Anxietyfags allowed.
Any other depressed Jow Forumsizens here?
Has lifting helped/cured your depression?
Anxietyfags allowed.
Any other depressed Jow Forumsizens here?
Has lifting helped/cured your depression?
kind of
> gf leaves me because she met someone else
> got very sad, suicide thoughts because not many friends and no family
> got fit
> got 7 chicks in 6 months to sleep with me
> had a threeway with two chicks (yay!!!)
> women are noticebly more attracted, look more at me more and longer
> still often think about my ex
> starting very slowly to feel that she was a bitch
I am kind getting over it, problem is I am a faggy romantic bitch and may not love or trust a women again for a long time.
Lifting makes me happy but whenever I can't go because of work hours, I am getting depressed. But it is getting better.
>made it
>depression simultaneously developed
what do
I have horrible depression and anxiety. Plus my dad is old and dying and refuses to take care of himself.
I can turn it off at work (I have two jobs right now.) and power through the day (I'm one of the best salesman at one job, and I'm slowly getting the hang of the other one).
I haven't worked out in about 6-8 months. I can barely get myself out of bed to work. Most of my money goes to my Dad and Mom to help them out.
I live with my Fiance and she's great but she has her own problems and I feel like I'm bothering her if I talk about mine.
>> got fit
>> got 7 chicks in 6 months to sleep with me
How long did it take to get to the point where you get chicks easily? Also, how attractive is your face and how tall are you?
Have you tried going to a trained professional psychologist?
>I haven't worked out in about 6-8 months
Why? No money, no time or no will?
Come home bros, find purpose and meaning and leave depression in the dust. We will help you. We all gonna make it:
Arigatou.... T_T
I have the money and I could make the time (gym opens at 5, I usually don't work until 12) I just don't have the willpower. I know once I start going I'll get addicted again and feel better. I'm just trying to take that first step.
>problem is I am a faggy romantic bitch and may not love or trust a women again for a long time.
A lot of us are, it's okay.
>> gf leaves me because she met someone else
Hoes will be hoes. Should have put a .40 caliber slug in her head.
Realize that changing moods are normal. I used to be a depressed cuck, then I started lifting and being productive all the time instead of gaming. Became very happy, but that eventually wore off. I started feeling depressed again, but this time, instead of gaming and being a cuck, I kept lifting and being productive, socializing etc. And I felt just in between depressed and happy. Now I just fluctuate from very happy to normal instead of being depressed all the time.
>go out with bros every other weekend
>meet a girl between the age of 20 and 25 that looks exactly like a pic related
>inevitably take her home and fuck the living shit out of her
>don't cum because condoms fucking suck and I'm scared shitless of STDs
>wake up at 7am on Sunday
>kick her out of my house
>sit in shower for 1+ hour
>jerk off
>head to gym
>workout fueled by nothing but self-disgust and apathy that I keep doing this
>meet friends for late breakfast around noon
>always congratulate me for fucking some 7/10 skanklet
>go home and sleep the rest of my sunday away clutching pillow on couch feeling lonelier than ever
Repeat ad infinitum
>Has lifting helped/cured your depression?
The weird thing is I have to stay busy, lifting, cardio, hobbies, work, freelance work, or I know I will feel suicidal again. So I wouldn't say lifting cured my depression, but the reverse: not lifting makes me depressed. If that makes any sense.
I think you get depressed because the real you is being repressed and broken. It's not like you have to become someone else in order to be happy, you just have to stop BEING someone else, and start being you again. Thats how I feel anyway
I am a borderliner with strong anxiety and some depression
started lifting and it helps me feel like I accomplished something for the day and I feel my body. I can reduce the pressure in me. But it's actuallly cardio that makes me feel the best
Hookup culture ladies and gentlemen.
This is why I'm saving my v card for a non hedonistic, high quality, non primitive cutie
You've probably lost your ability to pair bond sorry
posted this in Jow Forums but no responses so hopefully some Jow Forumsbros could help me out.
