use this as a wake up call to fix your pathetic life
>instead you run to Jow Forums and shitpost about how you want to die
just proving your dad right

No, he doesn't. He's a little edgelord fedora and his "good points" are contradictory nonsense.

24. I have had several interviews in other places and graduated last year, but I have some kind of pathological loyalty to my father and our business, or maybe it is just stupidity. This year has been especially hard financially, and I don't want to leave him alone with all these burdens. I feel like he doesn't appreciate this. Worst of all is that every single time I end up feeling all this is my fault and that he is right to lash out at me because I'm worthless.

If there's more to life could you at least provide some examples?

you are worthless

jump off a bridge

Fuck this, I came here because I have no one in the world to talk to and I didn't want to feel worse.

>quoting the same post 3 times
What that guy is saying is simple logic. Nowhere does it say that everyone else's life is horrible and indeed they aren't only because they had the fortune of having the right circumstances, unlike OP. If everything in nature follows certain rules, why do you think there's something called free will that somehow violates them?

Life is a learning process retard
Jow Forums is filled with 11 to 40 year olds that haven't reached individuation.

just read my posts and watch the links
im not perfect either but there is so much crap in the world and i just hate it.

It's almost as if people react differently to situations.
Where you would use this as a wakeup call others might use it as the final push to finally kill themselves.
Hm I wonder how those decisions and individual differences are formed. They're all just pathetic cunts anyways, who decide to die when they could just as easily decide otherwise, right?

Attached: af2.png (741x568, 29K)

>me and dad are having a friendly dicussion about open-source laws vs copyright
>he's somewhat in the middle, advocating for copyright though
>I'm arguing for open source
>accidentally slip into my shitposting dialouge and make a comment that belittles his argument while also pointing out a major flaw in a pretty unfriendly way
>basically mocking my dad for slipping up
>he goes silent, realize what I did
>feel like shit
Sorry dad

OP listen to me man. Your father is not you. He doesn't live your life. He could never understand the depth of your misery, depression, fatigue and hopelessness. He doesn't know all the rejection and abuse you went through.

And think about it: he's the one who raised you. If you really are a "useless sack of shit", it's partially his fault. Plus, who cares if you're useless? Why does society even deserve your productivity?

OP, I know you are feeling horrowingly alone and immensely anguished, because the one person you loved and trusted has turned their back on you. But you have to remember: many of us have gone through this exact same situation. It's painful, it's traumatic, it's sickening. But you will always be the one to look after yourself. And don't blame yourself for your father's failings.

And even if you're a total failure, who cares? Society never helped you. Your father clearly backstabbed you. Granted, maybe you didn't try your best, but in that case your dad should be encouraging you, not suggesting he'd be happy if you were dead.

Your dad isn't you. He doesn't live your life. He doesn't know what you've been through. He has no clue what immense depression you've felt for so many years. Remember that OP. Remember that.