Heard about the black gf meme

>Heard about the black gf meme
>Started looking on dating sites as a foreigner
>Most of them are ugly
>Most of them are fat
>Nearly fucking all of them are single mothers
>One had 4 fucking kids and she was 27
>Another had a 10 year old and she was 26
>Another was 17 and I could barely read what she wrote on her profile

G-Guys, please tell me that this isn't that common.

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It is. Over weight black women are the only ones that message me back.

Its common. Im sorry

It's been a rough month, but thanks for being honest with me.

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Try not going ghetto niggers and go for whitewashed qt's

Font go for actual niggers, go for mulatto girls with white features. Preferrably ones with a white father who arent whores with daddy issues.

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Thanks Ebony, that makes me feel much better

lol is she the roastie I gore threaded last night?

I didn't write that, but it is true.


>>One had 4 fucking kids and she was 27

Antinatalist bigot, why is that a bad thing?

Which sites are you using also? Tinder is a better bet for finding higher-quality girls. They're certainly pickier but it's normie-tier enough that 9s and 10s still use it.

Okcupid, POF, Badoo, zoosk, etc. are only for bottom-feeders.

Hot or Not might work out since it's connected to fb.

What did you expect you retard? They are fucking niggers.

We need to switch to female hate and drop the Jow Forums shit tbqh. We need to produce as many elliots as possible.

I mean overall you're probably not going to find high quality girls with online dating, your best bet is to go to places where high-status black people go (university, alternative music concerts, museums, festivals, etc.)

It's easy enough for most women to find mates outside of online dating, so that skews the sample pool still looking online to the untouchable class.

sreggin gnikcuf

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You're probably going to have to filter a lot by education and hobbies. Which is why it's better to approach women in real life rather than online.

Most black women are downright unfuckable to anyone but black guys (who will fuck anything). For every 1 hot or even decently hot black girl there are probably 20 white girls. Plus attitude and behavior on many of them is just terrible, it's not a meme. Only hope is a whitewashed one that was raised right. Honestly it's just easier to find a white girl.

White women are the fucking worst. They're shallow as fuck and live in a pampered bubble. White male and black female relationships are the most successful in the US.

If you want places you can find black women in real life, try the cashiers at thrift stores, walmarts, and targets.

if you are a white man who lifts you could slam fresh mocha pussy every week

You know I meet these thicc black women working the registers all the time, but have no idea what to say to get to that point. Its always a quick transaction, what do I say?

bruh if you are on Jow Forums there is a good chance they do not generally get attention from your type.

you could try buying something like flowers and ask her if they look pretty. if she asks who they are for say for your mom. Maybe she asks if its her birthday or something, you say no you just like doing nice things for her (or /women in your life if you can pull it off without sounding like a 30 year old boomer).

talk about that new drake album thots love that cornball

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It's almost as if they have low Iq

What location were you looking at?

unless you were on tinder this is expected with women of all races in America, POF only has single mothers and obese people, OKCUPID has a mixture of that and weird looking college girls. Tinder is the only dating app with a decent stock of women, it's also the most common and popular

>user thought Jow Forums was only meming about blacks

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>raising another man's kids

i want a brown gf who looks like this tbqh

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You have to look for the mixed breeds. Usually the nose is the best indicator of how dateable they are. Monkey noses are red flags.