I need help dealing with my anxiety. I have generalized anxiety. Whenever i ever hear that a girl has interest in me, or when one flirts with me, i panic. Now its not so much spilling my spaghetti or whatever, but just pure panic and fear. My heart rate spikes and i feel physically ill. By ill, i dont mean i get butterfly in my stomach, but i feel like i am going to litteraly throw up. Once a girl was hitting on me over text, and i actually puked. Today i heard a girl thought i was cute from a friend at lunch. I almost had to spit out my food.
How the fuck do i deal with this? Breathing deeply doesnt help and i dont want to go on pills. If i cant overcome this anxiety i am going to be alone forever and never have a good relationship. I've already lost some to this. Has anyone overcame this fear?
Christ im so fucking sad
in other news benched new PR, 180 last week. Hoping for 185 tmmrw
>inb4 why no drugs
because i already grew up with an addict parent, and im not letting that shit hurt me or anyone else in my family.
the loneliest ive felt is right after hooking up with some girl i'd never talked to before that night
Every night i feel horrible mentally, it takes me more than an hour in bed to fall asleep
When i wake up i feel completely different, like i cant understand how much of a pussy i was last night, not giving a shit for the rest of the day.
I can feel it creeping up on me through the day and it just repeats every single day
i have no idea how to cure this, lifting is only a temporary fix while the endorphins work
depends on your country or insurance, but seriously, invest in yourself and do therapy! it's very possible that you will make improvements very quick
and: do meditation. listen to podcasts about anxiety. the anxiety guy for example
>Hookup culture ladies and gentlemen.
This shit is seriously damaging and people just think it's perfectly fine.
Insane to me.
I thnk lifting can only be one piece in the puzzle of your health. nowadays people deal with lots of information and demands. yo need to train your mind as well and give it space and time to become healthy
Do these things actually happen? I live in the English countryside and even sleeping with one girl seems like something from a different planet
The cure to your depression is doing things, have a purpose in your life, stop wasting your time thinking, sleep and eat well, and took antidepressants if you are deeply fucked up.
You need to see a psych so that he can probe and you can talk about why you have those feelings in those situations.
Everybody should go to a therapist srs. It's hard work, and sometimes you come out of a session feeling worse than when you came in, but they help you fix yourself.
Not as severe as you but I get anxiety when girls like me too. Meditation really helps me with this
maybe are not that bad, took back in the time diazepam, and started going to classes and running taking time outside and I got cured, it took some months or maybe years but now I have a gf and a few years ago I cant look people in their eyes when I was outside
stop caring about your dad
I have no desire to talk with hook-nosed pill pushers.
T. Never been depressed
>Everybody should go to a therapist srs
I know. I will go get an appointment tomorrow. I promised myself that I will go on the seventh day. It might be weeks until I finally start, but the sooner I go the sooner will it be done.
lol you are misinformed.
Obviously it depends on who you go to, but I have been seeing someone for a year for some pretty serious baggage. I told him at the start I did not want to go on medication and he has respected that. I have also made great strides in figuring myself out and learning to let go of the things holding me down.
I went to a therapist a few years ago when i was 16. He just kinda told me to write out my worries, what it was about, and why i shouldnt worry about it. There was no fix.
I just dont want to go back to a therapist. I just want to be normal, i shouldnt need someone else to deal with my problems.
I dont know if it will help me, is what i mean
It's not easy to find a good therpist. first, they have to be good in their job and second the chemistry between you two has to work. It took time for me to find the right one
"We should stop telling people who yearn for a deeper meaning in life that they have an illness or need therapy. Instead, we need to help people craft lives that are more meaningful and built on a firmer foundation than personal success."
Hey, I'm this guy
> i shouldnt need someone else to deal with my problems.
This really resonated with me, because I think that I had a similar viewpoint. It's hard work dealing with your problems, man. If everyone could do it, everyone would be all self-actualized and zen.
