Does anyone else find drunkenness pathetic?

I'm not talking about cracking a few beers with your pals. I'm talking about those college parties where people get wasted. Adults stumbling around like children. Vomiting on themselves. Passing out on the floor. Humped over a toilet bowl. Needing someone to babysit them so they don't get themselves into trouble. Literally having to be imprisoned away from society until you're sober. I just find such depraved behavior pathetic. The fact that it's willing behavior makes it even worse.

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>Jow Forums

Yes. I'm 35 now and only the last couple years have most of my forends given up on collegiate style binge drinking. Iys pretty sad when you're a man of 30 wasted and falling in the street

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if you can handle your alcohol then getting drunk can be very fun. But if you're a dummy who will get way too drunk and require babysitting you are a shithead. I recently broke up with a girl because every time we drank together it would turn into her blacking out and me taking care of her.
Not fun. Complete buzzkill.

>I recently broke up with a girl because every time we drank together it would turn into her blacking out and me taking care of her.
I can't fucking stand this. Or the girl that gets wasted before the party even starts.

one time the house next door to us was having a loud fucking party, would not quiet the fuck down

at least 50 people on their lawn not even counting who was in the house

went upstairs to their 3rd floor kitchen (stupid frat house layout)

excused myself to the bathroom

coiled a shit onto the plate

went back into kitchen

set microwave to 99:99, hit start

walk out

No, this is literally me as well. Glad somebody else feels this way.

Then again, I'm antisocial and never went to a high school party or any socials in University not even for my electricap engineering dept. filled with neckbeards and soibois. So maybe I'm not aquainted with societal norms...

I perfer cruising around with a bud or two and talking bullshit/ philosophy or hitting the gym. Maybe thats why people look down on me.

Some people just don't know their limits because of inexperience.
I'm not going to hate on them because of that.
They just need a bit of practice drinking to fix themselves up.
Good friends are supportive

I despise alcohol, but I hate people who drink to feel cool or grownup even more. God is that embarrassing.


>drink to feel cool or grownup even more.
Jow Forums is 18 plus

Sweetie I'm talking about beta college kids

Yeah, I make sure that if I'm getting significantly drunk, I'm home or at a friend's house that'll let me crash. That way I don't have to worry about that. I try not to get to vomit level obviously, and I only get drunk maybe 3-4 times a year. I rarely drink.

So its about drinking till you're about ready to tip over to blackout drunk territory? Horrific attitude. Fuck man I won't nurse an idiot who thinks pounding alky is fun or deliberately gets shit faced.

>know the limit beyond which you have poisoned yourself to the point where you become blitzed

Whatever the FUCK happened to having just a few beers and enjoying the buzz?

>he thinks people who are legal age drink to be cool or feel grown up
Jow Forums is 18 plus
Either that or you're a sperg who's never had a good social drinking experience, or no experience at all

Not the user you're responding to, but it seems like you never leave the house and are out of touch with reality. Legal drinking age here is 18 and if you think these kids are actually grown up, mature adults then you're an idiot. Most kids drink themselves senseless when they turn 18 exactly because now they can legally drink alcohol and feel like adults.

>good social drinking experience
What next, good social shooting up drugs experience? Just lol at sitting at a table with a bunch of uncaring normshits and everyone's drinking themself silly.

I don't condone alcohol abuse but getting black out shwasted every once in a while is totally OK. All work and no play...

sage and reported. This isn't Jow Forums. No one gives a shit about your holier-than-thou attitude towards drinking. Go to a church and preach to someone who cares.

Literal Quentin tier bullshit

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>sage and reported
how new are you sweetie?

How is it desirable to get drunk to the extent op wrote?

tfw you take the bogpill

>"Wahh Wahh i don't want to babysit drunken poopy heads >:("

Then just get drunk yourself and don't worry about anyone else. Getting drunk on a saturday night and getting lost by yourself is the funnest fucking thing ever. Even when im blackout i always find my way home. If you can't look after yourself when drunk then you're a fucking idiot brainlet.

You're a sad exucse friend if you get this triggered from having to help someone for 5 minutes. Even at 01 parties theres only 2-3 people that puke

enjoy poisoning yourself asshole

If I want to indulge in my delusions let me, but I won't be better or worse for certain acts of time consuming activities nor you can judge me for them because it would be contradictory of basic principles of freedom of choice. What is lifting if not something you feel self satisfaction because of for traiding the same value of time worth in your little processing unit.

You can have the moral highground in a society that promotes narcissistic values.

I can't take posts like these seriously if there's an anime image attached. You eternal poor manchild

Oh fuck off. If some shithead is too badass to stop drinking until it gets the better of him, I'm not gonna be the one to play nurse. I'm not Gandhi, if some fag drinks laxative and shits all over the floor, am I supposed to feel bad for him, maybe help him out? Fuck no, I'll be disgusted and forever regard him as the lowest of the low. How is drinking to the point you're gonna spray everything around you with vomit any different? Fucking lol. It's like you niggers always forget alky is poison at best and not supposed to be taken beyond moderation. I'm no straight edge fag, I enjoy a couple of beers but only with close friends or by myself, when I'm savoring the sensation wholly and always in control of myself. If some chav cunt wants to drink himself blind he's not gonna get anything from me, such people are just like annoying NPCs whom you rush past without sparing a glance in their direction.

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lmao butthurt fag, why care so much?

best mate's uncle passed from binging on alky, his dad's about to follow suit. He was the same, booze and cigs and no future until I forced him to cut it out. He's on track to land a nice job by next year and has stopped the cigs and alky. Fucking lol at drinking beyond moderation.

>until I forced him to cut it out
how can you force someone elses dad? fucking lunatic

I was talking about my mate lol

I was at a frat party once and this fat chick with makeup melting off was going apeshit yelling "lets take shots! shots! shots anyone?" and I got really disgusted and just kinda left the party, it was truly disgusting