What the fuck NEETs have to complain about? Provided you're not disabled, how is NEET not the ideal life...

What the fuck NEETs have to complain about? Provided you're not disabled, how is NEET not the ideal life? Especially if bux come from welfare.

As a wageslave you literally have to give the better half of your life and energy just to be able to do it. It's a fucking paradox. As a NEET you have your whole life to yourself. You can do whatever you want.

B-but tfw no gf!! Boo fucking hoo. Porn, escorts? Who gives a fuck? You're free.

Attached: comfy pepe.png (620x387, 200K)

I don't want to be a neet. I want to work towards being a productive member of society

Have you ever worked full time?

wage slaves are the norm, and they (rightfully) feel that neets are lazy man children, thus shunning them from normal wageslave interactions. Plus not doing anything with your life is traditionally shameful, and no sane partner would find a friendless jobless neet worty of staying with for life, or mating with. It's stale, and doesn't evolve or work towards anything.

What does it mean to be a productive member of society?
Depending on your country it means you will have to pay 30% percent plus of your wage as tax.
I hope you are not also including minimum wage slave jobs.

Those are modern slave tier stuff. Tons of people to select from, low wage, no rights, hard work to the bones, and only are available because you are cheaper than some robot/automation.



>You're free.
You're completely dependent. Every time a government changes, or there's a crisis, or you simply get "reevaluated" you may lose your NEETbux and get fucked. Especially considering that these changes usually come at the same time as labor market downturns, so don't count on finding a well-paid job without experience.

you can go crazy easy

I don't know. my periods of unemployment have ben some of the lowest points in my life. I mean I tried I keep a routine. but I was fucking bored and isolated and had no money to do anything or buy nice things. The days just dragged. I may not love my job but its tolerable and allows me to lead a better quality of life and not be fucking ashamed of myself

Not being employed doesn't have to mean not doing anything with your life. You can pursue your interests without being forced to work 8 hours just to survive.

Not all NEETs are crypto wizards or have rich parents. Many of them are mentally ill, living in squalor, and are living in constant fear of their parents either dying or kicking them out.

I live in a third world country. No NEETbux here unless you lack several limbs (and every year you need to prove they did not grow back. Not making this up) or are a literal retard.

If you shitpost all day, yes. There are other ways of being productive other than wageslaving.

Plenty of working people are fucked when those things happen, too.

>Many of them are mentally ill, living in squalor, and are living in constant fear of their parents either dying or kicking them out.
Good. Fucking parasites deserve a life of fear.

I'd say in alot of cases it does, and interests get stagnant over time. If your interest is meaningful enough, you should be able to try and make it a career, or at least a side job. I play in a quartet for weddings sometimes, stuff like that. You also do not have to work 8 hours a day, or even everyday.

At least they can write previous job experience on their resumes when they go out looking again

> If your interest is meaningful enough, you should be able to try and make it a career
Don't fucking dare to do it. You won't be able to regain the interest for this activity.

Yes you have all the time in the world, but depression, poor health, loneliness, these things get in the way and make you waste your time instead of learning a skill or something. It's very hard to get motivated and actually keep that motivation and finish something. It's pretty much a prison you can't make a change and you wait until you get released (ie, your parents threaten to kick you out forcing you to get a job, or some random event happens like a girl rings your door one day and wants to save you but this never happens....)

>not be fucking ashamed of myself
I may dislike my job but the shame of being a 27 year old NEET still living with mommy&daddy was rough

There is a huge difference in having your interest as a sidejob when your finances needed to live are taken care of and being forced to work in order to survive. As for interests getting stagnant, you can take take up new ones easier than finding a new job. And doesn't work get stagnant over time?

I understand there is a big difference, I'm saying it's the first step, a way out of being a complete neet, while still indulging in your interests. You have to pick one that has a bit of real world application though, like music or graphic design; however, more and more people are starting to make a bit of money streaming games, which, for the clientele of Jow Forums, I feel would be in most of your interests. Work does get stagnant, you're right, but the payment is suppose to compensate for it, and you don't have to do the same thing forever, unless you are satisfied with the payment.

for some things, maybe. There are people who are happy with what they do, not just for the pay. I'd love working at a green house or botanical garden, I don't think I'd ever get tired of that.

Other people bully us for it. I take it as hating me because they aint me but it can get to you

I don't feel shame though. That's the thing. I know I "should" feel it but it just doesn't happen.

I was so used to being bullied I just don't care. People I don't know can literally shame or scream at me to stop doing something and I wouldn't care. I'm numb to other people's perceptions of me. What mental illness is this called?

Wagecucks are complete fucking faggots.
You have no authority to act like a big bad tough guy when you literally tongue your jewish boss's asshole for bread crumbs.
You are lower than a fucking whore in my eyes.