Starting boxing at 25, what should be aiming for?

I don't aim to become the next champion but I want to do it as a fun hobby and maybe some amateur fights. My ultimate goal would be to compete in the World Police/Fire games in the 165.5lbs category. How far fetched is it? Would I make any substantial progress in 2 years, 3-4x a week?

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only bump

3-4 times a week is sufficient to become good at anything in 2 years.

Aim for the kidneys

3 a week is fine. Dont make plans for a hobby youre just starting at. You might not like it and you might not be good at it.

i am starting boxing too, in a month or so. Should I do kick or normal boxing? I care more about exercise than the actual sport

>Starting a hobby that will literally guarantee brain damage
why user

>implying I will not limit myself to sparrings with people i trust and great cardio

>Spending all that time training
>Not even going to compete in an actual match
what an incredible waste of time and money

How long till I can get in a match and will I get payed ?

to each his own, I don't care about competing. I care more about exercise and the social aspect

You don't have to go 100 at everything

look up amateur competitions in your region. No you won't get paid.

I don't think it matters so long as you give it your all. I incorporated running into my workout to build stamina and keep me light on my feet.

For example, I do boxing, but I focus on technique and being as explosive as possible. You gas out fast, but it suits self defense better too since altercations wont last a bunch of rounds. At my current state, after doing my burst/rush, I have to catch up on my breath and my upper body is a little fatigued, but the rest of me still feels good and ready to go. I just need to catch my breath.

Make sure you get some good 1-on-1 coaching from a trainer with a real boxing record. You won't get as much direction in conditioning and sparring classes that you need to become good and you will pick up bad habits through repetition.

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This. You get one good hook in and they might as well brace for an abrupt landing face first onto the canvas, kid. I'm tellin ya

Kidneys are on the back of your body, idiots. You're thinking liver/spleen.

Fucking Americans.

Boxer of some 10 years here. GG and state champion twice. Never went to nationals

Its a realistic goal. The most important thing to focus on initially is getting into fantastic condition as this will be what wins you fights well into the intermediate experience level and will facilitate faster learning of skills because you're not sacrificing performance due to fatigue all the time.

Also place a LOT of focus on developing your defensive skills and maneveurs. Being hard to hit not only reduces the damage you will encounter over time but is literally 50% of boxing. It will be hugely advantageous for you because so few people acyually spend time on these skills. Any fool can throw punches with some practice but a skilled fighter can make people miss and then make them pay

I’m british

Take a look at these guys, they are coaches in the gym I want to go

There is also 2 others less experienced and Stephane Larouche is one if the head coaches. Are they any good?

So you get all of the brain damage with none of the chance of making money?

Solid life choice user.


Do you have any advice on building really good conditioning?

heavybag, pads, HIIT, roadwork, light sparring

People still believe in this "brain damage" bullshit? I had boxed for 7 years and neither I nor my comrades had any brain damage. The trick is, to not get hit.

You get brain damage from heavy hits to the head. You do have to be careful who you spar with. IMO spar with people seriously out of your league. Stay away from eager 20 something’s as they are easy to fluster which can lead to a dick swinging brawl. More experienced people know how to control themselves more.

Enjoy your lifelong brain damage and CTE without having even money or fame to show for it. Why don't you take up a sport that doesn't cripple you in every aspect of your life?

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>u fucken idiots believe in brain damage lol u guys r retardded boxers don't get brain damage

Look up dementia pugilistica you fucking numbnut

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how to box and lift?

I started with 24 (two years ago) and even though I'm shit, I thank the high heavens that I had the balls to stick to it at least.
Mental/Confidence gains out the ass and the fitness is amazing.
Go for it OP, you have nothing to lose, but realize that it's not gonna be easy at all, gonna take some doing.

You don't it'll slow you down

False. If you’re at a real boxing gym you’re going to be up against skinny 18 year old niggers with natural talent who train 5-6 days per week. If you’re not most of those things you’re not going to be close to competitive. The only thing you can control is your weight and discipline so good luck. Also as a hobby or for fitness sure but don’t get your hopes too up about being competitive even as an amateur because you unless you’re an absolute prodigy no one masters a complex sport starting in the mid twenties.

Don’t fool yourself, there’s no safe way to box and if you’re not getting hurt in sparring matches you’re not really sparring. Some of my worst concussions were during sparring.

boxerfag here again, good conditioning is traditionally built by long and frequent roadwork. 5kms every day or every other day is a good number to aim for.

I dont box anymore but what i wish i wouldve done is combined cardiovascular and strength training together, becuase what i learned is this is easily the best conditioning method out there. Detailed here in this military study:

tl:dr version is the program was a full body routine of only one set per exercise carried out to muscular failure, and NO REST in between exercises. So you go go go. I've since tried something similar to this, and yes, you get fucking annihilated. When you read proponents of this saying you only need one session per week and any more may be detrimental, you scoff... until you try it. Its fucking brutal. I couldnt complete it the first time and the 2nd time i puked.

Short of this, the best thing to do besides roadwork is the heavy bag. The heavybag is constantly misused as a tool to practice punching - which seems intuitive but its actually wrong. This is why you have all those paper tigers who can annihilate a bag but as soon as they spar someone they look like shit. Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked - the heavybag is an endurance building tool. You need to do long rounds and don't bitch out on it. You see so many fighters who throw a handful of hard powerful shots and then start fluffing around and showing off with all this nonsense that they will never do in a real fight. Cut that shit out, and WORK. You will find that initially you can barely go 30 seconds of hard consistent punching, but try to increase the quality of work and rate of work every time you do this, eventually working up to a full 3 minutes of good rate of work with quality shots.


that this kind of nonsense is still being published as recently as 2015 when its been known that weight lifting does not hamper speed development and in fact goes a long way to INCREASE IT, for over 3 decades now, is really mind boggingly.

then again the people who write articles for boxing websites are generally only half a rank less stupid than the people who write for bodybuilding magazines.

> Today’s boxers are not helping themselves by turning to fads that are not scientifically proven and serve no useful purpose

hilarious, since weight training for athletes involved in speed and power events has overwhelming scientific support at this point, and this retard apparently has no grasp of basic physics, thinking there is one magical difference between one form of resistance and another form of resistance.

Try 10 and then those are just for recovery.
The HIIT stuff is where it get's juicy, and then you haven't factored in pads, bag, shadowboxing, leg work drills, strength and conditioning, let alone sparring etc. etc.
If you wanna be good, you train like 30-40 hours a week.
Only way you could do that is if you are very rich or fight for a living.

Lifting like most people in this board practice i.e. for aesthetics is useless for boxing.
Stuff like kettlebells is more useful.

lots of cardio, or get used to getting stomped by 5'4 pudgy mexicans

Stomping is illegal in boxing