Pull Ups

The Chad Exercise!

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Muscle-up is Chad. Everyone sub 20% bf can do a pull-up

I can bet you that guy isn't able to do a pull up with that girl hanging there.

I wonder if you could have sex like this.

I'll consider myself fit enought once i can do a pull up with a qt.
Currently only 30kg added but lolis are illegal

The dude is 5 foot tall lmao. If the ladder on the right is 12 inches x 12 inches it makes him around 5 foot tall.

TFW I had chad like strength but still am beta


Haven't been to the gym in a year. Feels okay man.

He can fuck her though. What's your excuse?

> chinups

you do realize that his feet are curled right?

>What is reps to failure
>Shills for a cool trick as "Chad exercise"

he can't, she's paid to be there, that guy is just a random dyel they found in the park

His feet will be at that first bar and his head will be at the 6. There is 5 feet between those two bars




Our resident gym giga chad does weird muscle ups where he spins his body 360 degrees while up there without changing grip, it is really insane seeing him do this super slow and controlled as he is 200-210 shredded. His shoulder mobility and the fact his hair doesn't even move throughout are amazing. Truly I am blessed to have lived on the shoulders of giants.

>tfw up to 2 pl8 for one clean rep
>anorexic chicks are on the menu


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>spins his body 360 degrees while up there without changing grip

someone draw this exercise

Fuck off my board nigger

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would do them but theres nothing that i can do them on.

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is this loss?

why go to a gym and do body weight exercises?
>to show off
oh. ok.

That guy has no tension is his shoulders, literally just hanging there. Best way to fuck your shit up doing pull ups is to start like that.

way back I went to a gym where I guy would come, put a yoga mat down in the middle of the weight room and do poses for an hour

Literally never saw him touch a weight or machine,

my current gym some dude brings some wooden sticks and a paddle and does karate katas in the middle of the turf, same deal, never see him actually use equipment

>tfw still using the weight assist

In fairness, not everybody has a chinup bar or a good place to mount one. I use the bar at my climbing gym becase there is one.

fucking 5 minute kek

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best board

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what meakes you think he only does bw?
implementing bw exrcises in you weights routine is a good idea you should try it

>tfw can do dips and pull ups but not a muscle up

What do I need?


Put me in the screencap

>dislocating both of your shoulders to get a bj
no pain no gain

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>not being able to rotate your shoulders 360
>not being able to pop joins in and out at will
Not a chad I see

I imagined it more like this



Not impressive and as the video shows, leads to injury.

Does that make push-ups the Virgin routine?

'Twould seem so, lad.

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What the fuck Rolan. Get back at it and reclaim your gains.

oh lord help us

I'm good. Trying to motivate myself to picking up cardio and stretching to correct my posture starting next month but I was supposed to start this month. Surely I'll start though

Explosive power, chest to bar pull ups, false grip and being able to straight bar dip. It’s different than parallel. Use momentum and kipping because there’s no chance in hell you’ll be able to do it strict at first.

>what you think is a pullup vs what is actually a pullup
if you're not doing the scapular portion of the lift you are basically doing cardio

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How do I keep spaghetti from falling out of my pockets when I do a pull up

>his pockets don't have zippers

You are still hitting your biceps though without scapular retraction

Is there a bigger gym cope than when someone is clearly strong and all you can hurrdurr about is urrrrr he's doing chinups not pullups durrrr.

>if you don't do x in a lift then it doesn't count because instead of muscles it just uses fucking magic to do the work

Look I get that it may not be 100% the most optimal way, but I do know that fags like you are 100% autistic.


>Everyone sub 20% bf can do a pull-up
You are a sub 20 IQ brainlet.

100% autistic? maybe, but also 101% correct.
worse than quarter squatting imo

>uses a muscle through its full range of motion
>worse than not doing so

Yeah dude you're also fucking retarded.

Idk user, I wonder if you could have sex

stay mad faggot and keep telling yourself you're a big boy with your half reps


This is pretty much mandatory watching for pullups.


>Reps to failure
>Not max weight added full range pull-up.
Skinny manlet detected.


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Very informative. The dude in the video was so ripped you could see exactly what muscles were activating when, thanks user

>Doing pull ups for bicep gains
user, come on now

virgin try hard

Low effort Chad


Yes it is user, but don't tell anybody. Let the plebs have their fun.

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>That black guy on Jow Forums between sets

Lol I've doing the wrong, how do you move in the dead hang?

He's just showing the dead hang part to emphasize the muscles used when you leave deadhang. You don't actually need to move 2 inches first, and then do the pullup. It's still one motion, just go to deadhang, and keep your scapula tight.

>just shy of lmao5pl8 deadlift
>still can only do 8 pullups

Should you release the tension between reps or just keep it?

so is this wider pull up easier than a regular one 快訊

jesus christ look at this roidfag

going into full dead hang will give you better ROM and contraction of your rhomboids n shit

Damn Chloe lunking hard

Sure every manlet can.

Ring muscle ups are god. Everyone can do a regular muscle up with kipping

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because winter nigger.

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Good job user. Sides have entered orbit