Why does the thought of a woman cheating on you terrify you?
Why does the thought of a woman cheating on you terrify you?
Because millions of years of sexual and natural selection.It is known as paternal anxiety.
Sure, if you're going to have children with her, you always want to get the paternity test
but if there's no kid involved, it's not something you need to worry about unless there are real signs of it happening. Sure, dump the bitch as soon as you know she's cheating, but why worry about it constantly? Don't get some dudes desu
> just ignore your instincts bro
the thought of my wife and mother of my kids cheating does tobehonest.
years of struggling and being alone, land a qt wife raise a family w/ her....she then cucks you, takes the kids, half your shit and leaves you an utter emotional mess.
the vaginal jew is truly a terrifying being, yet such a powerful drug that you just can't live without it even knowing the risks
humans are literally the only animals that can ignore our instincts and that's what makes us better than animals.
It is not a conscious choice.If you are not someone who worries about his sexual partner cheating on them,your partner will get pregnant by chad and trick you into taking care of Chad's kids.Men who do not fear being cucked or are completely okay with being cucked/cheated on are committing evolutionary suicide and will be removed from the gene pool.
>paternity test
These did not exist for millions of years of human evolution.
You can choose not to act on instincts, but you cannot ignore them.
They do not.They only rationalise them.e.g. if you are possessive if your gf,you are insecure and being insecure is bad.So society tells you not to worry.And you buy into the meme.
yeah but they exist now. Human technology allows human behavior to change. A man can protect himself from cuckoldry now and he should, and that means he shouldn't be a fucking neurotic mess when he's certain he's not raising another man's child, and has no good reason to think his woman is cheating.
it doesn't. it makes me horny
Aaaaaand then there's this faggot. Surprised it took this long.
Because I'd say all but one or two of my girlfriends since my middle school days have cheated on me.
It's gotten old. Which is why I turned away a girl I REALLY like when she told me she had fucked 13 guys or something like that. I still think I'd be happy now if I hadn't done that, but it's been 3 years since then and nobody shows me any interest anymore.
Because she'll leave you (with an STD).
Because as soon as it happens any form of emotional relationship is kill. From that point onward she just signals you that you're not good enough for her to the point where she had to go out and search for a replacement instead of working it out with you. You might sugar-coat it all you want but it's pretty much over after that.
That, or in the case that you are completely emotionless and in it just for the sex you don't care.
Brainlet bro, evolutionary hardwirings do not change in a time span of 60 years.Why is it that women do not have sex with short guys with a condom?It is not like they would get pregnant.Why don't you ask women to sleep with short skelly ugly guys who do not get laid?I am sure they can change there dating behavior given that we have condoms and birth control pills.
hardwirings don't change but humans have the ability to observe themselves feeling a certain way about things, realize that they are being a slave to their hardwirings, and choose a different way to consider their situation, informed by reason. That's literally what philosophy is for. You don't need philosophy to justify the feelings biology gives you naturally.
>tell women to fuck ugly dudes
give them a reason why they should want to do this. I've given reasons why men shouldn't be irrationally upset about the mere possibility of infidelity.
My self-esteem is in pieces. It would fuck me up so bad.
>Why should women have sex with ugly guys?
>Why can't they?It does not harm them.Hardly needs 10 minutes.
Maybe women could agree to being respectfully raped with a condom than being beaten and raped.I am sure women have ugly male friends.They can help them out by sleeping with them.
Also I am tired of replying to your nigger iqed posts.This is my last reply faggot.
>Philosophy is word salad designed by absolute brainlet betas who could not study proper science.You are one of them
I didn't ask why they should, I asked why they would want to, and literally the only reason you have is that someone will beat and rape them if they don't.
I think it's clear who has the nigger iq in here.
Because a man cheating on a woman is immoral and shitty, and the woman is a victim and the guy a POS.
A woman cheating on a man is the victim, the man neglected her emotionally or was incapable of satisfying her sexually. Nothing to do with her being a hedonistic, self absorbed cunt, it was the guy's fault for failing to keep her interested.
Even if you are betrayed and cheated on as a man, you are the one to suffer social shaming and loss lf status/reputation.
Yup pretty much this, it another of the hundreds of double standards that benefit only women. I see you didn't make a thread asking women why they are afraid of their boyfriends cheating OP
Because they likely will if you aren't to their standards.
Even if they don't, they'll have the "decency" to break up with you before riding Chad's dick.
Joosten would never cheat
Alimony, losing the kids, losing the ranch, etc