Why are wageslaves offended when you talk bad about the concept of working?

why are wageslaves offended when you talk bad about the concept of working?

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They're bitter about the fact that they have no option.

Most people define themselves by their job. They don't really have interests other than consumption.

envy, user


Empty lives and hard coping.

Like said, most people are brainlets and don't have hobbies because
1) brainletism leaves them little energy after doing their job
2) don't have hobbies because they want to feel grown up
3) because of 1&2, the only thing they do is their job so their job basically defines them entirely so they delude themselves into thinking they're doing it willingly and that it's an honorable thing to do (LMAO)

It's all hard cope and sour grapes. They have to delude themselves for the sake of survival. It's a natural survival instinct. They know deep down their job is essentially meaningless and they're nothing special, but to acknowledge that open would mean suicide (because again, brainletism). It's a sad pitiful life, and the wagie deserves every second of scolding and mockery from both their jew boss at work and NEETchads at home.

Attached: NEET.png (195x195, 58K)

I think most people on here work jobs they hate, and because of the rampant inferiority complex that is a part of this board. That or it's going through the usual motions of pretending to be retarded.

What kind of hobbies would fit the wagie on the go? If you have any ideas I'd be glad to hear them.

I think the real question is why do neets always bring up wage slaving?

nta but drawing is cool and you could make a cool lookin sketchbook of all the places where youve been
i've been drawing all my life and i recently got into photography, and its gotten me a lot more active than i was previously
both are good options and arent too time consuming. : )

Im a wageslave & I dont resent NEETS but im curious to know how you guys maintain your lifestyle without having to work?

Pittance off the government or freeloading off family.

I never qualify for goverment help & my family wont let me freeload off them, I guess ill keep on wageslaving

Audio books and music are the only options due to wagecommute and physical exertion.

I'm terrible at drawing, lol. Plus working 50 to 60 hours a week I don't have the time or patience to do it. Cooking and working out I have so far, and I like listening to various forms of wave music, but all I seem to do these days is work, work out, and fuck tinder dates, and the last one is less frequent lately because I put so much time in on the other two. I should go to the shooting range more often.

because their life and identity consists of their work so they feel that you are indirectly attacking their life and being so they get defensive.

Wageslaving does become who you are eventually but it doesn't have to be a bad thing if you have a cool job

Insecurity and envy. Trying to convince themselves that their empty lives leeching off their parents makes them better than those who work.

It's the only way I can see them justifying bragging about literally not having something.

Yeah I tried audio books but listening to somone talk for hours on end bored me to tears, music I've gone full on into though.

It's the only way I can be myself. In the workplace you get fired or maltreated if you are the least bit different.