Obsessed with this girl, she's perfect

>obsessed with this girl, she's perfect
>day by day, i'm tearing myself to pieces because we fell out of touch
>start picking at my face, acne everywhere
>stop drinking 2L of water everyday
>sleep pattern back in a mess
>haven't exercised at all in eons
>don't want to eat
>constantly listening to depressing music
>broke my 2week nofap streak
>can't face myself in the mirror
>diet is an abomination

Why is it so difficult to sort your life out? Why the fuck does this happen? How the fuck do you guys "get back on the cart"?

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I don't usually like these threads, but your OP is my current situation to a T. I think fixing sleep and water consumption are the best things to start with, makes everything else easier. Tell yourself daily that better things are on the way

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Get your ass to the gym

Thanks user, I appreciate the uplifting encouragement, the fact that I can't express the feeling I have to this girl is just eating me up inside, and I've really fallen from the top here, I'm trying to start working on just daily things I need to improve, and maybe she'll notice me again.

I Barely want to wake up of a morning, I can't even exercise at home for 30mins, let alone gym. I've relapsed in every way possible and I just wanna an hero

Repeat after me.

1. There is no such thing as perfect.

2. There will be others.

look at this

I'm reading it now, thank you user. I just hope she ends up wanting me as much as I want her, I know she's not perfect but she's damn close to it.

Best of luck to you user!

Sure thing OP, I know things get dark sometimes and we want to hide in our vices, but sometimes we have to go through the darkness to find the light. Work on these daily things for yourself as well, and laugh at my stupid situation
>be me
>date oneitis for 2 years
>literally overnight turns into turbo-slut
>completely loses all feelings for me
>reconnect with qt I knew liked me in high school
>she's... Grown quite a bit
>good Christian girl, virgin, going to grad school
>hook up with her for 2 years
>never make anything deeper of it b/c baggage
>last week
>convinces me we should date
>think of ex oneitis and tell her Saturday I'm not comfortable with us being official
>mfw yesterday I realize how retarded I was
>"that was the last straw user, you lost your chance"
Broke my nofap, hit the bottle, and got no sleep last night
But it's okay, these things happen and it doesn't help to wallow in the additional misery of being angry at yourself
Forgive yourself, OP
Restore the good habits
Better things are coming.

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idk how u faggots fall for these bitches. after a week i get bored of them. all females are the same boring bitches

You cant controle the events that happen to you but you can control your thoughts. Obsessions are terrible. This girl should be an optionnal side mission to your main mission of living a full life. Its hard but possible to do. You’ve already identify the problem. We’re all gonna make it brother.

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why are women so important to some people on this board

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You can't be at the top all the time, from time to time you need to be down. Don't worry, you'll go up again

Not everyone is gay

Dude go apologise and do some sappy lovy shit or you'll regret this for the rest of your life. Go

Relationships are important to me because I eventually want to have chad successors. Need to find a worthy woman for that.
t. gutsposter
I'm working on it, she's not unreasonable

not everyone is an animal who thinks that the most important thing in life is having as much sex as possible

Stop being a pussy and move on faggot. Seriously grow some balls. Your ancestors fought animals to survive and you're being a faggot over a bitch.

Come home friend, we'll help you when you're down. You got this bro, we all gonna make it.

If you can't climb out of the hole, dig your way through to the other side. Man the fuck up.

Nigga don't throw it away like that, you had something good going