Lifting made me sext with my crush


I've been lifting for a year now. Still got a bit of lovehandles but I have abs now and veiny shoulders.

Always snapchated with my crush for at least 4 years now.
Always thought I was friendzoned and just got intentionally cucked.

But now she shows more interest in me, I think. We snapchat more bare-clothed pictures and she's not afraid to show ass and cover her tits with her arms. What does she mean by this? Are we still friends?

Today we snapchatted and she sent a pic of her underwear and I said fuck it - I sent her a pic of my hard-on.
She responded with another ass pic again.

Fast forward and I send a pic of half my dick outside my underwear.
She responds with her in a doggystyle position in front of her mirror..

This is where I loose all my spaghetti...
I prematurely came... lost my boner...
And I replied something like... "late night yoga??" and she just sent me another ass pic.

Wtf bros? Help me... I ended with sending a pic of my shoulder and now we said goodnight.
Are we still just friends? I just want to date my crush... srs

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what the fuck you're not supposed to jerk off to those, it's an invitation
Just ask her to meet at her place or yours and fuck

>This is where I loose all my spaghetti...
>I prematurely came... lost my boner...
>And I replied something like... "late night yoga??" and she just sent me another ass pic.

Im sorry user but I laughed too hard at this

Nice Blogpost, faggot

what do you mean blogpost i see you guys writing 4 pages about naked kids on cbt threads get the fuck out with that bullshit, faggot

>Late night yoga ?

Also post ass pics

please... stick to the subject

Yes she wants to fuck you you dumb cunt


You dun goofed. It was an invitation. And if it wasn’t, she was wasting your time. No need to stay in contact with her after.

Get a hold of yourself.

>Late night yoga ?

invitation? bruh its 00:30.
we've been with eachother many times before and she has held my dick as well.

I hope I never get to the point where a girl sends me pictures of her in the doggy style position after I send her a dick pick and still wonder if she's interested in me or not.

12:30 is nothing man. When a bitch is horny, she is horny.

What do you mean you have "been with eachother many time"? You've already fucked?

but she is way above my league. maybe she is doing this to me for fun?

no because idk if she is serious. i like her too much to ruin our friendship. she held my dick once when i was hard but nothing more.
she has also hinted that she wants to have sex but idk if she is serious, she talks with other guys too i think...

Yup have had a girl do similar shit to me cause she was bored. Shit hurts

a normally socialzed person wouldn't think this

Not even I'm this autistic. And I'm pretty fucking autistic.

One thing's for sure, if you don't make a move soon she'll get bored and move on. The only outcome where this ends in pussy is if you move on her now

You need to drop that attitude asap. You could be a 5' hobgoblin and you are still better than her just by being a man.

Don't put the pussy on a pedestal

100% she wants to fuck m8. Although she sounds like a hoe (most girls are) and not gf material. Just set up a time to go out and you are made in the shade.

Holy fuck nigga just go do you if your going to be this fucking retarded. SHE WANTS YOUR FUCKING DICK YOU GIGANTIC FAGGOT HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT

I may be dyel, but at least I'll never have autism as bad as this.

>"late night yoga??"

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All of these. Like I said. You dun goofed. Half past Midnight ain’t late at all.

Make the move. If she isn’t into it, she’s wasting your time and YOU’RE the whore for letting her take what she wants (your time and manhood) without giving anything.

this made me cry. srs

>literally having your dick in her hand
>guys I can't tell if she wants to fuck :(

You should honestly die. Just disappear from this Earth.

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ok but to be fair i wanted to meet before we sexted but she couldnt. im gonna try this weekend and take a pic of her ass for you guys

>alright Jow Forums my cock is in her, what do I do now?

now this is the type of shitpost that i dont mind in all fields

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Please stop.
Why don't that shit happen to people who can actually do something with it?

im not a virgin. i just like her too much. gonna take away all emotions and just fuck her tomorrow

The absolute state of advanced autism
Sage and report

Good user, you'll be able to overpower her physically and emotionally after all those raptor squat and late night feels threads.

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everybody is encouraging you to go fuck and your primary concern is taking an ass pic

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