ITT we play spot the robot

ITT we play spot the robot
>post a picture of a group of people
>find one of us

Attached: CHS2006.jpg (650x410, 61K)

Is the robot the fat blonde kid in the back?

Far left with his hands in his pocket.

>a robot in a pic with other people who are not his family
There are no robots in that pic

Nah man he's got a bitch on his shoulders.
Robots wouldn't be able to get in that position.

Trick question, a robot wouldn't be included in a group picture. Nobody would realize he's missing, or would care if they did.

easiest mode for starters

Attached: 8.jpg (1280x866, 334K)

He just looks like any random shithead teenager, I don't necessarily see "robot."

Far Right; Grey hoodie and blonde hair

The girl with glasses jk females can't be robots

he obviously bangs his mom

Everyone is ugly here

>females can't be robots


Attached: autisticbday.png (658x1210, 475K)

No solace for old dogs.

Middle left, brown shirts or far left, red hair

that youngest son is going to grow up to be a robot too
beta dad, robot brother, cunt looking mother, 2 older sisters
gg blnt kid nothing personnel

This one should be fairly easy

Attached: 1429699771313.jpg (1332x742, 338K)

The robot is hiding in the bus in the background. Succubi wouldn't let a robot within 20 feet, let alone be seen in the same photo as one.

would wife that girl so fast

hoodie with white cap in the back

post more family photos lol

you'll never guess
>inb4 underage
this was 2 years ago (senior year for some scholarship thing) but its the only group photo i know of

back row with the black hat on
your sisters a qt, the oldest one, hope shes not too young lol
kikes can't be robots

Attached: Untitled.png (694x453, 826K)

blue shirt guy in the upper left

no but that kid was a weirdo. he didn't have the self awareness to be robot

Green shirt or brown shirt guy.

>Ginger in brown
>the lanklet with the beard and glasses
All three are probably robots. Maybe the saf looking kid in the brown sweater.

RIP me. green shirt guy, i thought it wouldnt be so obvious

The guy on far right or the 3rd from the right, same row.

2nd from left

Kid on the front

Green shirt