Two days ago

>two days ago
>find a couple of black little kitties and a big yellow cat
>they seem bruised as fuck and won't leave my porch
>lure them inside the garden with chicken leftovers
>feed them
>for some reason they let me pet them
>they won't leave the garden
>leave some more leftovers and go to sleep
>dream about having passionate sex with 2 pale black haired young girls and a blonde milf
>wake up
>still feel sexually drained as fuck and can't even do my morning wank

what the FUCK happened?
that was deffo not just a wet a dream

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bump, help Jow Forums, i think i've been haunted

Enjoy your cat gfs.

Sweet food is best paid back with sweet wet dreams, man. Cats are spiritual and supernatural. That's crazy! Imagine when we were chimps and worshipped big cats. Jamie, put up that video of that lion fucking up a priest.

Cats of good luck and great vibes
Live your best OP

The cats you took in communicated their gratefulness to you in the form of a dream and mated with you for saving their lives

sweet dreams, op. have fun with your new cats

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I can't say I was expecting any of that at the end op

Toxoplasmosis is in ur brain, fucking up your dreams, making you a cat slave.

>Was nice to animal.
>Get rewarded in dream.

Shit like this is how religions get started.

you want a catgirl
seems like a lot of people want catgirls nowadays.
maybe we'll have an organisation dedicated to creating catgirls pop up soon.

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C-cat.. g-girls.... they are real? They exist? WHERE user WHERE I WANNA WHERE DID YOU FIND THEMM

You were horny and your subconscious turned the idea of the cats being grateful into rewarding you with sex.

>>they seem bruised as fuck
explain this user

You know, the way a street cat looks all beat up, wet, barely able to walk, muddied fur, etc.

that was anything but a dream, it felt lucid as fuck, just the same way i'm awake here and typing this reply, too real, and what's scary that i was still extremely drained even after i woke up

Cats can fuck with your spirit, or reward you the same way. I wasn't ridiculing you, because your lucid dream is /x/ material along with vampire/werewolf larpers, lgbtscp and daily succubus summoners.

The dream was probably the result of the toxo nesting itself in your brain.

>comes across feral cats
>doesn't gas them on the spot
you're a terrible person OP. three of those cats will be responsible for hundreds of deaths among mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds, all of them creatures with a much higher ecological value

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A cat is fine too...


They need the kiss of a human to be free from their curse and return to their human form
Preferably on their assholes

this is really cute

are you going to adopt them OP?

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Did you fuck the cats?

They're still here
idk what do


>idk what do
i have some ideas

How big are the cats?

my suggestion:
>make somekind of small shelter for them on your back porch
>put in old blankets and make it warm
>feed them and treat them nice
>if you get another dream, adopt them
>live the plot of a anime with your new harem of catgirls who communicate with you through your dreams

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not enough fur desu

Pretty cool, OP. You probably won't have another dream though. Keep feeding the cats and they'll live outside your house.

Demons were watching and are trying to get you into bestiality. Don't fall for it.

I envy you, I wish I were you

okay then.


you didn't answer my question nigger

the two black cats were infants, the yellow one was adult, pretty normal sized for their ages


>everything is a demon
>t. christfaggot

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