Wake up, bed room doesnt smell

>wake up, bed room doesnt smell
>go to work
>come home, bed room smells like fucking shit

What the FUCK!! is happening??

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You got used to it in your sleep, then stop being used to it at work, so you notice it when you get back, retard.

>be user
>be in smell of poop
>get taken out of smell of poop for 4-8 hours
>can now smell poop cause no sensitive to it
Write out a list of cleaning tasks, throw on some earbuds, and do it mindlessly

fuck off that literally makes no sense.

If my room stinks, then it stinks. If it doesnt stink, then it wont stink. What the fuck nigger? I am sick of summer brainlets on my board saying shit that is fucking nonensical

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This was posted about a month ago FYI everyone

But op you should air our ur room.

Oh my god.
Are you actually completely unfamiliar with the concept of noseblindness?

stop saying shit that doesnt follow, newfag.

If my room smells like shit, then it smells like shit. If it doesnt smell like shit, then it wont smell like shit.

However, if it does not smell like shit, then some outside force is applied and it THEN smells like shit, then my room will smell like shit when it did not before.

I literally experienced this MOMENTS ago, therefore you cant tell me it isnt happening?

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youre fucking retarded. is right. have you never smelled a stinky person before? they get used to their own stench and stop noticing it.
open a fucking window

>wake up, room smells fine
>leave house for ten hours
>come back, smells fine
>mom still insists it smells bad
The fuck?

are you fucking rarted? Ur nose cant be blinded, only your eyes??? Jesus fucking christ fuck this board

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maybe somes pipe problem? people shit during thes day, must have a leaking?

I remember this post. Why

>robot has relatable experience
>robot describes such experience in such a way that it generates (You)s.

However, did you consider that it was the same user in both posts, desperate for interaction, desperate for (Yous)?

Perhaps a cry for help, a cry for interaction befor OP an heros?

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>What is desensitisation

If you smelt your own stank all the time you would not be able to smell anything else if you were a smelly person. For most of human history humans didn't bathe except when they swam in a river the odd time. They smelt like shit at all times. So being able to smell yourself would prevent you from smelling things like spoilt food.

Stop being a retard.

Fuck your corporate slang retard. I'm pretty sure there's a technical term for it, it's called anosmia.

your rank ass has infected your brain and made you retarded. congratz

ok sure. it's way more likely that someone took a shit in your room than you being wrong about this

>Being this dumb.
Based retard bro.

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>realize you smell like shit and that is why everyone hates you

>room smells like jizz socks

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I have a giant pile of used jizz tissues in the corner of my room. I started tossing them behind the hamper to hide them but now the tissue mountain is taller than the hamper. My mom walks sometimes and stares at it but doesn't say anything. The tissues are all crusty and discolored yellow. I told her it was snot. Do you thinks he can smell it? Does jizz even have a smell?

desu noseblindness scares me a lot, op you probably smell like shit too