Yelled at by gym staff for OHPing in the squat rack

>yelled at by gym staff for OHPing in the squat rack
Should I find a new gym?

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I was told by gym member to get further from the mirror while I was OHPing yesterday, but that was fair enough.

Yes. I went from going to faggy commercial gym to home gym because they yelled at me for for deadlifting too loud, all lifts drstically increased because I could do more shit in a shorter amount of time.

>Can't even put the plates back down

Pro tip, you can't actually lift it if you need to drop it like a bitch

Pro tip, I deadlift more than you. Also I didn't drop it after completing the rep, gym staff just didn't like hearing the tiniest bit of noise

what are you a lunk or something?

Sure kiddo

>Pro tip, you can't actually lift it if you need to drop it like a bitch
Just try and snatch/clean & jerk any significant weight without dumping it.

hang on a second, people use the OHP rack for squats?

I squat and OHP the same amount, so it totally makes sense for me to just do both right there.

post legs

>I squat and OHP the same amount

is this a really shit gym already? Is there one with a better location and equipment/facilities? if so then you should leave. People will meme on you for using the squat rack to OHP but it's actually fine, the gym staff have no right to tell you to not use the rack if you paid you're entrance

>tiniest bit of noise

face it, you were making a loud thud and thought it was nothing because you had your headphones on. It happens to all deadlifters
I don't mind people making noise in the gym but stop lying

Lmao what

It's ok to OHP in the rack when nobody wants to use it r-right guys?

I-I'm not the only one..

You're right I'm sorry, how can I repent for my sins?

Where else could you do it then?


don't fucking OHP in the squat rack, it's not a meme. You make fun of people for curling in the squat rack, why the fuck do you think its okay to OHP in it? If you don't NEED the rack for your lift, DON'T DO IT IN THE RACK. If you OHP/curl in the squat rack and they're limited during peak hours when there is space to do it off the floor you're a fucking faggot

>"Don't OHP in the rack just do it from the floor"
t. sub-135 pound OHP'er

Now, what if there is no one in the gym and I need to ohp 165lbs and I don't want to clean it?

Nope! Sorry! with his 95 pound push press has spoken. :)

Just clean it. Your clean should be miles ahead of your OHP so there’s no excuse.

>"Just clean it"
Well, sweetie, some of us can press more than a ten on each side :)

make more noise, duh

this dude legit thinks anything he can OHP is "hard" to clean

Got news for you, any average dude who does his compounds for 6 months can clean 135 without ANY specific training easily. I honestly feel bad for you if you struggle at all to clean even up to 185 lb. That's embarrassingly bad. Your whole body can't generate enough explosive strength to even lift your bodyweight? Jesus christ

I OHP 145 but if needed I could clean that easily. I could clean that without even using hip extension, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>"I OHP 145"
KEK there it is
Of course I can clean that, I'd just rather not if my back is sore from DL or something
>you shouldn't use the squat rack, some fucking faggot might want to do his 315 half-squats in it

Ok I COULD clean 185. I asked you, what if I don't WANT to you cock sucking herpes ridden cock jockey?

>implying everyone learns to clean correctly

you are going to have a bunch of people in the gym learning how to do it with just the barbell. Now you are out of barbells due to your illogical reasoning. Either realize its called peak hours for a reason or just go at 10pm.

lmao im not the faggot that got yelled at for hogging the squat rack for something that doesn't even require it. How much of a faggot do you actually have to be to try to curl in the squat rack at 7 PM on a monday? That's what you're doing with your OHP. Either concede you can't OHP in the squat rack or shut the fuck up, don't even try to argue that it's a reasonably use of the rack. Dudes who want to squat will always have priority over you, they literally can't squat outside of the rack, you can easily OHP outside of the rack but you're just a fat virgin faggot who gets winded trying to clean his bodyweight for 1 rep

>you can easily OHP outside of the rack

so what about all the deadlifters? Commercial gyms dont always have a spot for deadlifters and if they do, it usually only has 1 barbell for it. They can't deadlift at the squat rack/bench area?

You OHP 145 and you're trying to give advice
This is all I will say

If you're alpha enough people will be far too intimidated to yell at you for doing things like that.

So if there is no one in the gym like I said before, who needs to use the rack? Since there are five of them in the gym and I decide I don't want to clean 185 lbs because some faggot on a Mongolian throat singing basket weaving image trading forum told me not to I will not do so. Thanks again you humongous cock holster, thanks to you on off peak gym hours I will not use the equipment I paid to use and not save my energy for strict press and instead clean and then push press like a huge fucking faggot so I can be JUST like you. Keep doing the right thing user, maybe posting like a chin strap mitten wearing tard on this amateur porn collecting forum will someday stop you from being such a huge cunt.

