Eating meat in 1999+19

>Eating meat in 1999+19

I realized that the only meat I have in my diet is chicken breast. I'm not willing to get rid of eggs and dairy just yet. But what can replace something as lean and high protein as chicken breast?

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maybe chicken..... pussy!

Shoo shoo
Vegans have small brains
Shoo shoo

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Make space in your diet for fats, they are highly important too. Vitamin absorbtion, brain function etc.
With that in mind, add in oily fish, a steak or beef once a week or so etc
The less restrictive a diet is, the more sustainable it is.
Eat a large colour palate and enjoy it.
Eat whole foods, the less processed the better, but don't develop orthorexia

>"lean protein is healthy" meme
>in "muh current year"
KYS retard.

>Not eating the thing almost every animal eats that is not only full of protein and fats, but is also delicious
yes goy very good eat lots of flowers so you never get big and strong

meat is a superfood
I ditched the chicken and eat fillet mignon or sirloin steak most of the time, so it's always lunch and dinner composed of either fish or meat, always alternating

>But what can replace something as lean and high protein as chicken breast?
Google "Scooby faux meatloaf"

Not an expert but black beans, or any beans are high in protein. Quinoa is a good high protein food as well, replace rice with it. Peas are very high in protein too. Mycoprotein such as quorn is useful if you want to replace meat. You might end up being deficient in BCAAs eating meat so might be an idea to supplement if it's not in your protein shake. Everything is low in fat and generally high in fibre so even if you're a meatcuck such foods are beneficial in addition to your estrogen and drug filled chicken

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Fugged up
>You might end up deficient in bcaas not eating meat

Lentils. 18g protein per cup and also PACKED with micronutrients, minerals and fiber.

pussy and vaginal fluid is literally an animal product tho

Generally avoid shilling, but check this out:

Eat 500 grams of this for 2000 kcal of optimally rationed macro- and micronutrients. Then eat anything you want on top of that for the rest of your daily calorie intake [hyperbole]. Supplement with MCT oil/caprylic acid if you're concerned about PUFA levels.

Makes being a vegan hella easy

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Pea protein supplementation is the lazy man's solution. Otherwise you will just have to eat a lot more and start incorporating cardio on your off days so those extra carbs have something to do every day. I swim.

If anything could replace it wouldn't be the ultimate bodybuilder food. You're not even fully vegan yet and you're already going full retard.

Black beans being high in protein is a vegan meme

The superior pulse is the CHAD LENTIL

> 1:1 protein:carb ratio
> cheaper than beans
> no need to pre-soak, just boil em up
> hella micronutrients

Stay small then soiboi.

daily vegan shilling thread

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lentils are based BrOS

>eat pussy
No thanks, I'm not a submissive faggot.
>it's vegan
HAHAHAHAHAHHA even more of a reason not to

Why do I love this look? It screams mentally ill + daddy issues.

>he thinks veganism is jewish propaganda

it's the complete opposite you fucking retard. meat has its place in the human diet purely because it is the most efficient source of energy/calories. humans ARE true omnivores, but the amount of meat consumed by people in civilized countries today is unhealthy, though you'll never hear about it in the mainstream because if the demand for meat suddenly dropped the economy would suffer and abraham goldstein's pockets would be lighter.

>Eat pussy, it's vegan
>Dick is meat
>Male vegans are soyo-boyo's who eat pussy but don't get their dicks sucked

There was a thread a while back about the Templar Diet and it's pretty neat actually. They ate no meat on tuesdays, thursday and saturday (they instead ate a lot of cheese and vegetable potage), fish on fridays (they're Catholic after all, plus it gets you that sweet Omega-3) and meat on monday, wednesday and sunday. Considering the health risks red meat has with it, you could adapt that diet to the modern day by only having red meat on sunday (it's a special day after all, you fucking degenerate). It means cutting back on meat without going vegetarian and at the same time ensuring you get enough fish in your diet.

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You're making the animal suffer in the procces? you're killing it?
Ya it's vegan.

The more I read and learn about the Catholics the more I like them. I wonder what the workout regimen was like for Templars

pic related. i was like you user until i realized that theres so much garbage in eggs and dairy i had to stop eating them. pic related is where I get all my protein. its probably not great to eat several servings of protein powder a day but o well.

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why not just say in 2018?

Only meat I have is some fish twice a week. Chickpeas are my shit for most meals.

>garbage in eggs and dairy
>garbage in eggs
Elaborate, I know dairy is shit, but eggs? C'mon... Is this a problem for a norwegian? We can literally eat raw eggs because no salmonella over here

>pussies are vegan

It checks out

>I know dairy is shit, but eggs? C'mon
Biggest source of dietary cholesterol outside of eating brains

>inb4 egg shill claims dietary cholesterol is inert with no evidence

>muh dietary cholestrol
yeah nah ok, you're retarded

hormones in the chicken and passes on to the eggs (among other things i cant remember). unless you are buying the eggs directly from the farmer.

Nice momsci

Ever wonder why pregnant woman don't consume alcohol? Same story, what is part of the mother is part of its offspring.

>in b4 some shitty chicken or egg joke

>Ever wonder why pregnant woman don't consume alcohol?

Because they don't want to give their children FAS you mom-science retardo.

>be retarded
>call others retarded

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Please kill yourself shill.

Literally never heard of any vegan lifter eating this shit. Just eat beans, lentils, and the cheapest brown rice protein powder you can buy online.

>Take people who already eat eggs and a shit diet in general
>Feed them eggs
>Their cholesterol doesn't go up

Vegans BTFO

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>posts data from 1959
Holy shit, we're hitting a level of retarded never observed before!
Whats your opinion on Uranium powder supplements?
Or bloodletting? The village witch reccomends it alot!

Go to cronometer and punch in a large egg and look at the sat fat and cholesterol. Then look at the dismal amount of nutrition relative to literally any other plant based sources. Can't even come close to hitting rda's for any vitamin or mineral.
open wide bb i feed you

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Diatery cholestrol is not the same as blood cholestrol you retarded mongs

I know you won't watch this, but you should