What mental illnesses do you suffer from, Jow Forums?

What mental illnesses do you suffer from, Jow Forums?

BPD here lole.

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Bipolar disorder. I'm heavily medicated now so i dont feel mania or "low-lows". I just feel a constant sort of dull depression. My medication also sapped all of my creativity, made me less intelligent and i have an extremely bad memory

Untreated bipolar here. I have the intelligence and creativity that makes me mad money, but the lows are pretty terrible. Suicide terrible. But hey, I'm still here, so there's that.

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Bipolar type II. Been depressed for a few weeks now, hopefully this new medication Im getting helps me deal with it. My abilify and seroquel arent doing shit.

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what medication are you on and why don't you stop taking it?

Undiagnosed avoidant personality disorder+ undiagnosed depression.

I would guess that it's because having
>mad money
And wanting to suicide every 5 minutes is worse than being on average wage and being slightly depressed.

most likely mild autism or OCD and depression

400 mg lamictal. I've considered stopping, but i'm terrified of how i used to feel when i wasn't manic. Worse than the depression is how intense my delusions and DP/DR was. I thought i was in hell or that i was a robot or that i was in a coma and the only way out was to kill myself.
At this point though that sounds almost preferable to being a mindless zombie. I have no motivation to do anything besides sleep. sucks but at least i'm not in hell

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Is there anything in life worse than having no choice of your own? No free will? That to me is my own personal hell.

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DP/DR imo. i have free will, just no motivation. and at least i feel like i'm actually real even if its not much of an existence. im just scared to go back to how i was, i don't remember almost anything from 2011 to 2016 because of it except for constant dread

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Diagnosed aspergers.
Suspected BPD. Gonma get myself tested soon

sounds pretty shitty. i'd rather be dead.

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Autism, anxiety issues, ADHD, and depression.
And yet whenever I try to explain that I have a mental illness that causes my issues, normies just call me lazy, and when I want to try to get on disability to be able to survive while looking for a job that I can handle with my issues, I get called a leech and a waste.
Maybe it is just all in my head. Then again, that's exactly what a mental illness is, right?

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>tfw aspie
>tfw no aspie friend on d*scord

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Major depression with psychotic tendencies.

schizoid/dpdr i'm, so sick of shit everything is so boring AAAAAAAAAHHH

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>mild autism
>moderate depression
>severe anxiety
>mild/moderate ocd
>severe, chronic dissociation
>lichen planopilaris
>heart palpitations
>dry eyes
>keratosis pilaris
>bad eyesight
>irritable bowel syndrome
A-At least my teeth are strong and straight despite me brushing them maybe twice a year for several years.

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Bipolar Disorder Type I. I'm actually in a manic phase right now. It feels pretty euphoric.

Also Schizophrenia not sure of benefits other then maybe boosted creativity.

Social anxiety and depression. I took Zoloft and Celexa for a while but they didn't really do much for me and they just felt like a placebo and I stopped taking Celexa after switching to it from Zoloft. The only thing I really get is social anxiety and intruistic suicidal thoughts but I can't remember if it was like that while I was on the meds or not. I don't think my psych would give me anything other than SSRI's because of past drug problems but they don't really do much for me after being on them for 3 years.

rotty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shantae
t. aspie

how tall desu?

6ft, originally why?

then it's all gonna be ok, we're all gonna make it

what do you mean by that? what are you implying?

Schizophrenia, since the single digits
later, ADHD and Bipolar Disorder in my preteen years
other things, but less interesting
currently, Schizoaffective (Bipolar Type) and some less interesting
i am a Sadomasochistic gluttony for pain, and tht is probably the only reason i am still alive

none. mental illness is a lie

stomach ulcer

too impoverished to afford getting any of these addressed, every day is endless physical and mental pain

>mental illness is a lie
Okay, I'll write you down as suffering from severe dillusions and dissociation from reality, as well as a dangerous case of headdus uppus assis.

>too impoverished to afford getting any of these addressed, every day is endless physical and mental pain
>tfw poverty burger life is suffering life

Nigga if you have appendicitis you should already be dead. Get that shit checked out ASAP, no matter how expensive it is. Sometimes hospitals will forgive your entire debt if you're extremely poorfag. Had that happen for me with my psych ward visit. WAs originally 18k, but they forgave 16.5k of it.

Moderate to severe ADHD that went unnoticed till I was almost done with high school. Was pretty smart as I got good test grades but my grades were horrible because of non test grades. It really fucked up my life.

>6'0' tall autistic amazon fembot
be my gf

state your reasoning or move on. youre being lied to

care to explain how that works? I'm just curious as to how you get terrible grades from it and how you finally 'noticed' it.


>you're being lied to
I feel bad that retards like you exist in this world.

>no reason
as expected

i feel like i've talked to you on discord before.

I only learned I had it when I took AP Psychology in high school and realized I have pretty much every symptom. What caused my terrible grades was my lack of self motivation, horrible focus, and just being off task. ADHD is hell if undiagnosed. Worst part were my parents denying it's existence.

your parents were right
not having your shit straight doesnt make you crazy and you dont need meds to start setting your shit straight
'incorrect' behavior is learned and doesnt make anyone mentally 'ill'

mental illness deniers are kinda ironic in a way

I'm not gonna argue with you about this lmao it's pointless

Schizophrenia, depression, severe anxiety.

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Diagnosed with schizophrenia but I don't really suffer from it, although it can be tiring sometimes to try to understand the world.

Paranoid personality disorder and depression

Avoidant, I suppose.

Depression and aspergers. Parents both have BPD.

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Does Autism count as a mental illness?

Borderline with chronic narcissism. Can barely maintain relationships, friendships or interests as i depend on constant validation. Sucks arse.

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I belief avoidant tho not so sure

being gay and wanting to sex homos

General Anxiety Disorder, Persistent Depressive Disorder.
Never took any pills, not gonna pay into the system

Highly avoidant and probably depressed.

>substance use disorder
there's probably other stuff but that's what's diagnosed

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Borderline personality disorder and ADHD

AvPD, schizophrenia, depression
I also got diagnosed with BPD but that fuck shit

I'm not diagnosed with anything but something fucked up in here, I know I'm paranoid, and I suspect I'm either schizoid or BPD. If anyone with either schizoid or BPD can tell me some surefire traits that they know are manifestations of their condition that anyone with said condition should recognize I'd really appreciate because if I got an official diagnosis then I wouldn't be able to hide from certain people that I'm not as stable as I make myself out to be.

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ADHD. Nothing else. Take my meds for it, I'm pretty sure I'm doing fine.

Dumpling addiction.
I can't stop eating those dumplings

BPD. Currently looking into the least painful way to kill myself so nobody will have to deal with me disappointing them again.

Diagnosed major depression, diagnosed anxiety disorder.
Very possible undiagnosed Borderline but not sure.

My grandma killed herself due to depression which is also apparent in my father. My mother self-meds Prozac for 20 years now.

I'm seriously considering suicide but there's a lack of motivation to act on my plan.
Also i find it hard to build relationships due to trust issues, and that really destroys me the most as, doesn't matter what else i occupy my mind with, i just wanted a loyal, serious relationship, a life with someone. But i'm too broken for it. Just wish for this to be over...

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bitch we twinnin

Bipolar, Depression, Sever Social Anxiety, ADD are all confirmed
>Probably Autism tho lbfh