This 19 year old cutie forced her ex to fuck her with a matchete...

This 19 year old cutie forced her ex to fuck her with a matchete. He returned home after work and she was waiting for him naked with the machete. She ordered him to remove his clothes and have sex with her. After round one he wanted to push her off but bite him in his ear.

It is not fair lads, why can't I get a gf who will force me with a machete to have sex and lose my virginity.

Attached: machete.png (1070x479, 328K)

Why would he even want to stop fucking her

Attached: sex-maceta-expriatel-Samantha-Mearsova.jpg (306x369, 23K)

Rape is rarely enjoyable for the victim.

>Rape is rarely enjoyable

how did he get hard if it was not enjoyable?

If you're clean and not fat I will do that, provided you let me cut you up a bit and no crying. Post location.

232 Alton drive

>Stacy would rather fuck chad under threat of death than fuck an average guy

Only a roastie would say this type of shit. How do I know? Because a guy would realize their dick has a fucking will of its own.

>Tfw read the headline thought she forced him to use a machete to penetrate her

Attached: 1527406745117.png (2220x1512, 1.58M)

>forced her ex to fuck her with a matchete
I read that wrong

For guys it happens automatically if they see a nude woman irl. Especially if she's right next to you.

Plz rape me all night baby

>Forced her ex to fuck her with a matchete

How do i achieve this....

with lot of lube.

That is fucking bullshit. Are you hard when you are walking on a beach?

Disappointed a girl wasn't fucked with a machete.
OP's bad grammar got my hopes up.

Chad is so desired that women rape HIM

Either you have ED or you're not male.

It's called a fear boner you artard

John Kimble?

It wasn't legally rape tho

Yeah because OP is dumb and can't form sentences correctly.

>Are you hard when you are walking on a beach?
Yes toastie, we are.