Does roids actually complement your face?
Connor murphy is a guy who have gone from aesthetic to bloat face, what the fuck happened?
Does roids actually complement your face?
Connor murphy is a guy who have gone from aesthetic to bloat face, what the fuck happened?
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Yes steroids absolutely cause face gains.
My jaw muscles have grown a LOT while using gear. It can also increase jaw bone growth.
The issue is, sometimes the excess estrogen can cause bloat-face. Also, if you are eating enough to bulk, you can get bloat face from salt intake.
If you are taking like 200mg of test cyp though, you can make a lot of gains and mostly avoid bloat face. Get tan, good lighting, good facial hair, and you're set.
fuck i'd consider roids now
tbf that second photo is really unflattering
>Does roids actually complement your face?
they do not
>Connor murphy is a guy who have gone from aesthetic to bloat face, what the fuck happened?
Nice cherry picking you fucking faggot. Pic related is his face from his latest video.
>Yes steroids absolutely cause face gains.
this shit is as vague as saying that life causes death
don't get excited faggot
Testosterone won't do shit for your face. Only thing that MIGHT change your face is tren and gh BUT you still have to ABUSE the substance for a very long period.
For example look at the infamous Cassidy Campbell. He was blasting 700mg of tren for months and still had bloated face. Genetics is everything. Other example would be Rich Piana who abused gh for years to the point where his head and feet grew.
You're retarded, he's gone on cycle again, and it's still worse than the first.
testosterone bloats you
>you need to abuse tren and gh for face gains
Maximum retard, winstrol will get rid of your body fat and multiply the volume of your masseter muscle and neck, drastic aesthetics gains when you’re on cycle
where retards like you found this "winstrol will get rid of your body fat"? This is fucking false information. In case you don't know why people take winstol on a cut, it's because it will boost up your strength a bit and make you more vascular. Steroids don't burn fat you fucking retarded mouthbreather.
They do, they promote lipolysis. Ever wonder why men have less bodyfat than women? Fat has androgen receptors. Wikipedia even metions that testosterone can lead to lowered facial fat." This might cause acne, subcutaneous fat in face decreases."
Also: "Fat deposition Edit
Males typically have less body fat than females. Recent results indicate androgens inhibit the ability of some fat cells to store lipids by blocking a signal transduction pathway that normally supports adipocyte function"
Right, plus winstrol doesn’t aromatize, which makes you stock less fat on a calorie surplus, but you wanted to be a nutrition autist.
YES winstrol doesn’t burn fat, but it will help you lose some if you’re on a cur, compared to some other sterons.
Stop being an autistic faggot now
On a cut*
>YES winstrol doesn’t burn fat
that's my point, saying winstol burns fat is not true
>the sun is high in the sky these days
>uhhh actually, the angle of the earth makes the northern hemisphere more exposed to the sun during a period we call «summer», making the days longer and the sun seems appearing much higher in the sky at noon but in fact, we’re the one revolving around it, not the other way around
Your post is that autistic
>I’m right because i’m a nerd about things
Okay faggot, i bet you’re the kind of guy correcting every normie around you when they say convenient societally accepted falsehoods, see you in the news, when your autistic ass finally decide to shoot your schoolmates and yourself
you are butthurt because you were wrong and i've correted you?
makes your dick bigger too
more than likely holding water from estrogen
how do i achieve this
letrozole trenbolone test
why letro?
do you want fucked up
Who is this cute little lesbian??
Something very, very strange happened to me on my last cycle. I saw some minow jaw gains, but my temple grew a fucking lot. Does anyone else experienced this?
Your temple didn't grow, your hair just receded.
He looks like fucking Ted Mosby
Just gotta take enough test and you'll have normal estrogen.
what i'm saying is if you need to run an AI with your gear letro is the fucking nuclear option aromasin would be a better choice and most can get away with Tamoxifen
Plus test and tren together are a popular combo but it's best to keep test low since tren binds stronger, meaning more test and be left unattached to the receptors and can convert
>Using a natty as an example.
Look at before and after pictures of pro bodybuilders. The change is mild. It isn’t magic.
You guys don't even know what camera FOV is lol
JFK had bloat face from steroids his doctor gave him.
All true... but uncontrolled E2 conversion will definitely cause sub-Q water retention in the fat that's still on your face and give your face a much fatter appearance.
>dyel detected
his body is definitely achievable natty, he just has good arm genetics and is 6'2"