No supplements

>no supplements
>just some baby weights and calisthenics
>no roids
>mogs the entire world and packs a good mass while being tall as fuck

Was Clint Walker genetically blessed?

Attached: jpogUx5.jpg (736x942, 117K)

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of course he was but where did you get the idea he did not lift heavy?

he did different exercises several times a day if i remember correctly from one video of him

wtf?! he passed away last month?!

He looks awful. You couldn’t pay me to look like that

I know this is bait but you should see other photos of him in his prime. Chad gets overused a bunch but he was literally the perfect 10 male.

I bet you think Zyzz looks good.

Can you post some pics?

I always like Steve Reeves

this guy is perfection, thanks OP
going into the folder

he was fucking 2 meters tall too, the actual gigachad

Why do you say no roids?

Post physique.

Attached: WYr3lctb.jpg (160x160, 22K)

Jesus Christ
This is my body goal now

Attached: tenor.gif (220x258, 195K)

Is this the natty limit?

Attached: 4C3D5386-79AB-4251-8F41-6317FC775730.jpg (644x800, 54K)

holy shit fuggg

I can't imagine training in trousers with my shirt tucked in.

Attached: 42526262.jpg (70x73, 9K)

wow I loved that, saved it

>That disgusting body hair

No thanks

Ah, the ideal male body.

Attached: (937x400, 35K)

Attached: fullsizeoutput_1825.jpg (1440x1557, 277K)

>manlet cope
he was 6'6"

>T. Low test beta

Everybody look at this cocksmoker and laugh

Attached: 1447437824978.jpg (683x1024, 356K)

Because it was his destiny to film Killdozer