You got the test results back. It's as you feared. You've got Stage 3 Terminal Cancer...

You got the test results back. It's as you feared. You've got Stage 3 Terminal Cancer. You've got 3 weeks to fucking live. What's your reaction? How do you spend your last days with your loved ones? Do you think that life was worth living?

Attached: Doctor-with-Tablet.jpg (500x400, 132K)

Honestly I'd probably just do exactly what I'm doing now, shitposting on Jow Forums. I don't think it would change a thing.

I die like the other 100 billion people have before me

Big deal? You cant live forever

>It's as you feared.

>What's your reaction?

>How do you spend your last days with your loved ones?
I quit my job and spend the majority of it alone in my room. If it's late autumn or winter, I'd spend a good bit of it camping.

>Do you think that life was worth living?

>shut up and give me the opiates kike

>Honestly I'd probably just do exactly what I'm doing now, shitposting on Jow Forums.
me too.

>>Do you think that life was worth living?
Why not, user?

>shut up and give me the opiates kike
Take stimulants instead

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this would never happen to me since i'm too poor to go to the doctor.
the entire "finding out you have cancer" is a bourgeois larp
what actually happens to robots is you slowly ignore the signs of your declining health with massive amounts of delusion and escapism until one day you just fall over dead

>what actually happens to robots is you slowly ignore the signs of your declining health with massive amounts of delusion and escapism until one day you just fall over dead
You hit the nail on the head there my man. This is the fate of true robots.

oh, and then your body isn't discovered for weeks until the stench becomes noticeable through the walls of the apartment, and when the police break through the door they find your cat has been eating you.
then they find all your fucked up porn tabs still open on the computer lol

>Why not, user?
Because the good parts were outweighed by the bad parts and I've yet to find any theme or greater meaning to make this imbalance seem worthwhile.

Quit my job, take all saved up money and go to Hawaii and rent a beachfront condo for all the remaining time I have. Use remaining money to live a hedonistic lifestyle drinking, fucking, and and otherwise indulging every pleasure I can think of.

>What's your reaction?
>How do you spend your last days with your loved ones?
my what
>Do you think that life was worth living?

>"Well, it's it a good thing I'm not fucking at all, then? Haha!"
I go on to build a bomb big enough to blow up the world.

Nah. Robot here. I will be getting diagnosed with colorectal cancer soon I think. I had a colonoscopy in 2016 and they removed polyps. One of the correlations of colorectal cancer is sitting down and inactivity. I think that's what did it

go on a rape spree, I dont wanna die a virgin

I'd think the doctor is fucking with me. Stage 3 cancer being terminal sounds like horseshit to me. Well and I'd enjoy the opiates I'm getting or buying myself in case I don't get any. I'll do that until I either overdose or my colon explodes from severe constipation

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>what's your reaction
don't care
>how do you spend your last days with your loved ones
wouldn't tell anything to them and my last days would be shitposting as usual on the internet.
>do you think that life was worth living
if my life was worth living, i wouldn't be on Jow Forums

i'd just drink and sleep a lot to make the 3 weeks pass by faster

I'd write. Alot.

Try all of the drugs.
Hire a prostitute.
No wait.
Hire two prostitutes. At the same time.

Go to support group and love another cancer cutie who will remember me when I die.

Attached: cancerkids.jpg (300x169, 13K)

>drinking, fucking
So you've never been around anyone in the final stages of cancer

Only disgusting ugly fucks who didn't have anyone in their life would be there, no cute for you.

>Hire two prostitutes
So you can embarrass yourself not getting hard in front of 2 girls?

Cute girls get cancer too user. It's not like it's an ugly disease.

>3 Terminal Cancer. You've got 3 weeks to fucking live
Get as much lsd as possible.

Cute girls have families and friends, theyre not seeing out their final days in some shitty community centre.

>go to Amsterdam
>fuck some whores to lose my virginity
>smoke tones of weed and drugs
>come home
>go sky diving
>confess to every girl I ever crushed on telling them I love them
>master bate
>tell family in dying tomorrow

It's usually the chemo that destroys your body, not cancer

Quit my job immediately and drink myself to death before the cancer kills me

Wow good joke.

You think someone with a couple of weeks to live has the strength or energy to enjoy sex? Are really young or really retarded?

Sorry, but dying from cancer is one of the worst fate, seriously.
My uncle died from lung cancer, couldn't go visit him, too dreadful.

Either way no cute girls are hanging out in those support groups.

dumb fuck.. origini

Well that makes more sense, I assumed you were implying I was impotent in my current state, because that's the sort of thing that gets laughs around here.

Fuck off newfag. You're embarrassing yourself.

Woah buddy no need to be so upset, you can't take a joke directed at your precious lil community?
Besides, I've been here for 7-odd years now, back when this place was about feels and OC stories. It's a shithole now. Respect your elders kid.

I'd go home and hang myself.

drink with friends
hang out with family
it would be nice to get laid, idk how i would do it
chill, meditate, contemplate all the happy moments

>drink with friends
>get laid
Dumb fuck

Play video games more riskily. Go pvp with my whole bank. Buy some gold on runescape then refund my transactions muhaha

Go steal a car and murder some dirty nigger and go hide in the woods until they catch me then go on a killing spree in prison

Can we speed it up doc also gimmie the dr00gz

>What's your reaction?
I literally go and try and fuck as many hookers as I can, and get as high on w/e fucking drugs I can get on.

I'm not dying a wizard.

granted I do all of this after I get a second opinion, not risking becoming a degenerate piece of trash if I ain't really dying.

Quit my Job and play video games and lift until I die, try the legendary 6 scoops

>killing spree
>fucking everything that moves
Are you all underage?

>Are you all underage?
no we are just robots not normies.

>loved ones

I spend it drinking and shooting people.

>stimulants over numbing
Not everyone likes to be awake.

It's been mentioned multiple times in this thread that people with cancer that advanced are far too sick to do any of these things. You're not going to be having sexy adventures with whores and drinking shitloads of alcohol. You're all fucking retards. You won't be shooting people either.

the thread in itself is dumb, just go along with it you user.

Don't tell anyone so they can't make any fuss out of this, til the days my symptoms start to show up, then die, knowing I never have any chance in this world.

>too sick to pull trigger of gun
You're so full of shit. The only reason we don't shoot people is because it might get better someday.

If it won't, the agony will only make us want to shoot people even more.

You think happy people turn into murderers?

Oh you.

And if it's a cancer that doesn't fuck with the digestive system alcohol might not bother you as much as you think. What if it's a brain tumor that could cause you to die at any moment? Can you get drunk and shoot people then? Maybe it'd help with the head ache.

honestly if it was terminal cancer i'd probably be too tired and apathetic to do jack shit. other than that i'd probably learn to build a bomb and then plant it at my university.

Come on, Bryce.

>the thread in itself is dumb
Kill yourself faggot scum
You'd be lucky to kill 2 people before you get killed yourself. You all seem to be under the impression you're in full health and will just drop dead 3 weeks after your diagnosis, which isn't the case at all.

Tag the doctor and say

"nope now you have cancer"
and run away to the base so he cant tag me back

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