Lol maybe if you train like him you can OHP 145 someday

post body

you dont even have to be alpha. The people screaming are just autistic. They would even scream about it if people were using it to squat. Its just the fact they can't use the rack themselves is whats got them all fucked up. I could understand someone using the rack for an hour and not letting anyone else work in but the rack is going to be open in like 10-15 minutes.

Lol okay faglord
Your turn

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Lookin thick, solid, tight.

Thanks desu


Want more? Lmfao you’re a tard, let’s see what you look like Mr. 145 OHP

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lol I have to find my silkies now to fuck around in the house. Thanks for reminding me about them user. This faggot won't post body, I'm done with this thread.
Hey faggot with your no ohp in the rack thread, get fucked you pussy.

u not even shreddies cunt stop posting

looking solid m8

Comfy as fuck mate
>bigger than you
>stronger than you
>leaner than you
“Guhhhh buhhhhh u not lean uhhhhhhhhh”

>roiding for this

I've never OHPed anywhere but the squat rack. No one has ever complained.

Maybe it's cuz reppin out 185x5 intimidates everyone B-/

no one actually cares. Its just the autistic kids here on Jow Forums that actually have problems.

>hurdurr i dedlift moar than u

Calm your tits little bitch

>thinking I’m on roids

Post body or shut the fuck up homo, you’re probably the same faggot that’s trying to brag about his 145 OHP

>they never learn do they

dude are you like 5'3? That's so fucking sad, my condolences

Clean the weight?

fucking based

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>Squat rack

I'm speechless, you need a fucking squat rack to pick a fucking barbell from the floor? How can you even do that?

It's official, the right can't meme

I was wondering this too.
Maybe they mean a romanian deadlift?

Yes I am

holy fuck this is the most pathetic post ive ever seen. i know you saw this dudes post mentioning his height in that other thread and now youre claiming like you some how deduced it to one up him or whatevers going on in ur wierdo brain

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the meme you are referencing came from right wingers retard

I don't do clean at all. Why should I start a totally new compound lift just so I can ohp """"properly"""". This is why I don't go on fit anymore you guys are so uppity

Keep in mind the guy who said you shouldn't use a squat rack and just clean the weight has a max OHP of 145 hahahaha

it's not "proper" retardo, just don't OHP in the squat rack during peak gym hours. Is that too much for your autism brain to compute?


post height

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What gyms do you guys go to where they pull this crap on you? Golds gym? 25 hour fitness? Planet fitness? I go to a small mom and pop gym and the staff mind there own business except for this one lady that for some reason thinks its ok to call me by my name

5"6 if i wear Alphadestiny's special lifted shoes kek

I also have this problem

Ive never been one to make fun of a persons height and im not gonna start now

Stop responding to me you ugly ass dwarf. You're literally 5'3 I'd bend down and smack the shit out of you irl. You will NEVER look good, my girl mogs you, shit genetics midget

Is this an actual issue you have? I've never heard of this

>talks shit
>won't post body
Hmmmmm I wonder why that could be...

I shrug in the squat rack, but im repping 3 plates for sets of 10. Most people dont care

tbqh famalam being 5'3 is bad. but pulling the "post body" card and then not reciprocating results in you getting mogged by default.

>t. Sub 600 deadlifter

>but pulling the "post body" card


I don't even mind being this short, it's a giant meme

Snoop doggy dog told me to drop it like its hot

lol mate you just got mogged by a literal dwarf

Between your traps and lats you got a str8 turtle shell m8

Well, like my gym, the platform and rack is one connected piece of equipment. If two guys were to get on it at the same time, then when the squatter hip drives, his penis would go directly into the rectum of the guy doing deadlifts.

Ask me how I know.

Thanks, I think

Lol when i started i somehow deadlifted less than my ohp no clue how

That's nearly impressive

Its not a card. Your opinion is meaningless without proof you've put in the work

>He uses the SAME BAR for OHP and squats

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>Well, sweetie, some of us can press more than a ten on each side :
>this bitch can't even clean 2pl8.

Imagine being this weak. I bet your neck and calves are smaller than your arms too.

>doesn’t understand the difference between OHP and clean/press

man why are left wing memes so bad?

How were you not destroying your hands, how short are you?

Me too, today I OHP 50kg which is my squat (ATG). Help me

Thank you Mr. Skeleton.

I improved my deadlift form by cleaning the meagre weight I do for OHP. It was raining and my cage is outside, so I had to OHP inside.

Maybe find your balls, pussy
>letting someone yell at you like a child

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>OHP in the squat rack

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