Is it healthy?
What type of body does she have?
I still fucking would
skinny fat
The fuck on going on in that picture? Is she stepping on stage looking like that?
Overweight. No, she is not healthy.
Would I smash regardless? Yes cause it's been a year without sex and I've gotten fat like her
Put down the fork you fat fuck
Jesus, you ok buddy? I just got back into fitness, don't worry
Its the same thing I wanted people to say to me when I was cutting. God speed
She probably loves her 40g of sugar Starbuck's coffee too much.
th-thanks y-you too
Is Amy Schumers new comedy special?
Never worked out in her life, shit fat distribution, cellulite, no ass, no tits, 2/10 body
Absolutely awful and unhealthy
I need a girl like this
It's called a "horrific" body.
The person that owns this body could easily improve it, but actively chooses not to in favor of very mild comforts. This demonstrates extremely low impulse control, which probably bleeds over into every other aspect of her life.
If you call that overweight the i must be obese...
Girls can still be this size and be considered hot. Sometimes it sucks being a guy
fertility goddess
Is that Ronda Rousey?
I wanna see those thunder thighs and cottage cheese buns rattling back and forth desu
she's cute
not too fat
not too skinny
What the fuck is wrong with y'all? Get some fucking standards you pathetic fucks
looks like a fucking goblin
She looks soft. I wish I could hug her to sleep.
I love a girl with some fat on her. This girl is perfect except I’d want a little bit more of a belly on her. Yeah I gotta belly fetish, shits not as weird as most fetishes I see here
This post was pointless to you so you’re more than likely half empty on gourmet pizza
its because of thisty niggas like you women become entitled and have unrealistic expecations.
Some people on this board would say high test...
based on her physique Id say she probably needs to exercise more so she may be a bit unhealthy. I don't think she's in the serious health risk category though.
There are a lot of instagram thots who have as much or more bf% and look fine / are called "healthy"
She looks fucking awful, what is wrong with all those niggas saying otherwise? She doesnt even have tits despite being fat nor even ass what a fucking shame of a body.
her posture is horrible her armsncompletelly flabby yet the forearm is skinmy like a teenagers
probably just americans that are used to the average in their country hahaha
>inb4 obsessed yuropoor muhammad
Amy schumer mode
shes fucking hot need source.
is everybody here a chad or a virgin? jesus as long as she has a nice face any girl with that body is fine
shit body, probably healty enough
don't get so emotional
>Its the same thing I wanted people to say to me when I was cutting. God speed
You want people to insult you for no reason?
Completely wrong, her body is extremely repulsive and even if she had a model tier face (which you can't have at that bf% and shit health) I still would not want to fuck her
Completely fixable tho. If her personality was good enough and I can convince her to lose weight I would date her. Maybe sneak a bit of anavar into her food
wouldn't touch with a stick, absolutely disgusting. having to look at that in the mirror every day I would kill myself
Who is this slampig?
> that is '''skinny'''
fucking beta orbiters and their and their eternal journey to break out of virginity
that's how low they are willing to low their standards
If her personality were good she wouldn't be fat.
Had a chick like her last night, but with bigger tits and ass. It was disgusting. I hadn't had sex since March and I figured it's better than nothing, but I couldn't stomach the idea of fucking this thing. I dropped a load in her mouth, made up some excuse and left. Felt bad about it because she was nice, but oh well.
He meant fucking, not marrying.
I don't care. If women don't understand the difference, it just makes it easier for us to separate between hoes and wife-material.
No. It clearly indicates that she could have a nice body if she wanted. But instead she chose to either never exercise or eat bad things. Probably both.
Would I fuck? Maybe, if she at least has a good face. Would I have a relationship with? Only if she committed to exercise.
I unironically started to add exercising as a condition to have a relationship with me. I've dated a girl who couldn't get into it and I saw her going from good looking to shit so I don't want it to happen again.
faces lie with makeup, faces fade with age, you judge a woman by her body type user.
Bobby Hill
If you want to know what a girl’s face will look like as it ages, look st her mom.
Faces can age well or poorly
All the people saying they would fuck this, sort yourself out lads. She is not fit at all.
She is vile and strongly disgusts me
She has the body of "I'm a fat cunt and I ironically compete in physique competitions to feel 'liberated' and post on my social medias to tell all my other fat cunt followers about how 'scared' I was to go on stage with people who actually take care of themselves but how 'glad' I am I did, which in turn gets me 10,000 likes and comments of "you go girl!" and how much of an 'inspiration' I am to other fat cunts".
This is nothing new. It's another insecure blob that knows they are a mess physically, yet likes to think she is 'breaking the mold'. She is just a thorough, liberal cunt who should have her jaw smashed because she is an attention-hungry slut who has to have all eyes on her disgusting person.