For me, it was immensely helpful to have someone to opine on my problems, and my purported solutions to these problems. And again, it's not like after going for a few months I was "fixed". I've been seeing my therapist for over a year, and I am still far from "fixed". In fact, I won't ever be fixed, and will have to carry around my baggage for the rest of my life.
What a therapist helped me to do is to recognize
> "oh, hey, there's that voice again that tells me I'm nothing, worth nothing, a waste of space, girls hate me, my parents hate me, ad nauseum"
And lessen it's magnitude. To acknowledge the thoughts and feelings without becoming the thoughts and feelings.
In therapy, you are exploring yourself, and a therapist is there to help you explore. IMO you owe it to yourself to try.
> I just want to be normal
Nobody is normal, everyone has problems, and everyone is messed up. You can do this.
>t. never been depressed
in therapy I learned a method called emotion surfing
first, take a step back and try to define what your emotion is and how strong it is from 0 to 100 (there is a short list of emotions as psychology defines them, e.g. fear, anger, joy etc)
second: what reactions to you have in your body? what do you feel in your body and where?
third: what action impulses do you have? what would you like to do? like, crying, hiding, staying in bed, etc
four, take some time and breathe in and out slowly
Sure thing, buddy. I'm not trying to confide all my life problems in some oven-dodger, either.
read before commenting. she says that there is chemical depression in teh brain of some people. but too many peoople se depression as something separated of how society works. it is not!
kek good luck there, John Wayne
Depends on the people desu. I know chicks that would hunt cock with their girlfriends. Never had them fuck me becuase I'm a fucking fatass and dont know how to upkeep my face.
>In therapy, you are exploring yourself, and a therapist is there to help you explore. IMO you owe it to yourself to try.
Wait, what?
If that's all to it, then what is even the point of going to therapy?
I've been able to explore my mind to great depths. I know all the causes of my cognitive dissonances, I can rationalize why they are wrong and most of the time I consciously know that what I'm feeling is not objectively true. But telling myself "hey it's just that voice again, stop being suicidal" doesn't work. I don't feel better at all, I just feel ridiculous on top of everything because I'm being so irrational which makes things worse.
I wanted to go to therapy tomorrow, but now I'm seriously questioning my decision. Is therapy a meme afterall?
>gf cheated on me multiple times
>only find out after
>channel rage into lifting
>start using for rage from work etc
>now working so much that it's hard to channel rage and not tiredness
>drinking a lot to just relax
>14 pints down already, 3 more left, work at 6:30am
>have an alcohol test in 3 months for work
>how am i gonna pass
>alcohol is what stops me succeeding but also the only thing that keeps me sane
copes please
>read before commenting.
How about you leave psychology to psychologists? You wouldn't write blogposts about computer software if you had never took a single class in math or software engineering.
Unless you're from Jow Forums, of course...
There is more to it. Those were just the things that helped me.
Re: why do you need another person when you have already rationalized your thoughts/feelings: Because your rationalizations are probably wrong. Everyone has blind spots that they can’t see. You sound intelligent, so you are probably very reasoned and logical with your rationizations, and your mind makes them seem ironclad and reasonable when they are likely unreasonable and shaky.
Also, what do you mean what you are feeling isn’t objectively true? Of course it is objectively true, you’re feeling it.
dont pretend to be OP
op here
I dont know. Sometimes i feel like my problems are not big enough to warrant going to a therapist.
But I dont know what i can do? Write down my problems? Sure ill write that i grew up with a parent who had PTSD and was an alcoholic. And that i dont believe anyone will ever love me. Or that i dont know what it feels like to really be happy, to be content with what my life is.
It just seems so daunting. Maybe i am just afraid of rejection, or maybe i dont love myself enough to believe anyone could ever love me. I feel ashamed. I dont think anyone will be able to understand me or my life. fuck